God-level Punishment System

Chapter 951: Made in China

Lianbo deserves to be the one who was recruited by Bai Jingyu and left behind.

It’s just a slight turn of your mind to understand,

"My lord, you want to let them know that you have bought a large batch of Level 4 elixir."

Seeing that Lian Bu had specially increased the tone of the four-level elixir, Ling Zhi smiled in satisfaction.

"Strange, Brother Bai is such a straightforward person, how could he leave you alone under his hands."

Ling Zhi smiled.


Lin Bu touched his head and smiled,

"My lord, there are always things that require a different person to do it, do it, are you?"

Lexus waved his hands outward,

"Okay, go and help me get this done.

All the elixir, no matter what price you buy, you only need to report to me at the market price, and the extra part will be treated as my reward. "

"Thank you, thank you sir."

Even Bu hesitated, and then thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

One hundred thousand spirit stones, how many things can you buy? Lian Bu believes that with his social circle, this trip can save nearly 10% of the spirit stone.

That was a total of 10,000 spiritual stones. Originally, he was still wondering whether he wanted to extract some meagre spiritual stones for his own cultivation.

It turns out that the young man in front of him simply doesn't look down on this panacea.

It was not until Lianbu left that Ling Zhifang fell silent and began to quietly examine his current situation.

Bai Jingyu's injuries, the Ding family of the medium-sized family, the unique situation of Yanwei Island, the identity of the alchemy master, etc.

In this short period of time, everything changed almost instantaneously.

Although he is powerful, he is only powerful in his physical realm. In a medium-sized family who has an artistic realm, he must be extremely minded on Yanwei Island.

Now it is no better than in the Fallen Leaf Sect. If he provokes those with strong artistic conceptions, he can only resist.

You must act with extreme care and caution.

"Bai Jingyu's injury, with the support of the soul-returning pill, should be able to remain unharmed for six months to one year.

But after all, he is a martial artist of the nine-level realm, and he is only half a step away before he can begin to condense the soul body.

Such dragging is an invisible injury after all. "

"But refining the Nine Ranks Soul Renewal Pill requires the level of a fifth-level alchemist. I have just broken through to a fourth-level alchemist. The fastest. It is estimated that it will take a few months. If it goes well, I can start breaking through to the next level .

First secretly search for the place where Yanwei Dongfu is located, and make some preparations earlier. "

"As long as my identity as a master alchemy master is released, it will definitely attract the attention of some disturbances and forces. Then I will find a way to explore the crystal of the ocean, or some news about that incident five years ago."

Ling Zhi sat there, quietly, and went through the incident in his head.

Sometimes, a warrior has to be aggressive, and it's not good to look at the head and tail, but sometimes, thinking twice is the most correct choice.

"And this thing!"

Ling Zhi gave a low cry, flipped his hand and took out the soul whip from the ring.

This is the weapon he obtained from Ding Fei. This thing is really strange. Because of this thing, Bai Jingyu has no power to fight back in front of Ding Fei.

After Ling Zhi got it, he had searched the dragon soul memory for some time, but he didn't get any memory about it.

I don't know if it is caused by the incomplete memory of the Dragon Soul, or because this thing is too strange.

"It's not a weapon, it's not a Horcrux, but it's a weapon that can attack the spirit power of a martial artist. What is it?"

Ling Zhi took out the soul whip and carefully observed and explored.

The soul whip is now only available in the eighth quarter, and the ninth quarter can still be used, that is, the soul whip can only be used six times.

Thinking that Ding Fei wasted four opportunities at the last moment, Lexus felt inexplicably distressed.

He is not afraid of others attacking his spirit power, but it does not mean that others are not afraid. If next time he encounters a strong mood attacking himself, he takes advantage of it and suddenly draws a whip. If he wants to come, the effect will be great.

This is simply a big killer between the vertical and horizontal form and the artistic conception.

Lexus could almost predict that Ding Chengyang, the former head of the Ding family, felt distressed and furious after learning about this incident.

Turning the soul whip in his hand, Ling Zhi carefully observed it.

Some unique lines climbed on the dark whip like a spider web and were engraved on it. Ling Zhi didn't understand the spirit array, so even the direction of these lines could not be distinguished.

Staring at the soul whip for a while, Ling Zhi's eyes suddenly shrunk, and he stretched out his hand to touch the soul whip in surprise.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed the place where he was holding the whip. Here, there are also some lines, but these lines are not intertwined with the lines on the whip.

After lowering his head and identifying it carefully for a long time, Ling Zhi even took a cup of tea from the table, dipped his finger in the water, and drew it on the table according to the pattern.

The lines are not obvious on the dark whip.

Ling Zhi sketched it for a while before rubbing it down.

When he moved his gaze away from the soul whip and placed it on a pattern he drew, Ling Zhi was dumbfounded.

Because there is still a pattern, this is clearly two characters, one of which is in the shape of an oracle bone inscription,





In the ancient Zhou Dynasty, the word refers to China, but later there are also written records that tame


Refers to a person in China.

Although he didn't know another word, Lexus just happened to recognize this word.

Just because of the girl he had a crush on in high school, there is one in his name


The character, young man, naturally understood this character thoroughly.

But I don't want to, it will flood at this time.

"After half a while, this soul whip is actually made in China?"

Ling Zhi was stunned again, not closing his mouth.

Who would have thought that this weird weapon was actually made by the Chinese.

I just don't know which god-man who has crossed to the reincarnation star.

"Liuyezong, Leicheng, boundless sea.

I went to the most remote places. Instead, it was the grand occasion that the various planets passed through. The center of Xuanzhou has never been seen. "

Thinking of this, Ling Zhi said somewhat depressed.

Ling Zhi put the soul whip on the table,

"In the ancient Chinese biography, there is also a god-level weapon, called the sacred whip, which is obtained by Jiang Ziya in the list of sacred gods.

This thing will not be the power of a certain ancestor, refer to the magic whip, imitate the copy of the magic whip, right? "

In the Chinese biography of the whip, it occupies a considerable position, and no one can ignore it.

In the same way, soul power can also be called divine consciousness, divine soul, soul whip, and to some extent, it can also be called divine whip.

"Could it really be impossible?"

Rubbing this soul whip with limited use times, Ling Zhi smiled.

"Yes, this is made in China!"

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