God-level Punishment System

Chapter 916: Invitation from Xinfeng Valley

The waves rolled up tens of thousands, and the huge waves rose to great heights.

Ling Zhi was looking straight in that direction, across the endless distance, but maybe it was the refraction of the ocean, maybe the other party's power was too strong, or it was just a mirage, that huge figure actually lowered his eyes slightly.

Looked at Ling Zhi.

It's as if it was so far away, you could see the Lexus in Haixiumen.

At the same time, in a place thousands of miles away, in the attic inside, bursts of chill burst out suddenly that pierced the soul.

It was in the direction of Xinzong, a group of human figures rushed out from everywhere, rushing towards the clusters.

"This is the wave of Ocean Crystal!"

"But how can it erupt spontaneously for no reason?"

"Someone must have used one of the two corresponding pieces. Who is it? Don't you know that the use of Ocean Crystal is violent?"

"Who else can it be? It must be the Haixiu Clan. I have advised you to do it directly. No matter where the last piece is, take this piece in your own hands first, it's always good!"

Outside this attic, a series of tyrannical warriors were shocked and argued.

"At the beginning, my Heart Sect retreated ahead of schedule. Which of those forces didn't blame us in my heart? Otherwise, we will leave the fat of Leicheng not touched these years? What's more, if we use force to force Haixiumen to hand over the crystals of the ocean, The owner of the last piece, dare to show up?"

This group of warriors held their own opinions and was full of noise.

In this regard, Lexus has no idea.

After the transparent crystal appeared and wrapped Xia Ning'er in, Xia Ning'er's breath became very stable, and now the crystal shrank even more, clinging to her body.

Although there should be no danger in Leicheng, he was not at ease after all, and immediately hugged Xia Ning'er in his arms and walked towards Leicheng.

When he walked outside the gate of Haixiu, looking at the scenes of the birds and beasts scattered, the trees fell and the hunger scattered, Ling Zhi couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He didn't intend to do this, but many times the development of the situation was different from what people expected. Haixiumen, who was supposed to dominate one side, fell down on this day because of him.

Perhaps soon, they will be completely forgotten, and after a while, there will be new powerhouses. On this land, a power like Haixiumen will be established, and it will continue to rule here.

In the world of warriors, the continuation of a sect is really too difficult.

It is possible that a random provocation will provoke someone who cannot be dealt with at all.

Only in this way can we truly realize the heritage of those forces that have been passed on for countless years.

Can stand the polishing of time, just like Xinzong, Luoyezong and the like, and even the more ancient Three Kings Palace, how can outsiders know what kind of background it has.

The firmness of the status is definitely not a matter of overnight.

...Leicheng, in the lobby, Father Xia, sitting in the upper seat, fidgeting.

Qin Binglan patiently persuaded the old man to let him relax, and Lexus would definitely bring Xia Ning'er back safely and nothing would happen.

Only when she turned her head, some worries appeared in her eyes quickly.

That was Hai Xiumen, what a huge monster in their imagination in the past.

And Lexus is just one person after all, how can he ignore the truth that two fists are hard to beat four hands.

In particular, I heard that Haixiu Sect Sect Master Bu Hong suddenly left Leicheng and rushed back to the Sect. The return of a strong artistic conception is bound to make Ling Zhi's situation more dangerous.

If it weren't for knowing that she had gone, it would only add chaos to Lingzhi and become a burden. She really wanted to rush to help Lingzhi.

In addition to this, Yanji was immersed in the yard in the study of alchemy. There was only one Zhang Yi, who made a strange movement with a difficult expression.

"Zhang Yi, you should pay attention to the combination of work and rest in your cultivation. If you work so hard, it is easy to overdraw your body's strength and leave some hidden dangers."

Yanji occasionally raised his head and looked at Zhang Yi's sweat, and would remind a few words.

"No, I already lack an arm. Brother Ling is willing to teach me such a powerful exercise. If I can't become stronger, then I don't deserve to follow Brother Ling anymore."

Zhang Yi would often look down at his empty arm at this time, then gritted his teeth to continue.

On the contrary, Nie Kang and the others were standing by, with weird expressions. They only felt that they wanted to lose one of their arms.

Zhang Yi only cultivated the third formula, which was so much stronger than before.

And they, apart from paying attention to the growth of the snake spirit vine and sending the spirit stone in time, they were not allowed to practice.

With this waiting, Ling Zhi's figure finally appeared here slowly, and there was a sound of wind, and everyone hadn't responded yet, but the snake spirit vine reacted first. A vine suddenly drew towards Ling Zhi.

Caught off guard, Ling Zhi was rubbed his chest and cut a piece of clothing down.

After a surprised look, Ling Zhi said in surprise.

"The snake spirit vine grows so fast! After only one or two days, it has been able to attack independently."

"The wild snake spirit vines have not been able to obtain these spiritual energy for cultivation and growth for several years. You have left so many spirit stones, it is strange that it does not grow fast."

Qin Binglan quickly wiped her eyes, wiped away the tears of excitement, and said with a smile.


Elder Xia rushed out excitedly.


Xia Ning'er jumped down from behind Lingzhi excitedly, rushed into the father's arms, Zheng Lingzhi smiled, and touched Xia Ning'er's head.

"Oh, awake, didn't you wake up just now?"

Xia Ning'er flushed,

"I, I only woke up when I heard Grandpa's voice."

Ling Zhi [biqusa www.biqusa.info] smiled noncommitantly. With his strength, can't he see whether a girl wakes up? It's just that Xia Ning'er likes to lie down behind him, so she let her lie down, her sister.

Almost before Lexus sat down, another person came to this courtyard. A woman in her early twenties, twisted her waist, came with money, and called out from outside the courtyard. This was the result of Nie. Kang went in to welcome him in.

"I don't know why friends from Xinfenggu came here?"

Ling Zhi glanced at her suspiciously, but didn't expect that at this moment, Dong Lianhan took the initiative to find him.

"Master Ling don't want to be angry, our Valley Lord really can't get away, so I sent me to invite you, and I hope you can go to meet the Valley Lord now."

The woman smiled softly.

"The owner of your family and I, neither relatives nor reasons, suddenly asked me to see him. Why should I agree?"

Ling Zhi took a few steps forward, sat down on a chair casually, and said.

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