God-level Punishment System

Chapter 848: Crazy joy

Zhang Yi still believed Lexus' words very much, so even though he had Joy's long sword in front of him, he still ignored it and leaned forward and rushed forward.


The long sword pierced into his body with a sigh, and Ju Yi didn't show any mercy at all. He and Zhang Yi were at the same level as the fifth-level shot.

It's not just the murderous intent on the surface, but really wants to kill Zhang Yi.

Just as Zhang Yi leaned over and was pierced by the long sword, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from behind him, passed through the place where he had just stood, and rushed over.


Qu Tian exclaimed! The black shadow had originally attacked Zhang Yi, but at this moment Zhang Yi suddenly leaned over, and the black shadow rushed towards Joy.

Lexus' speed has reached the limit, but he still can't keep up with Sombra's close attack.


The same snorted.

But it was the dark shadow that penetrated directly from Joy's chest and exposed.

"Naughty animal!"

Ling Zhi roared, and the ink sword started instantly, stabbing it straight at it.

Soi shadow is now half of his body inside Joy, exposing his front body, his head is rolled up, and the letter is spit out.

It is the wolf snake! It's just that this wolf snake not only has an amazing attack speed, but also a huge power and an amazing momentum. I am afraid that it is the true leader of the group of wolf snakes! The ink sword pierced straight at the opponent, and the wolf snake twisted his body and got out of the wound behind Joy, trying to escape.

But Ling Zhi made an angry shot at this moment. If he finds out again half a minute later, Zhang Yi will undoubtedly die. He can't tolerate his friend's death in front of him.

Therefore, the power of his whole body did not show the slightest expression, and the speed of his body skills was extremely fast. As soon as the wolf snake snake head climbed on the neck of Joy, the ink sword was already close.

After hesitating, Ling Zhi should stab him, Mo Jianwen shook and patted on the head of the wolf snake.

Rao was the body of a barren beast comparable to the sixth rank, and could not withstand the full blow of Lexus. With a hit, he was knocked out, hit the surrounding tree trunks, and penetrated straight into it.

Ling Zhi's wrist flicked, and without looking at that direction, the Mo Jian took off his hand and pierced through the air.

The white dots on the tip of the ink sword were extremely sharp, and it nailed the wolf snake with a bang, pierced the trunk, and nailed it firmly there.

Leaning over and holding Zhang Yi, Ling Zhi looked at his wound worriedly.

"Don't talk, treat the wound first."

Joy shot without mercy, and this sword passed directly through Zhang Yi's chest.

The two were almost in the same injury.

This was unexpected by Lexus.

Before something happened suddenly, Zhang Yi was surrounded by trees, just between the two trees. He could only move forward or backward. Obviously he couldn't move backward, so he could only let him lean over.

After all, You Yi had been with Zhang Yi and the others for many years. As long as she didn't really have the idea of ​​killing Zhang Yi, facing Zhang Yi suddenly leaned over and rushed towards her sword. Under conditioned reflex, she should have drawn her sword back. go with.

As a warrior of the five-level realm, it is impossible not to have such a reaction ability.

As long as Joy retreats, Zhang Yi will be fine, and it is even less likely that she will be fine. Sombra's attack will inevitably fail.

Without waiting for the wolf snake leader to attack again, Lexus will definitely rush to the cluster, and neither will be in danger! Qin Binglan rushed, knelt on the ground with a thump, holding Zhang Yi's head, and trembling, reaching out to touch his chest.

"Zhang Yi, what's wrong with you, don't scare me."

"Ling Zhi, you are the best, he will be fine, right? He must be fine."

Almost just looking at the wound, Qin Binglan cried.

Without the slightest calm before, she was like the most helpless woman in an instant.

She and Zhang Yi have lived on each other for many years. The two are like brothers and sisters. They are a real family. When they were both very weak, they were together. They stole buns and steamed buns from street vendors, fought against bullies, and survived until now. .

That's why Zhang Yi was so afraid of her and respected him, and when Lexus appeared, he would be hostile.

It was a little brother's protection for his sister, perhaps with some admiration, but it was very light.

The feeling between them is by no means comparable to that of Qu Tian and others.

"You really want to kill him!"

Ling Zhi glanced at Yui coldly, but he didn't have much sympathy for the same injury at this moment.

All this is due to the other party's own blame, no one can be blamed! Even to save your lover, you shouldn't be so selfish, so ruthless, and so mean.

She could have confessed, could have let everyone work together to help her, Qin Binglan and the others would definitely not refuse! Rather than wanting to spare all their lives and take risks.

"Sister Bing Lan, don't cry, I'm fine, cough cough, I am Zhang Yizhuang."

Zhang Yi coughed up blood and said with a strong smile.

"Don't talk."

Lexus stopped politely.

The physical body of the martial artist of the sixth level is far inferior to the seventh level. If such an injury is on Lexus, it will stop bleeding in a moment, and there is absolutely no danger to life.

But putting it on Zhang Yi is very troublesome.

"Sister Qin, Shengjidan!"

Ling Zhi shouted, Qin Binglan was shocked, and hurriedly flipped up from the ring, grabbed a few bottles and stuffed them towards Ling Zhi.

"Use mine, the best one from Qin Qin is the second-rank, I have a third-rank here."

Qu Tian suddenly spoke up, took out a pill in the jade box and handed it to Lexus.

The first-grade muscle pill is worth about six spirit stones each, and the second-grade spirit stones are about 20 to 30 pieces. One mouthful is so many spirit stones, which is almost the limit that Qin Binglan and the others can bear.

But Qu Tian was different. He cared very much about his own life and death. He could even be greedy for life and fear of death. Whenever there was the slightest movement before, he would get close to Ling Zhi for protection.

So instead he was willing to put his savings out and bought such a third-grade muscle pill worth three or four hundred spirit stones and put it beside him just in case.

Ling Zhi gave him a surprised look.

"I didn't expect you to have this kind of thing. With it, Zhang Yi's injury would be fine."

The second grade Shengji Pill is provided for warriors in the mid-physical stage, and it is far less powerful than the third grade pill.

The wounds that can be repaired by the later warriors with the spirit pill are naturally not to be looked down upon. The effect of the spirit pill has also been doubled several times.

"Here, use it for Joy."

Zhang Yi suddenly spoke, rejected Lexus unexpectedly, and looked at Joy on the side.

At this moment, there is a blood hole in Joy's chest, blood gurgling out.

Qin Binglan's tears couldn't stop flowing down, some of them cried like losing consciousness, her face was full of pain, and she didn't know what to do.

On one side are her team members, on the other side is Zhang Yi who she grew up watching.

She didn't know how to choose, and she didn't know what to do.

Joy did hurt her, but she didn't want Joy to die!

"Ha ha."

Joy sneered. When she smiled, the blood flow in her chest became more and faster.

"Don't pretend to be false, how can anyone be willing to give their lives and help others!"

Zhang Yi was taken aback and paused.

"We...are willing, so we are all here, even if we know some of these are wrong, and know the danger of going deep into the misty swamp."

"For you, we are all willing to sacrifice our lives to help you."

His body trembled, firm and weak.

Author: heart strange, does not come up in the end is what feelings ......

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