God-level Punishment System

Chapter 816: Slumber

The speed of the gray fog is extremely fast, but it can't be compared with this flash of lightning. Just after escaping a few meters away, it was overtaken by the lightning.

With a bang, the two collided, and both disappeared.

With sweat on his forehead, Ling Zhi turned his head to see what happened.

"This gray mist is the old man's. A cloud of black energy on my body?"

Ling Zhi was shocked, and he didn't even know the gray mist in his mind.

At the same time, because of Jian Li's soul power attack, the soul body that has been a little languished, a burst of relaxed and comfortable blessing seems to have lost a kind of restraint, the soul body has become energetic, and the Lexus eyes have also become sharp. Many, a little stronger.

Thousands of miles away from Leicheng, among a towering mountain peak, a woman woke up from sitting cross-legged, a stream of blood flowing from the corner of her white mouth.

The woman's face was calm, her eyes looked straight in front of her, as if her eyes had penetrated into the void in front of her.

The spiritual power in the body was shocked, and the blood at the corner of the mouth was shaken into a mist, floating in front of the woman.

This woman who coughed up blood suddenly was the only woman among the few people who fought against Ye Zong and Zhou Xuanqing at the time of the sunset, Shangguan Ning, the top power of Xuanzhou, the Sect Master of Xinzong, and the fourth-tier artistic conception master.

The Fallen Leaf Sect is known for its Tower Refining Body, and the Xinzong is known for Soul Cultivation.

"The history of the Fallen Leaf Sect is far more than that of my Heart Sect. How could it be that we were forced to move so hastily.

At that time, I used Jian Li's hand to separate a strand of soul thought and hide it in the young man's body. In the future, my Heart Sect will have its own way to obtain this great gift. "

Shangguan Ning said to herself, lost in thought.

"No one in Xuanzhou can compare my Xinzong's soul power research. I personally made the move. Even Zhou Xuanqing couldn't find and destroy my soul thought. Could it be that the king realm powerhouse made another move that day? But old The ancestor is not the strong man in extremely bad condition, how can he personally shoot for a younger generation?"

Shangguan Ning frowned, and the back hand left to him was broken in this way, unable to let go.

"What the **** was that just now, which actually led away the lightning and saved this young man?"

"I don't know what it might be. It's not a good thing anyway. Lightning is the most upright thing. It's not surprising to be attracted by things condensed by this demon and evil law."

There was an old man in the field, well-informed, and explained for everyone.

He waved his hand and motioned the people around him to be quiet for a while.

"Don't worry, the beast should have a pure heart to the level of innocence, so Lei Mu will not attack it, but if this young man wants to save it, he has to go in and go deeper. It's more awful than good."

After this old man was finished, everyone stayed together.

Because Gulu suddenly opened his eyes, held Leimu's trunk, and crawled up.


Ling Zhi stood there and shouted.

The beast glanced back at him, with longing in his eyes, and continued to crawl upward.

Lei Mu is not big. Although the beast is not moving fast, it climbs to the upper part in a short time, which is exactly where the green bud is.

A thin branch grew out of the crack, exposing Lei Mu's body about one finger long, and on this finger-long branch, a tender green bud was exposed.

Guru crawled here before stopping, then looked at the green sprout obsessively.

"It, isn't it going to eat the green sprouts that Leimu grows?"

The crowd looked at the beast's obsessive eyes, a little shocked and a little dazed.

Lei Mu didn't know how many years it took for this branch to grow, and how many years had passed before this young shoot appeared. If the beast swallows it indiscriminately, the entire Leicheng might be ignited and detonated instantly.

"Quickly, go and invite some adults from Leicheng!"

Seeing this scene, everyone finally couldn't calm down and exclaimed.

Because Leimu itself contained huge lightning power, the cluster was unprotected, and even if the beast approached Leimu, everyone didn't care.

I don't think that such a beast that walks unsteadily can hurt Leimu.

But not only did the thunder and lightning not attack Guru, but also allowed Guru to climb on top of it, which shocked countless people in cold sweats.

"Guru, come down quickly."

Seeing several people rushing to Leicheng in all directions, Ling Zhi became more anxious, but couldn't get close and could only urge the beast.

Just as everyone was surprised and uncertain, the branch suddenly moved.

The beast stood his head and looked at the green shoot, almost clinging to the branch.

The branch swayed slightly, and it shook the beast's head a few times, just like... as if greeting the beast.


Beast Gaoxin cried.

Only Ling Zhi can roughly understand the meaning of the beast. After all, after spending some time with him, he understood some habits and felt the joy and happiness in the beast’s voice. He had to shut up, and stepped back anxiously and helplessly. Gollum exited by himself.

And while looking around, consider how to escape later.

However, the situation developed extremely fast. After the green branches slapped the beast a few times, Gulu's body separated from the trunk and flew towards Lexus.

Putting Guru into his arms, Ling Zhi immediately used all his strength and ran out of the crowd.

The power of the physical body suddenly broke out, and for a while, he rushed out of the crowd smoothly, ran for a few times, and then stopped in an alley.

Not long after the time happened, there was no strong person in the crowd, and Lexus reacted extremely quickly without any hesitation. He took the beast and began to run, and he was really thrown away from everyone's sight for a while.

"I rely on..."

Ling Zhi had time to observe Gulu at this time. When he saw its state, he couldn't help but let out a foul language.

Gulu closed his eyes and slept peacefully in his arms, no matter how he shook or called out, he didn't even respond. He slept extremely deep, extremely dead.

And a little green light slowly emerged from its body surface, looming, and a little thunder and lightning surged.

"Desolate beast evolution?"

After careful observation, Lexus was surprised.

He came into contact with this theory when he learned about the Wang family. In the name of raising wild beasts, almost every member of the clan would look for a wild beast cub and cultivate it.

After the wild beast grows up, it can bring a lot of strength to the owner, and the wild beast is extremely loyal, so the Wang family's wild beast training method has always been watched by everyone.

However, the desolate beast may undergo some changes after artificial cultivation and some unique techniques, that is, evolution.

It may be from the strength that could only reach the lower fifth rank, to evolve to the sixth and seventh ranks in one fell swoop, breaking through the shackles of the original life.

There may also be a certain kind of ability, or a certain kind of gift contained in the bloodline. There are many situations, but generally speaking, it has a positive effect on the wild beast, so it is very rare to meet and not to be expected.

This situation of Guru is very similar to the evolution of the wild beast in the description

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