God-level Punishment System

Chapter 868: Meet the Ram Ruibo

Liancheng was taken aback, and quickly grabbed Lexus’s arm and pressed down, “It’s okay, this review of everything, everything is under its control, don’t be so contemptuous, and the misfortune comes out of your mouth.” Lexus disregarded, using the classics, and slightly distorted the words, "The land is not kind, and everything is a humble dog. If the land is really unkind, then respect it, what's the use? If the earth is true, the sun will bring disaster and disaster to me, I Can you still sit still and wait for death?" "If you don't provoke me, then one day, if I provoke me, I will break this place with one punch and rebuild the youth, so what?" Lexus categorically cut the railway, even if this is to prevent him from moving forward If the school people hinder me, I will destroy others, if I hinder me, I will take the bold words of the school, Lexus’s road to the strong, the strong heart, suddenly rises to a level, more determined and indestructible . The strong without birth naturally does not have the heart of the strong, the strong grows, and the heart of the strong grows. Only step by step, firm, and steadfast, the strong who walks this road, walks this road, and come to the end are the real strong, the supreme strong. "Thank you Lian Lao for saying that the younger generation is grateful." Ling Zhi thanked him. As for the gratitude that Liancheng had warned, or the spiritual growth he had gained, only he knew. "I just follow the words of my ancestors, and I will connect the family for me. After this catastrophe, please go to the northeast of Leicheng. When the time comes, it will be the third calamity that my family can help you." Liancheng He said goodbye and left. Seeing the old man's staggering steps, Ling Zhi felt emotional, and who would know that this old man's family was so brilliant that year. This makes him more determined, there is no immortal reliance, only immortal people. Your own strength is truly powerful. Taking advantage of Leicheng's chaos, Ling Zhi's actions did not cause any reaction. Now the chaos around Leicheng is much more serious than this. The people under the leaders of the major forces have long been devastated by this sudden incident. All the way straight to the new site of Yuan Pavilion that Yuan Pavilion’s buddies told me. When Lexus stood in front of Yuan Pavilion’s door, he only really felt the influence of Lei Yin on the entire Lei City. Now Yuan Pavilion except for a few buddies. In addition, almost everyone went to Gekong and dispatched. "My lord!" A surprised cry sounded, it was the man who had received Lexus twice. Seeing Lexus appearing outside the Yuan Pavilion, thinking of being full, there is a big difference between his age. When I saw this person, a sense of badness suddenly came to Ling Zhi's heart. This feeling is a bit like when I suddenly saw the teacher when I was a student. "The only fourth-level alchemist in Leicheng, Ram Ruibo!" Almost the next moment, Ling Zhi understood and affirmed his identity. Even Wen Qingyang couldn't give him this feeling, plus this person was obviously more noble than Wen Qingyang, it was not difficult to guess in this Yuan Pavilion. Only this kind of person who has been immersed in alchemy for a lifetime, the kind of person who has dealt with the elixir for a lifetime, can give him this feeling. Regardless of his alchemy fu, at most it is only a young child, but the other party has already gone a long way in this alchemy. "Oh, it turned out to be Brother Ling." Wen Qingyang said in surprise, got up without any haste, gave a false impression, and motioned Ling Zhi to sit down. The old man sitting on the top also put his gaze on Ling Zhi, a gleam of light blazed from his eyes, followed by thick doubts. "Master Wen is polite, I'm here for the auction held in Yuange a few days later." Ling Zhi was rather optimistic about Wen Qingyang's decisiveness in doing things, so he didn't talk nonsense and said directly. He waved his hand to signal the guy to leave, his soul power moved slightly, and the door closed automatically. Wen Qingyang glanced at Ling Zhi curiously, "I don't know if the brother is buying or selling?" In his heart, he secretly guessed what the power behind Ling Zhi was. , Couldn't help but found a ray of soul power to investigate Lexus. It's okay if he didn't investigate. Wen Qingyan was suddenly startled during this investigation. A few drops of the tea in his hand were spilled, and he suddenly discovered that Ling Zhi had actually entered the seventh level. Moreover, the power control is so exquisite that if he hadn't used his soul power to probe, he would not have noticed it! Ling Zhi smiled, and slowly uttered a sentence that made him even more surprised, "Pavilion Master Wen, just now I have met, I will use my soul power to check my strength, I am afraid it is not very good."

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