God-level Punishment System

Chapter 800: Luo Tianya

When Lexus was killed, he didn't expect that the evolution of Spirit Devouring Fire turned out to require only aura.

But when you think about it the other way around, it's reasonable.

Just as a flame wants to burn vigorously, it needs to add more combustibles, even if the fire of the devouring spirit is special, it cannot escape a word of fire.

It's just that the combustible material of Spirit Devouring Fire is unique, it's aura.

Thinking that his own cultivation originally needed a lot of spirit stones, the amount of aura needed for the Spirit Devouring Fire now might be even more terrifying. Suddenly, Ling Zhi felt that the future was a long way to go.

"There are many things I want to say to you, but I don't know where to start."

Snow White Big Beast lowered his hands, his tone was a little low.

It's like a big cat with a sudden bad mood, downcast.

"You go up."

The Snow White Big Beast strayed slightly away, revealing a path, leading straight to the steps.

Unexpectedly, things went so smoothly, Ling Zhi looked happy, walked towards the steps, approaching the steps, he turned around,

"Senior, I don't know how you are related to the beast, nor what race you are, but the beast is still ignorant. Do you want to go out to see it, or I will send it over after I go out."

He sincerely hopes that the beast can be with its family. If he wants to come to the beast, he will roll around with great heart and whine non-stop.

After a pause, the Snow White Beast slowly shook his head.

"No, I'm just a soul mind left by the body. Even if you don't come this time, I will soon dissipate. Our clan is scarce. Let it go on its own way.

When the time is up, we will meet each other. "

Lexus didn't force it, turned around and stepped up the steps.

The imaginary difficulties and trials are not present, only steady steps and normal roads.

Unlike the tower from all sorts of strangeness to calm, there is a storm outside.

The source of the storm comes from Zuo Jun Bufan, and the center of the storm is Lexus.

Ever since Ye Qingcheng and the others came out, the remaining disciples have gathered again, guessing where Zuo Junbuan and Ling Zhi will go.

"Big brother."

When Zuo Jun Bufan appeared, Luo Ye's disciples kept shouting. Now everyone already knows his identity, and his words are full of reverence and admiration.

Only deep in the voice, there is a hint of disbelief.

Senior Brother Ling climbed higher than Senior Brother, persisting longer? When Zuo Jun Bufan elder peak, the residence of the great elder, a piece of news spread throughout the fallen leaves.

Except for those generations of sect masters in Liannian, there is no Rao Tower on the sixth floor. Now someone has entered, and that person is Lexus.

Everyone wants to know what's in the sixth and seventh floors, because no one has been able to enter for too many years, including the four masters, Xinzong.

In the days when Luo Ya was still in the Fallen Sect, even hundreds of years later, the Fallen Sect was the overlord of Xuanzhou, even overwhelming the position of the Three Kings Palace.

According to legend, in that era, the three kings of the Palace of Three Kings had to come to congratulate and congratulate the three kings in Luoye.

That is the powerhouse of the Sanhe Realm, that is the king of the warriors! Times change and the Fallen Leaf Sect is declining, but it still cannot be ignored.

The tower is even more jealous of other big families. Everyone is curious about what is on it, and even what level the tower is.

And according to their records, the weapon techniques of Luo Ye's previous generations of suzerains have disappeared. Perhaps, if no one can enter the sixth floor in Pagoda Zheng, then the major forces can still hold back their hearts, but When listening to Lexus's neighbors on the sixth floor, this one cannot be suppressed.

Especially when they thought of working together to grab the place in the Deciduous Tower over the years, thinking that the fallen leaves might become stronger again, they couldn't sit still.

Having just returned from the Chamber of Inquiry, the Patriarchs, who hadn't even been seated yet, gathered the people under their hands one after another, and discussed vigorously.


At the residence of Zhou Xuanqing, the second elder screamed, his expression tragic, angry, and his face flushed.

"The great elder, the old man, not only has never done anything for my Fallen Leaf Sect in these years, but now he has let his disciples let out such news, this is to put my Fallen Leaf Sect in the most dangerous place!"

He cried out sadly, anxiously, and his expression on Zhou Xuanqing's complexion changed several times. In the end, his expression suddenly calmed down. He looked at the second elder, he was silent for a moment and asked,

"The other elders already know about this, what about them?"

The second elder angrily said,

"The three elders, the fifth elders, the sixth elders, the seventh elders, and the four elders all expressed anger and expressed the idea that they must protect Lexus safety. Only one of the fourth elders did not even show his face. "


My Fallen Leaf Sect, silent, has been long enough. "

As if he was very satisfied with this answer, Zhou Xuanqing's decadence was swept away, his gray hair flew up, and his muddy eyes became brighter.

Unlike this contemporary suzerain who suddenly changed his spirit, the one in front of Lexus was cynical.

"We, the lord of the Fallen Leaf Sect, were all sent here after learning from you? Could it be that this is still a tradition?"

Ling Zhi touched his nose and said speechlessly.

He did not encounter obstacles on the sixth floor all the way. The obstacle to this layer was the big snow-white beast below. It can also be seen from this that the first few floors of the tower were indeed used by Luo Ya for the fallen leaves disciples. It was just an opportunity to set up the foundation, and from the beginning, there was no plan to let everyone in.

"Unexpectedly, I also asked the beast to come in through the back door."

Ling Zhi said to himself.

But I didn't know that if it hadn't been aware of his identity, the Snow White Big Beast would at most take care of him because of the beast, tell him how the Spirit Devouring Fire evolved, and would never let him come up.

"You son, how can you talk to me."

A young man standing in front of Lexus spoke.

The young man is about twenty years old, his complexion is white, and his clothes are white and neat as before, but this action is scornful and indecent.

At this moment, the young man was sitting on the steps leading to the seventh floor, with Erlang's legs tilted, his feet still shaking, his hands on his chest, looking at Lexus.

No matter how you look at it, it's not like that in Lingzhi's imagination, Luo Ya, the peerless figure who carried the tower on his back and stepped on the boundless sea, came all the way to found the Luo Yezong.

Even if it was the same as the Xuebai Big Beast, it was just a ray of soul thought left over from that year, and the whereabouts of the original and even if it had died, it was unknown.

"Lazy Bai didn't want to uncover the **** history, let you listen, and sent you to me. He really defeated him."

Luo Ya stood up and walked down the steps.

"Earth, is it okay now."

When he walked to Lexus, he spoke with such a shocking remark.

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