God-level Punishment System

Chapter 865: Push the feast season

Dragons have inverted scales, and in everyone's heart, no matter what kind of character he is, no matter how evil he is, there is a softest place in his heart. No one can hurt or set foot on it.

Even the weakest people will explode when they touch this inverse scale.

And Ling Zhi’s Ni Lin is exactly his relatives and friends, no matter who it is, threatening or hurting, he slams Ling Zhi’s forehead and sticks it to Gu Cheng’s forehead, staring at his eyes firmly. The killing intent passed through his eyes, and Gu Cheng couldn't help shaking.

"If you pay you back in one sentence, it's you who are looking for death, no wonder people."

Lexus has no feelings.


Gu Cheng's mouth opened wide, his bile was spit out, and Ling Zhi's fist hit his abdomen.

Gu Cheng's entire body was arched by Ling Zhi's fist and flew into the air.

boom! boom! boom! Ling Zhi followed, two consecutive punches, one punch on his chin, and his smashed head flew back and his jaw fell off.

Immediately afterwards, he lifted a punch directly and hit his back spine, directly blasting Gucheng's spine into pieces.

With a light leap, he kicked one side to the side of Gu Cheng's waist. Gu Cheng spouted blood and hit the wall with a bang.

The younger brothers who followed Gu Cheng finally panicked, staggering and about to run back.

However, with a squeak, Qin Binglan stood by the door with a pretty face, the courtyard door closed tightly.

"Wasn't it good for you to stand behind Gu Cheng at the beginning? Your master is still lying there."


Why, not prestigious? "

Zhang Yi also sneered and lifted the axe upside down, walking towards them step by step.

Several people huddled close to each other, looking at Qin Binglan and Zhang Yi who were sandwiching them in horror. Qu Tian also stared at them over there, as if he would make a move at any time.


However, Zhang Yi and the others only felt that a figure in front of them swayed, and then all these people fell.

After that, the figure of Ling Zhi just emerged, standing between Qin Binglan and Zhang Yi, with the corners of his mouth raised, and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Brother Ling, aren't you! How can you do this."

Zhang Yi wailed.

"Brother Ling, it's too much."

Qu Tian also roared,

"A few of them still have grudges against us, so you can't leave a few to us.

It's not impossible to deal with it. "

Only Qin Binglan seemed to be prepared for a long time, and was not surprised at all. On the contrary, there was a trace of joy in her eyes, she liked to take responsibility and be responsible for forgiving men.

This is the character that a man should possess most.

Ling Zhi was obviously irritated by Gu Cheng's words, and took these people to vent his anger.

Otherwise, with his temperament, he would not take the initiative to grab them and kill these people.

"Sister Qin, let me take a look at these few, help me find a place to live in Leicheng, and when the auction is over, we will move in together."

Ling Zhi turned around and smiled at Qin Binglan.


Qin Binglan's face flushed, but she was silent for a while.

Zhang Yi snapped on Lexus's shoulder and admired,

"Brother Ling, it's okay, this is the first time I have seen such an unusual and domineering confession."


Ling Zhi frowned, wondering.

"Brother Ling, don't pretend, you are going to live with Sister Binglan. From now on, you brother, I'll call it all right."

Zhang Yi winked,

"You can't drive me away at that time. I am very strong and diligent. I can do a lot of things for you."

"And me, and me, Brother Ling, Zhang Yi has a bad brain, I can definitely help you."

Qu Tian said anxiously, as if he was afraid of leaving him alone.

The black line on Lexus’s forehead was speechless,

"What are you in a hurry, listen to me first, okay?"

"I mean, you go find a larger yard, then I will go and invite Father Xia and them, and you will live in with them."

Ling Zhi explained, but seeing Qin Binglan's shy look, his heart fluctuated.

Then smiled,

"But if I don't have enough housing, I feel wronged, and I can live with Sister Qin."


Qin Binglan snorted from her nose and turned her head away from him.

"Hey, Brother Ling, my sister Binglan has never looked like a girl like this."

Zhang Yi blinked and bumped Lexus.

He is completely planning to betray his sister Binglan, to match the two, the purpose is even simpler, as long as Ling Zhi and Qin Binglan are together, he is worried that Ling Zhi will not teach him? Ling Zhi coughed and slapped Zhang Yi on the shoulder with a serious face. When he was in a daze, he turned and walked towards Yan Ji, carrying him on his back, and said,

"If you are not a king, how can you get married?"

He actually took out the Huo Huo, the Huo dying Huo, to make a family and changed it.

However, the effect was excellent. Zhang Yi's body shook, watching his back full of admiration. As for Qin Binglan, her beautiful eyes blinked and her heartbeat instantly accelerated.

"Feast season."

Lexus spoke.

An excitement in the banquet season,

"Master Ling, I am willing to follow you and will never hold back you!"

"Do not."

Ling Zhi slowly shook his head and refused.

Yanji looked blank, and immediately panicked.

"Master Ling, why? Is it my fault?"

When he saw Ling Zhi expressing such strength at such a grade and possessing an extraordinary alchemy fu, he had completely spared it, no matter what, he had to seize this opportunity.

He didn't want to go back to the days when he worked behind closed doors for half a year without any effect.

"Don't get excited,"

Ling Zhi chuckled.

"Since I have agreed, I won't regret it again, you apprentice, I accept it."


Feast season puzzled.

"Although Gu Cheng is nothing, but now I don't want to openly confront Haixiumen. In the future, Qin Binglan and you will need to rely on to survive in Leicheng. I intend to gather a new force in Leicheng. , Protect you well."

"I want you to stand up and tell everyone that you are the one who caused the Dao Lei Yin! And the death of Gu Cheng, has nothing to do with you, was killed by another unknown force!"

Lexus spoke sharply.

He was hesitant on his face during the banquet season, he was not so unbearable, panicked, after all, since he was promoted to the third-level alchemist, before Ram Ruibo came to Thunder City, he has always been the top figure in this Thunder City Platoon.

And Lexus's purpose is also very clear, to promote the feast season to lead the aptitude and influence of Leiyin, in this Leicheng, as long as you do not take the initiative to join other forces, leaving a room for maneuvering, it will inevitably go smoothly.

To ensure a safety, naturally there is no problem.

"Master Ling, is this wrong? Others won't see it. I'm afraid that Ram Ruibo will see it."

Yan Ji said worriedly, but Ling Zhi's next sentence made him nod directly, without any hesitation.

"I will teach you a set of pill-removing strategies that you learned from Dadao."

Ling Zhi said calmly.

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