God-level Punishment System

Chapter 808: Where there is no evil

"Brother, what is Gulu, is it a barren beast?"

The girl squinted her big eyes, and hugged the Snow White Beast, playing with each other.

Thinking of the beast always grunting, especially when Gao Xin, Lexus simply called it grunt, and the simple beast also agreed without dissatisfaction with his irresponsible name.

"That's it."

Ling Zhi leaned against the door, watching them frolic.

The girl's name is Xia Ning'er, and she lives with the father and grandson of Xia.

During a trip to sea, both parents passed away, leaving the old man and the girl behind.

Grandpa Xia worked hard to pull his granddaughter into it. With years of fishing experience, save a little bit, and the life will be fine.

Ling Zhi sighed in his heart. It was these two people. After he was in a coma, he took a lot of effort to bring himself home, boiled the precious herbs at home for him to drink, and carefully boiled the fish soup. Let him make up for himself.

Now that he is here, two or three days have passed.

In the first battle that day, Lexus was seriously injured and his soul body was shaken. So far, it has been very difficult to mobilize the spiritual power in the body.

Slowly operating the technique, absorbing the thin aura in the air, Ling Zhi felt the thinness of the aura for the first time.

Except for the special mining area, most of Lexus stayed in the Luo Yezong, and could become the address chosen by Luo Ya that year. The aura of each area in the zong is naturally extraordinary.

After training breakthroughs, he will go to the tower and his aura is very sufficient.

Now that the Fallen Leaf Sect is out, in this fishing village, I have only experienced the thinness of spiritual power. Although it is not like the mining area, it is not much better.

For the spiritual power he needs far more than the number of people on the side, it is far from enough.

For the first time, he understood why Lingshi was so popular and necessary.

According to this situation, he estimated that it would take at least a month or so to be able to use spiritual power.

If you want to restore the peak state of the whole body's spiritual power, without relying on the help of the spirit stone, it really doesn't know how long it was.

Coupled with his physical injuries, he couldn't show 10% of his strength at the moment.

"Master, I'll go and chop the firewood in the yard. There is nothing wrong with it either."

Ling Zhi greeted him, walking like a dead tree piled under a canopy at the door.

"No, you have to rest more."

Father Xia coughed a few times, got up from the top, and stopped him.

There were not many Lexus, so he went straight, picked up his axe and started to chop wood.

Pop, pop, pop.

Then Father Xia was just a daze, and Xia Ning'er looked over in amazement, her eyes widened and her mouth wide open, she couldn't believe it.

I saw that Lexus took the axe in his hand without holding the wood, just picking the axe's blade and flying the wood up, and then with a stroke of the axe, the wood fell in half.

Then, repeating this action, there was a continuous sound of pops and pops, and the wood piled up there, but in a moment, all of them were chopped and piled accurately in the corner.

"Brother, you are amazing!"

Xia Ning'er hugged Guru, her big eyes flickered and ran to Ling Zhi, her face full of worship.

Ling Zhi was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that although he could only show 10% of his strength, he was not understandable by mortals.

Even if it was only 10%, it was much better than when he was in the early stage of his physical state.

A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

"Oh, old man Xia, when will there be guests at home?"

A sound of flowing air came from far away.

A group of three weak men came from a distance.

Xia Ning'er's body shook, and the conditioned reflex hid behind Lingzhi, clutching Lingzhi's clothes tightly, her head pressed closely behind Lingzhi, and her whole body was shaking.

"Ma Kong, what are you doing here? Isn't it the day to hand in the stuff!"

Father Xia looked ugly and stood by the door.

"Handing in? It has been rainy this month, and everyone hasn't gotten well. You owe so much. You will be able to hand it in someday?"

The leading young man kicked on a bucket in front of the door and asked.

"If you want me, you are an old man, you don't have to save some coffins, but you still have to raise this granddaughter. How can you have the ability, clean up, let me take this girl away, we old nature will not treat you badly."

This is called Ma Kong's, his face changed, and he kindly looked at Xia Ning'er behind Lingzhi.

"I didn't expect your bad old man to look like this, this granddaughter, it's really unschooling to come over to be a child bride of our old man, and warm the bed.

You and her, why don't you need to live in such a shabby house, eat and drink spicy food, you can do it yourself. "

Ma Kong seemed to have gone patiently. This time he vowed to take Xia Ning'er away, repeatedly persuading him.

Elder Xia walked out from the door, grabbed Xia Ning'er in his arms, and stared at Ma Kongdao angrily.

"Go away, I don't know what you are thinking about. Ning'er can still have it in your hands."

"Hi, old man, what's the matter!"

Behind Ma Kong, a gangster yelled, with a face full of flesh and blood, and Xia Ning'er trembled again with fright.

Gulu had been hugged by Ling Zhi a long time ago, and he screamed in dissatisfaction. Ling Zhi reached out his hand to appease him a few times before he calmed down.

"Ma Kong, Ma Jiang, when you three brothers back then, when did I treat you badly? When did I sell fish and didn't want to buy something [Xingxing Novel www.xbooktxt.info] for the three of you, now you are here Is there no guilt in my heart for me!"

Old man Xia said with grief.

A trace of panic flashed in Ma Kong's eyes, and then he calmed down.

"Damn, if you didn't read this, you thought you could drag it so long? Now that you have reached this point, whether you agree or disagree, we must take the person away!"

Ma Kong went up and kicked a few items at the door everywhere, and the detective was about to grab Xia Ning'er who was hiding in the arms of Old Man Xia.


Ling Zhi didn't make a move until then, gently stretched out his hand and put it on Ma Kong's shoulder.

"You don't want to be nosy, you won't know how you died then."

Ma Kong was obviously domineering, and said coldly without turning his head.

The two brothers behind him also took a step together, sneering at Lexus.

"Brother, this matter has nothing to do with you. Don't interfere. Go ahead."

Father Xia raised his head and said anxiously to Ling Zhi.

"Big brother, let's go, they are great, we can't afford it."

Xia Ning'er's gums were trembling, but she still had the courage to get out of Grandpa Xia's arms and said.

The grandfather and grandson are kind-hearted. At this moment, they are still thinking about others in the crisis.

Ling Zhi felt warm and smiled.

"Mo you guys helped me, just don't help me, I will not just sit back and watch this matter."

With the force of his subordinates, Ling Zhi easily pulled Ma Kong's body in front of him, hooked his feet, kicked, Ma Kong screamed and flew out.

Lexus didn't put his feet down, and he didn't even look behind him. With two consecutive feet, the three brothers were piled together.

Reaching out his hand to wipe the scared tears on Xia Ning'er's face, Ling Zhi felt a little distressed.

"You, who are you? Do you know who our boss is? You are not happy to find yourself!"

Ma Kong got up, the three brothers helped and shouted from a distance.

"Yeah, brother, people in the entire fishing village are afraid of them, you should go."

Xia Ning'er trembled.

"There are no bullies anywhere, and there are people in such a place who want to do evil."

Ling Zhi hummed lightly and didn't care.

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