God-level Punishment System

Chapter 835: Snake and Vine Symbiosis

"Snake Spirit Vine?"

Ling Zhi looked back, and seemed to have some impression of the snake spirit vine, but for a moment he couldn't remember it.

However, Qin Binglan and others, including Zhang Yi, a person with a relatively strong brain, were all unbelievable, with a hint of panic.

"What is the snake spirit vine? It refers to the wild beast, but the plant?"

Ling Zhi asked with a frown.

Qin Binglan's body trembled slightly, and he glanced at You Yi with a complicated expression before repliing.

"Snake spirit vine is a very strange thing. Strictly speaking, it should be a plant, but it seems to exist consciously. It is half animal and half plant."

"What's so great?"

Lexus stepped back and joined a few people.

Since the thick vine was cut by Lexus, the countless fine vines on the ground have stayed in place, but they have been slow to attack.

"Don't you think that the vines all over the ground look like some kind of wild beast?"

Qu Tian's eyes widened, and he moved closer to Ling Zhi with a look of horror, said.

"Desolate Beast?"

Ling Zhi muttered to himself, turned his head and looked carefully, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he was frightened by the thought that jumped into his mind at the moment, he took a breath of air, and said in shock.

"Wolf snake!"

"This snake spirit vine is related to wolf snake?"

He asked.


Zhang Yi nodded and took the stubbornness.

"Snake spirit vines and wolf snakes live in symbiosis with each other, and wolf snakes live on the snake spirit vines. The price is to attract or force human beasts to the area where the spirit vine vines are, so that the snake spirit vines can absorb and eat.

The snake spirit vine body is extremely tall, enough to provide a shelter for the entire huge wolf snake group, and its vines are numerous, and extremely tough, and importantly, its resistance to flame is excellent, which just makes up for the largest wolf snake group Weakness. "

"Previously, I was still thinking that although wolf snakes are famous in the misty swamp, they rarely appear. We have been many times before, and have never encountered them. How could we suddenly be attacked by wolf snakes, apparently breaking through. It's within the scope of the snake spirit vine!"

Qin Binglan smiled bitterly and bit her lip.

"Lexus, this time we failed to investigate well and put you in danger."

Waved his hand, Ling Zhi smiled.

"Sister Qin, I haven't seen what the snake spirit vine looks like. Why is it so decadent? This is not like your character.

You are the commander-in-chief of this team and have been carrying them for so many years. "

Familiar with each other, Ling Zhi also called out sister Qin under Qin Binglan's sign, but after all, unlike Zhang Yi and others, he was not familiar enough to call him Binglan.

Qin Binglan's expression was slightly condensed, and he glanced at Ling Zhi gratefully. She is commanding. If she commands properly, everyone may still have a hint of vitality, but if she gives up now, it is dangerous.

"Brother Ling, don't you know that this snake spirit vine has no grade, but if it has no physical strength in the late stage, it can't even damage it. You can see how tough the vine is."

Qu Tian opened his mouth, and there was a sudden stop.

"Uh...No, Brother Ling just broke a vine!"

After reminding him, everyone realized this and looked at Lexus.

"Relying on this sword, let's first think about how to deal with the things in front of you."

Ling Zhi pushed the reason to Mo Jian and walked forward first.

Now that you have reached the range of the snake spirit vine, you can't hide from it. It's better to be happy and face directly to solve the opponent.

He knows his family's affairs and has confidence in his own strength. Since he can hurt the opponent in the later stages of his physical state, he naturally has no problem.

Qin Binglan looked at Ling Zhi’s back, but there was a strange look in her eyes. She was a woman who has carried this team for many years. It can be seen what she has undertaken and carried on her back. In the past, she was the only one who faced all the dangers first, but now there is one The person you have just known, but has been standing in front of him.

Going further into the distance again, the surrounding vines are dragging on the ground to make a sound, but they have never attacked again.

But a dark shadow faintly appeared in the fog in front of him, but it was not very clear because of the dense fog.

The black shadow is about several meters high, and when viewed in cross section, it is a full one or two meters wide. Although it is larger than ordinary trees, it is not very exaggerated.

"This is the snake spirit vine?"

Holding the ink sword, Ling Zhi stood in front of the crowd, asked himself a question, examined it, and moved forward decisively.

"Whatever you are, if you block my Lexus road, you must die."

After advancing another five feet distance, the detailed appearance of the snake spirit vine was printed in the eyes of everyone. The two-meter-wide tree body, about seven or eight meters, appeared a little short and stout, but from the wide tree body, it pulled out. There are countless branches and vines, both thick and thin, and the thick can reach the thickness of an adult. The length can be seen at a glance, and it is impossible to see the whole picture.

Numerous voices were sour, and the scalp tingling sounds resounded one after another on the trunk.

Obviously it is the wolf snake group, the dense wolf snakes are like the lines of the trees, firmly pasted on the vine trunk of the snake spirit vine.

At a glance, there are thousands of them, which is creepy.

"If you have a intensive phobia, I'm afraid you will faint at a glance."

Ling Zhi muttered to himself, feeling very sick.

Without hesitation, a fire suddenly lit up in Ling Zhi's hand, and the spirit-devouring fire leaped and appeared on his palm.


While Ling Zhi was watching, the fog in front of him was shining a little thinner by the appearance of the devouring fire, and the horrible scene in the trunk in front of everyone was printed in front of everyone.

Everyone gasped for a while.

Standing next to Ling Zhi, Qin Binglan couldn't help but hugged Ling Zhi's arm, her chest pressed against it, and the touch almost made Ling Zhi scream.

The arm was suddenly wrapped in a very soft and elastic thing. With the movement, it shook slightly and fascinatedly and rubbed on the arm. Lexus only felt that the pores of the whole arm were opened comfortably. Come, if it weren't for the terrifying outlook and disturbing this elegance, I'm afraid he, a young child, would definitely make a fool of himself on the spot.

Fortunately, Qin Binglan was frightened by the scene before him, but did not notice it for a while.

Seen from a distance, the trunk of the snake spirit vine is obscured by fog, just like an ordinary tree trunk. However, when I look again at this moment, I found that its trunk is twisted and twisted with countless vines, like twisting twists.

But in it, they are hollow, with large or large wolf snake disks entangled and twisted into a ball, sliding around inside, spitting snake letters, and green eyes.

These two different creatures have actually coexisted to such a point! The fire of devouring spirits lighted up, and the wolf snake swarm instantly rioted, and countless still wolf snakes [新笔趣阁www.xsbiquge.vip] walked up from the trunk to riot, toward the top of the snake spirit vine, or even more. Simply jumped over the snake spirit vine and fled towards the rear.

The snake spirit vine shook violently, and each of the several vines that were not thinner than the vines that entangled Zhang Yi before rushed towards everyone.

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