God-level Punishment System

Chapter 829: Happiness comes too suddenly

"Geng Qiang, who is messing up again!"

The breath of all the people who came was much calmer, and the person in the lead was even more of a person of seven levels.

Going fast and stepping forward, at first glance, it is a person of high-level management, who has been in a position of power for a long time, and has a subordinate authority on him.

"Master Gu, this is the person who openly shot at me and still doesn't obey the management."

Geng Qiang seemed to be a little surprised that his greeting actually aroused this person, he was shocked, and then he reacted and shouted at Ling Zhi.

However, his expression became more and more ferocious, as if this Gu Darao's arrival would leave him with little oil to fish, and he looked at Lexus angrily.


Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked at Lexus with a playful look.

"Why, don't even a martial artist with the sixth-layer body put me Haixiumen in his eyes?"

He snorted coldly, and several people behind him immediately surrounded Lexus tightly, ready to take action on Lexus at any time.

"It turns out that this is the principle of Hai Xiumen's work. It is said that this market is not allowed to be taken by force. Everything is fair. It seems that it is nothing more than that. You don't allow him to light up the lamp, but you set it on yourself."

Ling Zhiyi was not afraid, sarcastically.

He admitted that he was right about this matter, and the other party just fell in love with his Hui Ling Pill, and wanted to make him bow his head as his identity, and let him swallow this breath secretly.

The Lexus voice did not depress at all, and spread to the surroundings. The faces of the crowd around the audience changed slightly, a little unnatural.

They will come here, but there is a wide variety of things sold in this place, and they are also in love with the common constraints of Haixiumen and City Lord's Mansion. There will be no people using their strength to overwhelm people and grab goods.

Otherwise, no matter how good things are, people will be stronger than you, so if you take them and leave, how can this business continue?

Or if someone is stronger than you, and accepts your spirit stone, but doesn't give you anything, what can be done.

Gu Cheng's expression condensed, and he saw the surrounding people's expressions of mercy. The casual expressions gradually dissipated, and a killing intent appeared quietly.

There are a lot of things and goods in this market that are sold and sold by their Haixiumen, which is also the main place for their Haixiumen to ship and purchase goods in Leicheng. There are also many businesses on both sides of the street under Haixiumen. A very important source of profit.

The top management of the cluster was originally Liu Ran. It was the old man who robbed Leimu on behalf of Haixiumen in Leicheng that day, but he was seriously injured that day. This was left to him to take care of. If his actions damaged his reputation, he would definitely Can't eat and walk around.

"Son, you can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't mess with it!"

Gu Cheng stared at Ling Zhi and said coldly.

"I'm selling spirit pills here. Many people have seen it and can testify. He suddenly reached out from behind me and grabbed my spirit pills. Isn't it a force to take and what is it?"

Ling Zhi looked at him directly, his eyes didn't mean to dodge at all.

At the moment when the spiritual power was completely restored, the shock caused by Jian Li's attack on the soul body also stabilized. His strength was even a step further in the alchemy. A martial artist of the seventh level of the physical realm, he really did not let go. In the Zheng Lianyuan Pavilion, there is Wen Qingyang who is a strong artistic conception. Haixiumen is one of the major forces in Leicheng. Of course, it is not. If he does not want to offend the strong artistic conception of Haixiumen, he will not bother to follow here. These people don't talk nonsense, just shoot them directly.

But now that the Desolate Beast Pouch has not yet been acquired, and Gulu's state is not suitable for tampering, he will be so cautious in his actions, and he does not want to cause these troubles when his strength is insufficient.

"Hu, I just want to check whether the goods you are selling are genuine. If so many spirit recovery pills flow out from here, it will naturally affect the credibility of my Haixiumen!"

Geng Qiang's words are irrational and plausible.

Ling Zhi turned his head and gave him a cold look.

"So what did you check out? With so many goods, isn't it possible that Chengdu has to go through your hands before selling it?"

"There are also people who sell thousand-year elixir and Nine-Rank wild animal meat over there. Why don't you go and check it? The market stalls are not sold in stores. The auction will inspect the goods. If you don't have the ability to check out the authenticity, right? Want to try one more?"

The crowd around the audience was amused by what Ling Zhi said, laughed loudly, booed,

"My friend, you can't do that. Maybe they are selling real dragon meat. A few days ago, they still clamored to sell real dragon meat."

The embarrassed faces of those vendors were flushed, and when they came up, they clutched the most fierce ones to stop them.

"The teeth are sharp and the mouth is smooth."

Gu Cheng sneered,

"You are setting up a stall here. I used to charge fees for repairing the door. I am responsible for the security and order of the cluster. These are our work and the rules of the cluster. If you are unwilling to be investigated, you can get out."

"Yes, Master Gu. Not only did he not want to be investigated, he also shot me. Look at my arm, it's still green until now."

Geng Qiang shouted.

"Come on, disturb the order of the cluster. According to the regulations, items need to be confiscated."

Gu Cheng spread his hands and walked towards Lingzhi.

He took out a bottle of Lingzhi Pill from the ring, Ling Zhi picked it up and shook it in front of him, contemptuously.

"Why, is Haixiu's poor already at this level? Even a bottle of one-grade spirit recovery pill must be taken by such a nasty method?"

"I still have a dozen bottles here. Otherwise, I'll be a good person and donate it to you Haixiumen. Then I will be a relief to the victims. What do you think?"

Ling Zhi sneered.

Unexpectedly, Gu Cheng nodded,

"Our Haixiu family has a big business. If you are willing, I will naturally not stop you, but there is one thing you may have made a mistake. My punishment is not only what you have left, but also what you have sold for income. ."

Ling Zhi looked at Gu Cheng with a foolish look, and he couldn't think of anyone being so shameless.

"Get it for me.

Deceptive words confuse the crowd and disturb the order! "

Gu Cheng greeted him, and several people around him gathered up.

After hesitating for a moment, Ling Zhi pulled away and rushed out, without choosing to fight against them. Once he was anxious, he would inevitably attract more powerhouses. He just wanted to prepare more spiritual stones, and he would securely take them at the auction a week later. Go down the wild animal bag to ensure the safety of Guru's evolution.

If it is too troublesome to get involved in these battles, what he hates most is trouble.

"Sister Bing Lan, we already have three of us, plus you, isn't it rare enough to go there? It's enough to protect yourself."

To the right inside the east city gate, a young man murmured, carrying a half-human axe.

The woman called Sister Bing Lan turned her head and gave the youth a blank look.

"No, the things we picked this time are a little bit deep. I'm afraid that I won't be able to take care of you alone. I must find someone who is not weaker than me so I can rest assured."

The young man took the axe off and stood on the ground, lying on the axe boredly, muttering in his mouth.

The woman stretched out her fingers and moved her feet slightly, nodding her jade-like green fingers towards the young man’s forehead.

"Why, dissatisfied!"

At this moment, Lexus, who had finally escaped Gu Cheng's doglegs' sight, looked back and confirmed from the side of the alley, while rushing out.

It happened that the woman was walking to the exit of the alley step by step, reaching out her hand to point to the young man. Ling Zhi only felt that a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of her, and she rushed forward without stopping.


A woman's exclamation suddenly sounded.

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