God-level Punishment System

Chapter 946: Hanging Bai Jingyu

"Die, die, no matter how powerful it is, it's not dead."

Ding Fei's cry.

No one, no warrior with soul power, would ignore the damage of soul whip.

Especially the physical martial artist who can't mobilize soul power to defend.

However, in front of Ding Fei, in his eyes, this young man with a chill and murderous intent, did not dodge or avoid, just holding the ink sword and rushing towards him.

As if he hadn't seen the soul whip at all.

"You thought I was the same as before, I would let you fail!"

Ding Fei felt a deep insult, and no one dared to despise them so much when the Ding family took out the soul whip.

Ling Zhi bowed his head slightly, and gave Bai Jingyu a worried look.

At this moment, Bai Jingyu had a weak breath, his body was shaking very badly, and his state was very bad.

The soul whip attacked from the air and hit Lexus first.

Not waiting for Ding Fei to show any triumphant expression, Ling Zhi just stiffened and continued to rush over.

Ling Zhi's eyes were clear, and he glanced at the soul whip in Ding Fei's hand.

"So that's it,"

He showed a clear look, and finally understood why Bai Jingyu could not resist Ding Fei. This was the first time he encountered a weapon that could attack the soul power of a person.

You know, the body is outside, the soul power of the martial artist in the physical state is in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the soul power of the martial artist in the artistic state is condensed into the body, in the Shenting acupoint.

It seems that the sea of ​​consciousness and the Shenting acupoint are as wide as the starry sky, but in fact they are just the mystery of the human body. From the outside, they are just two acupuncture points of the human body. Except for the same soul power, other powers should not have the sea of ​​consciousness and the Shenting acupoint. The effect of attacking the martial artist's spirit power is right.

What's more, this is just a physical weapon.

The condensed and condensed level of Ling Zhi's soul body is definitely not Ding Fei's imaginable, let alone the shadow town under his soul body at this moment."

The word monument sits in town.

Ling Zhi could clearly feel that there was an inexplicable force, and his own sea of ​​consciousness, as if he had spirituality, was very flexible, and went straight to his soul.

It is fast, flexible, and does not require warrior control.

Such an attack is indeed very tricky.



The word tablet just shook slightly, and this force completely dissipated, and even the side of Ling Zhi's soul body was not touched.

While the soul sits


The word tablet and his eyes didn't open, just sitting quietly, and with the spread of time, the colorful droplets surrounding the soul body, bit by bit, merged into the soul body.

Make the soul body more powerful.

Ding Fei looked at Lexus incredulously.

"Impossible, impossible, even if you are a strong artistic conception, it is impossible for you to be unresponsive!"

Ling Zhi glanced at him coldly, but said nothing. At this moment, the ink sword in his hand was only a few feet away from Ding Fei.


Ding Fei went mad, and suddenly the soul whip in his hand, holding the soul whip in this short period of time, made four consecutive blows.

Four consecutive cracking sounds spread through the soul whip, not only in the sixth quarter, but also in the seventh quarter, but also completely cracked.

However, he did not achieve any results.

Ling Zhi just rushed forward and sneered, teasing:

"If you don't like this stuff, then don't use it anymore. I think it's not bad. It's quite novel. Although it doesn't seem to be of much use, you can save a little bit and leave it to me for fun?"

For anyone, even someone with a strong artistic conception, under Ding Fei's kind, I am afraid that he will be injured.

But for Lexus, the faster he attacked, instead he just let


The word stele vibrates directly once, which makes it easier to disperse all attacks.


The ink sword was so sharp, Ding Fei only paused for a while, and Ling Zhi sent the ink sword into his body.

"You know, anyone who hurts my friend will die."

Ling Zhi whispered, 90% had already recovered.

With his strength, he drove the ink sword and exerted force fiercely.

Power exploded in Ding Fei's body through the sword body, and then directly shattered Ding Fei's body into several pieces.

The young Patriarch of the Ding family is dead.

"Go and solve the remaining choppy, and hand your master to me."

Ling Zhi stopped several of Bai Jingyu's men who rushed over.

These people have been fighting with some warriors who rushed to this ship before.

The few people looked at each other, Qi Qi bowed their heads respectfully towards Ling Zhi, and then rushed towards the opposite ship savagely.

"Brother Bai?"

Lexus whispered.

"Brother Ling,"

Bai Jingyu smiled weakly.

"It's a pity, it's rare to meet a real friend who convinces me Bai Jingyu, I have to separate before I can get along."

"I, Bai Jingyu, can make friends like Brother Ling at the end. I am satisfied and die without regret."

Suffering two consecutive attacks from the soul whip, and another forcible attack, Bai Jingyu's spirit power was almost dimmed to the extreme, and his breath was intermittent. Every time he coughed, he would bring out a lot of blood.

Ling Zhi was shocked. This was the first time he faced the scene of his friend's death.

It was the first time that I faced the words of my friend.

I always saw such scenes in those movies in the past, and I would sigh every time, and sometimes I would spit out, and I would die when I die, no one would have to say something before he died.

Until now, when he personally experienced this, Ling Zhi only understood what kind of helplessness and anger this was.

He hated and hated why he had to use three fingers, which caused his weakness, why he couldn't recover sooner, and he couldn't stop this soul-powered heavy injury earlier. He didn't have any perfect solution for a while.

He could only take out all the fourth-grade spirit pills on his body, return the soul pills, and stuff them into Bai Jingyu's mouth.

These soul-returning pills are used by the mood to supplement the soul power. Although they can't repair the soul power, they can also make Bai Jingyu's remaining soul power more vigorous.

Each soul-recovering pill is not something that an ordinary four-level alchemist can refine, and one can imagine how difficult it is to find one pill.

And Ling Zhi didn't care about this at all, he directly stuffed all the soul-recovering pills on his body into Bai Jingyu's mouth, and mobilized his spiritual power to help him evacuate the power of the spiritual pills.

Bai Jingyu's face also began to gradually show some ruddy,

"Brother Ling, you... how come there are so many soul-recovering pills?"

There was also a hint of expectation and surprise in his eyes.

He does not regret dying for his friend, but he still has a lot to do, and he does not want to die.

In half an hour, Ling Zhi gave Bai Jingyu twenty-four soul-returning pills. These medicinal effects were scattered in his sea of ​​consciousness. There would be no problem with Bai Jingyu's last soul power, and Bai Jingyu's life was also hanging.

This is not a long-term solution, but at least, before the effect of the soul-returning pill expires, Bai Jingyu, there will be nothing to be delayed.

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