God-level Punishment System

Chapter 909: Five years ago

"My lord, I don't know where you are."

The steward knelt on the ground, with his head on the ground, panicked.

Ling Zhi snorted, and directly drew the ink sword from the ring. The sword body had the same luster and texture as the sword stone.

As soon as the ink sword appeared, it formed a wonderful induction with the sword stone on the shelf, and it buzzed and vibrated in Lexus's hands again, and began to mumble.

The steward was completely panicked, begging for mercy with a begging, and banging his head.

"Damn it, **** it, please don't kill me. I must cooperate and cooperate."

Ling Zhi glanced at him coldly, turning his mind and wing to hold the special plate under the sword stone, and put it in the ring. This is a sixth-grade ore. You may not have a few more pieces after searching the entire Xuanzhou. thing.

If it can be put together with the ink sword and recast, it will be the best material for his Horcrux in the future. It is the supreme treasure that cannot be exchanged for no amount of spirit stones.

This was a real surprise. If it weren't for the reason of the ink sword, I'm afraid he would ignore this sword stone and would not care at all.

Soon, Lexus turned the first floor around. Although he received a lot of good things, his mood sank instead.

The pace couldn't help speeding up. Treasures can be obtained at any time, but Xia Ning'er's physical problems must not be delayed.

He could clearly feel that the chill in Xia Ning'er's body became even stronger behind him, so strong that even with his current strength of spirit power, he felt some chill. If it continues to increase like this, I am afraid that even he will not be able to. Accept, the soul body will be frozen by this chill.

All the way to the second floor, the second floor is very empty and even a little bleak. There is only one thing on the whole second floor except for a futon.

That's the same, floating in the center of the second floor, a dark crystal, like a black diamond with a hand long and a thumb thick! It's obviously the first time Guan Shi saw the scene on the second floor, and he looked curiously. When he turned his head from behind Lingzhi and saw the diamond, a greedy light burst out of his eyes. come out.

Although Ling Zhi was standing in front of him, he also noticed his strangeness and turned to look at him.

"What is this, don't tell me again, you don't know."

When he looked at it, the manager seemed to realize that Lexus was still here, his eyes darkened, he glanced at the crystal unwillingly, and put away the greed in his eyes. He knew that there was Lexus here. This crystal was with himself. It's irrelevant.

"I know, this is the crystal of the ocean."

The steward did not dare to play tricks and answered honestly.

"Ocean Crystal?"

Ling Zhi repeated,

"Be specific, what's the use."

He faintly felt that this thing might have something to do with Xia Ning'er's body, because from this crystal, he also felt some chill, the chill from the soul.

Although he obtained the Dragon Soul Inheritance, the memory of the inheritance was too huge after all, and the Dragon Soul Inheritance did not contain everything, so he couldn't know what the crystal of the ocean was for a while.

The steward was silent for a moment, and organized the language.

"The crystal of the ocean is something that can only exist in the boundless sea. This kind of crystal is very rare, and it seems that there are not many in the boundless sea. Although the crystal of the ocean has a freezing effect on the soul-sparing power, as long as it gradually progresses, it is The Zheng of the Sea of ​​Knowledge who can be integrated into the martial artist absorbs soul power and relies on crystals to form his own soul body."

"That is, this thing can help the martial artist to condense the soul by itself?"

Lexus was surprised.

"Well, not only that, with it, those with strong artistic conception can be included in the Shenting acupoint, and its chill will be incorporated into the soul body a little bit. As long as the soul power reaches a certain amount, the strong artistic conception will make another move. At time, the soul power will have this freezing effect.

It can slow down the enemy's spirit power attack, and even freeze its spirit power! "

Manager nodded, his eyes fiercely looking at Ocean Crystal.

Ling Zhi was truly surprised now. He didn't expect that there should be such a strange thing in the world, which not only helps the martial artist to condense the soul, but also allows the martial artist's soul to have its own special power. This is a permanent effect.

"Why didn't Bu Hong absorb it by himself, and instead put it here? As far as I know, he should want to become stronger, otherwise, why would he want that top-grade form armor so desperately."

Ling Zhi asked.

The manager hesitated for a moment, and asked heartily.

"I don't know, sir, can you know the incident five years ago that disturbed all the forces near the boundless sea."

"five years ago?"

Ling Zhi frowned, and suddenly reacted. Isn't this the death of Xia Ning'er's parents and all the forces entering the boundless sea? Could it be that the fisherman in the fishing village, Hu Dahao, was looking for the crystal of the ocean? A thing that allows the martial artist to condense the soul body, break through into the mood, and permanently strengthen the spirit power attack of the strong in the mood, it is indeed worth all the forces to go crazy for it.

In the description of the steward, Lexus finally learned about the incident five years ago.

Five years ago, a fisherman was suddenly on the endless beach. When he was drying his fishing net, the wave suddenly brought up a crystal of the ocean. The fisherman thought it was some kind of coral reef in the sea. Looking beautiful, he brought it home. Originally, there was nothing wrong with each other. A single crystal of the ocean would not freeze Rao's soul.

But in a coincidence, I was bumped into by a certain warrior. Although I didn't understand what it was, I knew it was a good thing. I killed the fisherman's family and snatched it. It seemed that something happened suddenly and attracted a lot of attention.

After all, paper can't hold fire.

The hot hand of this crystal of the ocean made everyone aware that this matter finally attracted the attention of those big forces.

Someone finally recognized what this thing was.

In the vicinity of the boundless sea, all the forces boiled over. Everyone snatched the fishing boats and drove to the coastal waters of the boundless sea, and started fishing for dozens of years.

At that time, the disputes, blood shed, and even the endless sea water of the boundless sea could not be washed clean for a while, and the sea water was three points red.

Finally, because of the wanton hunting of sea beasts, some spirit beasts in the deep sea of ​​the boundless sea were disturbed. Two spirit beasts attacked one after another. Within half a day, all the forces were driven out of the boundless sea.

Five years ago, the formation of the Haixiu Gate's Treasure Hall was broken, and it was exactly one of the sea beasts that struck a long distance away.

In addition, the crystal of the ocean had not been discovered for a long time before that, so the storm of exploring the boundless sea and fishing for the crystal of the ocean just stopped.

It was an event that detonated the boundless sea

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