God-level Punishment System

Chapter 918: It turned out to be Senior Sister

"Nuo, it's this direction and that direction."

Xia Ning'er thought for a moment, and pointed in two directions.

One direction points directly to the boundless sea, and the other points inland.

"Sister Qin, where does this direction lead?"

Ling Zhi was not familiar with the surroundings of Lei Cheng, frowned and asked.

Qin Binglan took a look.

"This place is to the west of Leicheng. Go outside, like the previous Yunzhizong, in this direction, and Xinfenggu is also in this direction. If you go inland, there will be more power."

"Yun Zhizong?"

Ling Zhi frowned, a little surprised. He vaguely felt that the Crystal of the Sea did not seem to have much to do with this sect.

The woman from Xinfenggu glanced at Ling Zhi suspiciously, and suddenly said,

"In this direction, there is one of the most significant forces."

"Heart Sect?"

Ling Zhi's eyes lit up.

The woman nodded.

"Then there is only one explanation for this direction, boundless sea?"

Ling Zhi pointed in the other direction, surprised.

It never occurred to me that the third crystal of the ocean, which no one could find at the time, was actually taken by the sea beasts of the boundless sea and brought back to the boundless sea. As for the third crystal of the ocean, I didn't even hear anything about the relationship of the third crystal of the ocean.

While reacting, Ling Zhi also felt a headache. The remaining two pieces, one in Xinzong and the other in Boundless Sea, were not simple places.

With his current strength, these two places are the existence of Longtan Tiger Den.

"Ning'er, you are here, listen to what grandpa and sister Qin say, don't go out."

Ling Zhi exhorted, motioned the woman to lead the way and went out.

"Master Dong Gu has returned to Xinfeng Valley?"

After leaving the yard, Ling Zhi followed the woman out of the gate of Leicheng.

The woman's pace is fast, seeming to be in a hurry.

"Well, the valley master returned to the valley last night."

The woman responded.

Listening to this strange name of a valley owner, Ling Zhi smiled.

"You Gu Master Dong is strange. No wonder Xinfeng Valley is not a sect. Although the name has a valley character, it should be called Zongmen, sect master?"

The woman hesitated for a while, as if she was struggling to explain to Ling Zhi, after a long time,

"Forget it, since the owner of the valley has shown you all the nameplates, and if she believes in you, I will tell you."

"In fact, many people will call the Valley Master the Sect Master, and the Valley Master will not specifically correct it, but in Xinfeng Valley, we all call it the Valley Master, because the Valley Master has passed, Xinfeng Valley is not a sect. She will not create a sect."

"Isn't Xinfenggu created by her?"

Ling Zhi was puzzled.

"Xinfeng Valley was indeed created by the owner of the valley, but it was not first proposed by the owner of the valley. She was just to fulfill a certain wish.

She already has a sect. "

The woman explained, no more, she rushed.

Xinfeng Valley is indeed in the valley, but the difference is that its location is actually the part of the canyon between the two huge peaks. The two peaks form an angle, and they will be combined at the rear. A hole was opened between the two peaks, exposing a large open space, which is unique.

Mountains, forests, and seasides are all places with relatively strong spiritual power, so if sect forces choose a base area, they will generally be established accordingly, such as the Fallen Leaf Sect and the Heart Sect.

Before the valley, I first saw a huge stone, but it was not carved with the three characters Xinfenggu, but a sentence, ‘Men and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Ling Zhi touched his nose with an embarrassment on his face. How much does Dong Lianhan hate men? Is such a deep hatred? The woman seemed to have noticed Ling Zhi's embarrassment and chuckled.

"This is for those who come uninvited. You were personally invited by our Valley Master, so naturally you are not included."

"Not in it, where am I not like a man?"

As soon as Ling Zhi's voice changed, he suddenly flashed and rushed to the woman, almost pushing his nose onto hers.

The man's breath of mercy instantly rushed into the woman's face, and the woman blushed, a little coy.

"I, I was wrong, I am, you are a VIP, not here Zheng"

The woman explained hurriedly.

Ling Zhi narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at her dangerously. He didn't believe that such a woman would make a mistake in her words.

"If you dare to provoke me, I can let you know at any time if I am a man."

After that, Lexus strode towards Yanai.

"Senior Sister went out early in the morning. I heard that she was going to Leicheng. I don't know what she is doing. I don't want to ask her."

"Yeah, yeah, are you looking for her?"

"It's possible, oh, I want to find one too."

"Langhuo, my heart was heard by the senior sister, so I have to beat you."

"Just hit it, it's not that you haven't hit it before, look at it, I'm so awkward, envy it, come on, let you touch it."

As soon as I entered the valley, I heard a hum, and a bunch of women's laughter came over.

Ling Zhi had never heard such words before, and he was full of gusto, but the woman followed him and explained with a blushing face.

"There will be no men coming in Yanai all year round, so they are all used to speaking wantonly..."

"I understand, I understand, lack of men."

Ling Zhi showed a look that I understood, and the shy woman was shy again.

It seems that in this respect, she is particularly easy to be shy... through a group of women's eyeliner and discussion, against a group of women's pointers, Ling Zhi followed the woman, and walked to the back of Yanai.

It's quite secluded here, with a thick green bamboo forest, tall and quiet.

When I walked into the bamboo forest, I saw a small house. The whole house was made of bamboo, which was very refreshing.

There were three or two stone benches in front of the door, a stone table, and on one of the stone benches, there was a woman sitting on it.

This is the most beautiful thing that Lexus has ever seen...more than thirty years, not only did not leave a trace on the other party's body, but instead let the other party go down and reveal a mature charm.

, If Qin Binglan is a mature elder sister, then the one in front of him is just married, full of charm, and beautiful.

The opponent's every move is very natural, but it happens to be this natural, but with a different kind.

She is obviously not staring at you, but you just feel that there is a different meaning in this look, which makes your heart surging.

"My brother, it's not easy to invite you to come here.

I have been waiting for you for a long time. "

When Dong Lianhan spoke, Ling Zhi was shocked.

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