Even if there was no dispute between Lexus and the others, when they opened the door, the road in front was still covered with blood.

There is so much blood, there is almost no place to set foot.

Changes in power, annexation, naturally something that will shed blood.

Those who are stubborn, unwilling to give in, heartfelt, etc., are naturally to be killed, to be wasteful, no one dares to pretend to be good people, and they will not pretend to be good people, leaving these people, like a throat.

Looking at the entire Leicheng, Xinfenggu dared to be second, and no one dared to be the first.

"Master Banquet, why are you so excited?"

Zhang Yi was posing for a body training posture, watching Yan Ji spinning around him, with a look of joy, couldn't help asking.

The banquet season grabbed Zhang Yi,

"Do you know, do you know, Master Ling has already practiced a night's pill in it."

"Uh... Of course I know, I'm not blind, and again, such a strong smell of pill."

Zhang Yi puzzled.

"No, no, no, the flavor of this pill has changed, changed."

The old tears of excitement in the banquet season screamed,

"Ah, such a young fourth-level alchemist, such a fast promotion speed, unheard of, unseen!"

"Master Banquet Season, who has become a fourth-level alchemist again?"

At this moment, a woman stepped in.

"Dong, Master Dong Gu!"

Qin Binglan exclaimed, excitedly.

Dong Lianhan gave her a smile and teased.

"It's no wonder that Ling Zhi looks down on those female disciples in my valley. It turns out that it is Jinwu Cangjiao, who has such a good one in his hand."


Ling Zhi pushed the door and walked out.

His eyes were a little tired, but they were also full of joy.

His cultivation level is short, and if there is no opportunity, he has nothing to expect to make a quick breakthrough. He has tasted the sweetness of alchemy, so he naturally seized the time and buried himself in the alchemy, Zheng father Ling was still waiting for him, he didn’t have that much. Leisure time!

"It's not you, right?"

Dong Lianhan gave him a weird look. As soon as he heard that there was a fourth-level alchemist, Ling Zhi walked out with the smell of elixir, which made people wonder.

After Dong Lianhan cocked his head and looked for Ling Zhi behind him.

"Is there a master here, Junior Brother, please come out and introduce to Senior Sister, and get to know him.

My Xinfeng Valley now has no shortage of elixir and spirit stones, and there is no shortage of an alchemy master! "

As soon as Dong Lianhan said this, the courtyard suddenly fell silent. Qin Binglan and others had weird expressions, squeezing a smile, and trembling all over.

"Senior Sister, this alchemy master, can't it be your brother and me?"

Ling Zhi touched his nose and said uncomfortably.

"Impossible, you are already cultivating so fast, how can you still use one mind and two things, is it given to you by the sect?"

Dong Lianhan did not believe.

Looking at her speechlessly, Lexus simply turned his head and ignored him, and threw a note to the banquet season.

"Although I probably guessed something before, I haven't experienced it after all. After you waited here for so many days, I can finally give you an explanation."

Lexus clapped his hands,

"According to what you have written above, try again. Refining a fourth-level pill, there should be no problem."

The banquet season excitedly took this crumpled paper, as if holding the most precious thing.

"Thank you, Master Xie Ling, there is nothing to report for the banquet season."

Then, Yan Ji suddenly bent his knees, and fell on his knees with such a plop.


There was a loud bang on his forehead and the ground, and he bowed down to Ling Zhi with a sincere expression and bowed from the bottom of his heart.

Ling Zhi opened his mouth and did not stop him. He quietly watched the ceremony of apprenticeship in Yanji.

Alchemists are the most important school. He can understand that the excitement in his heart at the moment of the banquet season, becoming an alchemist is probably already the vast majority of alchemists, the ultimate pursuit of his life.

Qin Binglan and the others stood aside and watched. They were not surprised, it seemed that no matter what happened to Lexus, they were completely immune and would no longer be surprised.

Dong Lianhan bit his lower lip and watched his visit. The Master Banquet, who he wanted to invite, gave his apprenticeship to his junior, with an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

"Hey, Brother Ling, when people see you in the future, do they have to call you a master?"

Zhang Yi laughed.

"Are you happy for me or for yourself? The younger brother of master alchemy?"

Ling Zhi smiled back to him.

Seeing Dong Lianhan’s expression strangely, Ling Zhi didn’t click on it.

"Senior Sister, shouldn't you be so busy at this time? How come you have time to come to me."

Through a deep chat with Dong Lianhan, Ling Zhi only knew what happened last night.

There are no fewer than hundreds of Leicheng family forces, and more than half of them are attached to the city lord’s mansion and the Zhu family.

At the beginning, Xinfeng Valley's sudden move in, aroused fierce resistance, especially Dong Lianhan pointed directly at the core sites of these two families, fighting a quick-handed battle.

But when Dong Lianhan appeared, a white silk flew horizontally and swept lightly, and several people flew out to pieces, and their soul power was shaken slightly, and dozens of them fell.

This battle was over before it started completely.

And half of the blood that has flowed through Leicheng is the diehards ordered to be killed by Dong Lianhan, and the forces who are also looking forward to the return of Zhu He and Sheng Peng.

As for the other half, it has nothing to do with her.

If a family is destroyed, the enemy will be jealous of the cake. Those families have been annexed in Xinfeng Valley. After the two big cakes of the Zhu Family and the City Lord's Mansion, they will naturally not be looked at.

So Dong Lianhan simply let them fight on their own, but it caused even greater bloodshed, but it also caused a complete reshuffle of Leicheng's forces.

What stays behind is naturally stronger. This is a world where the strong is respected. It only talks about fists, not reason!

"Junior Brother, this..."

Dong Lianhan bit his lip embarrassedly.

"I know that not only can I lend it to you during the banquet season, but also this yard can be attributed to your Xinfenggu name, but no one can come in except me and they agree, let alone point fingers.

On the contrary, I want you to keep them airtight! "

Ling Zhi said directly.

Dong Lianhan's eyes lit up, and he naturally nodded without hesitation. Lexus was almost helping her directly. With the snake spirit vine in the yard, she would be the only one who grew up for a while. Be sure to break in.

Let alone others.

"Lexus, are you going to enter the boundless sea now?"

Qin Binglan hugged Xia Ning'er by her side, worried.

They all felt that Ling Zhi's alchemy last night was to prepare for going to sea.

Ling Zhi’s mouth was filled with an inexplicable smile.

"No, it's not now. Before that, I still have one very important thing to do!"

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