God-level Punishment System

Chapter 844: My way, do not retreat

Jin Xi looked frightened, flying in the air involuntarily, Lexus seemed to use a random kick, but at least 80% of his power was used.

He could not stabilize his figure at all.

With a bang, it shot towards the center of the swamp like a cannonball.

The silt was smashed and splashed.

Not waiting for Jin Xi to fall, the shocking scene suddenly reflected all the eye-catching Zheng Zhan saw the real swamp that had been calm and even the weeds swayed, suddenly countless heads sprang out silently from the mud. Ironback crocodile.

This was the first time Ling Zhi had seen iron-backed crocodiles. When he saw these iron-backed crocodiles, he realized that even he had seen the danger of this swamp.

According to his expectation and what he has seen these days, this crocodile is at least twice as big as those on the earth. In this swamp, there are three or five, which is almost the same.

After all, the ironback crocodile is a seventh-grade wild beast.

Which seven-rank barren beast does not have its own territory? He has not seen the seventh-rank wild beasts live in groups. At this stage, the wild beasts already have a strong sense of territory and can almost occupy the mountain as king. How can they be willing to gather together like those low-level wild beasts? together.

"Is this a seventh-rank wild beast?"

Ling Zhi couldn't help but explode.

There were at least hundreds of iron-backed crocodiles in front of them. Each crocodiles was only about half a meter long. They were crowded together with their mouths open, and rushed towards Jin Xi frantically and silently.

Jin Xi couldn't even make a scream and was divided into several parts.

Several ironback crocodiles, biting his limbs, head, etc., the powerful flesh and bones of the seventh-level realm, at this moment, they all become so fragile.

They just quarreled with each other and tore it apart. Before they fell into the swamp, they were divided into countless numbers. Then, without the blink of an eye, they became mashed meat and entered the belly of the ironback crocodile.

Ling Zhi turned his head and looked behind him. Except for Joy who seemed to have known all this for a long time, but his face was pale, the eyes of the rest of Rao were filled with shock.

Obviously, the habitat of the ironback crocodile and the special attack method caused few people to understand them. They were very surprised by such a number.

When will the Seven-Rank Desolate Beast appear in such a number? Hundreds of seven-rank barren beasts, even if they are a martial artist, as long as there is a lack of soul power, it will undoubtedly die.

"Knowing such a scene, let Zhang Yi rush into the swamp to clear the sacred tree for you. This is nothing but death. You really have a good calculation."

Ling Zhi couldn't help but sneered, sarcastically.

It is also strange that the ironback crocodile dived into the swamp again after dividing Jin Xi's body. Unlike ordinary crocodiles, it did not seem to be an amphibian, but could only survive in this silt pool.

But they also secretly hang out, and Dao is balanced. If these hundreds of seventh-rank wild beasts are allowed to wreak havoc in this misty swamp, then there will be basically no other warriors, the wild beasts will be nothing.

On the contrary, it was the clear **** tree, as if it had taken root. Under such an abnormal movement, it was still lying quietly on the swamp. Except for some dirt on the surface, no changes were observed. Everyone stared at this scene in a daze. At that time, Lexus moved his feet, shook his body, and shot straight to the rear.

"Since Sister Qin and the others have agreed to sever ties with you with this pure **** tree, you are merciless, but they can't be unjust."

Ling Zhi's voice spread to all the five people who were following Jin Xi, Rao Erzheng and Jin Xilai. They didn't react. They only felt that they were dark in front of them, and they all fell down with a muffled snort.

How could they have the ability to resist before Lexus took full action.

After that, Lexus mentioned one, lost one, mentioned one, lost one.

Threw these five people on the edge of the swamp.

"Lexus, it's too dangerous, you can't take this risk."

Qin Binglan immediately realized what Lexus was going to do, and hurried over.

"You can't go, there are too many ironback crocodiles here. No matter how powerful you are, you can hardly fight so many with two fists. Besides, it is very inconvenient to move over this swamp."

Qin Binglan stood in front of him worriedly.

Zhang Yi and Qu Tian also ran all the way, and Zhang Yi stretched out his arms directly.

"No, Brother Ling, this is our business. I'm already very sorry for dragging you in.

You must not be allowed to take this risk. "

"Yes, we would rather not have this clear sacred tree, and never let you get it for us."

Qu Tian followed.

"With the help of these five decoys delivered to the door, I just need to be more mindful, there should be no problem.

Ling Zhishen was calm, he naturally had his own considerations, and would not just put himself in a dangerous situation for a woman of character like Joy.

Appearing to be infected by Lexus's self-confidence, several people fell silent for a moment, and did not rush to stop them.

"Moreover, I always feel that there is something strange in this swamp, but it is just a clean wood of the fourth rank, but I believe in my intuition, so you don't have to worry about it. I will never give up willingly."

Ling Zhi said solemnly.

This swamp gave him a very strange feeling. When the iron-backed crocodile came out before, he [Xinquan Novel www.xbooktxt.me] thought that this was the kind of feeling he felt, the danger he felt.

But now, this feeling has not only not faded, but it has become more intense.

It seems that there is something in front of me, which is attracting me and making me have to go.

Since that day when he sensed that the threshold for entering the seventh-level realm had loosened, no matter how he absorbed the aura, he had never made any progress, let alone a breakthrough.

He believed in his own resources, and this point was fully revealed when he cultivated the Xuan-level high-grade exercises to reach the realm in eight steps in just two weeks, and when he obtained the Bahuang Liuhelong practice Dafa.

He faintly felt that he had not been able to break through because of the problem of this land. The dragon cultivation method he cultivated was too powerful, which caused his physical body to far exceed those of the same realm, breaking the gap between the middle and late stages of this physical realm. .

So if he wants to break through in a short time, he needs a chance, a chance to spell it out.

Facing the determination of Lexus, all of them fell silent, looked at each other, and at the same time stepped back to their sides, no longer blocking Lexus.

Remove the vine from his body and show it to Lexus, Zhang Yi admired it from the bottom of his heart,

"Brother Ling, I finally understand why you are so strong, such courage, such arrogance, I can't do it."

Some people are destined to be strong at birth.

Some people, no matter how good they were born, are destined to not become the supreme powerhouses. They can only grow faster than others in the accumulation of resources.

"My way, don't retreat."

Ling Zhi's eyes were sharp, staring at the silent marshland without flinching.

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