God-level Punishment System

Chapter 785: Early collision

The one who arrived happened to see this scene, and his pupils shrank suddenly, unable to believe what he was seeing.


"Good job! Beat him to death."

The male student of Fallen Leaf shouted happily.

"Brother Ling is the most handsome, come on!"

The female student of Fallen Leaf screamed and cheered.

Huo Yunhu rolled out with a punch from Ling Zhi, landing to stabilize his body, his tiger eyes staring cruelly at Ling Zhi.

Ling Zhi shook his fist.

"Your dead tiger's body is so hard! It's as thick as your master."

Silver Needle Maple Leaf King is worthy of being the king of the entire maple leaf forest, and the effect is far superior to ordinary Silver Needle Maple Leaf. With the essence of various elixir mobilized by Zhou Xuanqing, these three rounds of body tempering, the power of Lexus's flesh, are as terrifying as this.

The realm of Lexus also naturally smoothly broke through to the sixth level of the physical realm, but the physical body has already reached the eighth physical body. With the power of the Dragon Lian Dafa, it can fight the 9th level of the physical realm.

Next, he only needs to absorb spiritual power, and he will raise the realm to the same level as the physical body all the way, without any hindrance.

Only the spiritual power required for the aggregation of each of his spiritual power particles is very huge, and the fire of the devouring spirit is constantly purifying and tempering, and the absorption of spiritual energy is not a problem.

"Who are you? Huoyunhu is my father's beast pet, how can you allow you to say that."

Wang Yu heard Ling Zhi cursing with Huo Yunhu's owner, although he was timid, he was bold enough to speak.

"Oh, so you are the son of that old thing. No wonder I am so upset when I see you."

Ling Zhi raised his eyebrows to look at him.

"Big tabby cat, if you stare at me like this, I'll take your skin and make a tiger coat."

Ling Zhi looked at Huo Yunhu and turned back.

"Do you want it?"

He actually looked at the female disciples of Luo Ye and asked with a smile.

"Ah, ah, Brother Ling is asking me, have you seen it, have you seen it."

The female disciple standing in the front exclaimed.


A group of pretty female disciples in the back stretched out their hands and took him away.

"Brother, we want, we want."

The previous depression and the stunning and domineering appearance of Lexus did not match their heroic image.

Since ancient times, how can a beautiful woman not love heroes?

"What do you want..."

Ling Zhi touched his nose. He didn't expect these female disciples to be so enthusiastic, watching a group of Yingyingyanyan blushing and shouting to him... I want what I want, which inevitably makes people want to go.


The long sword was taken out, Ling Zhi took out the ink sword from the ring and pointed it diagonally at Huo Yunhu. He really wanted to chop off the tiger.

He could draw a tie with this tiger with his physical strength, but it was even harder to hurt a Ninth-Rank barren beast.

You know, that day, the old man surnamed Hubei Tie frowned and felt troubled when he saw Wang Yang summoning the Huoyunhu.

But with Mo Jian in hand, it might not be impossible.

How can you look at it if you can destroy the sharpness of high-grade pawns.

"Dare you! We are guests, is that how you Luo Yezong treats Ke Rao?"

Seeing Ling Zhi's sword facing Huo Yunhu, Wang Yu glared.

This is an insult to his father.

Ling Zhi frowned. He really didn't know what was going on. He just heard a sentence and rushed over. Just when he saw Jian Xingyu and Wang Yu's arrogant appearance, he shot directly.

"Ling Zhi, you hurt me, I will not let you go, and I will not let you go, Jian family!"

Jian Xingyu just got up from the ground with difficulty.

The tampering pressure on the inner layer was as strong as it was. He was no more than two meters away from Lexus at the moment. While flying out, he was blocked by the pressure, but he did not enter too deep to move like Lu Xin did before.

"It's not that I haven't played."

Lexus casually said,

"But it's better to hit you."

He makes up the knife.

But he didn't move anymore. Although he didn't care about the host and guest, he was after all a disciple of Zhou Xuanqing, the suzerain. Even if Zhou Xuanqing was unreliable during the day, he didn't have any special treatment and noble status. It's always bad to be flat.

"Senior Brother Ling, he just didn't plant our male disciple of the Fallen Sect."

Tai Hua stood in the crowd and yelled. He knew Lexus a little bit. He knew that the other party didn't do anything because he was not afraid, but because he was concerned about the face of Luo Yezong.

"Yes, just now they returned us to no one in the Fallen Leaf Sect and insulted us in every way."

"Also, they ran to the fourth floor while you and the senior brothers and sisters were no longer there, provoking us not to come forward."

...Someone spoke, and the disciples of Fallen Leaf talked about each other for a while, and they told Lexus what had just happened.

As soon as he walked out of the crowd, he walked towards this side step by step.

He only knew one thing, but he didn't expect what he had just discovered would be so bad.

"It's a senior brother, haha, see if they can be arrogant now!"


Lu Xin was supported by someone, his face puffed up on both sides, and several teeth had fallen off. It was extremely miserable. He lowered his head and shouted at him in shame.

Behind him, there are a few people who are supported, and the few people who have just been shaken by Jian Xingyu are all stale and bloody.

Angrily rushed, he turned to look at Jian Xingyu and Wang Yu.

Lexus, who had been quietly listening to all of this, also stepped forward at this time, trying to walk towards Jian Xingyu.

"Friends, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, my brother still doesn't know how to do things."

A cold shout came from off the court, and a large group of people came together.

In the front, there were exactly five people, all of them in different costumes, and it was the young man walking in the front that spoke.

"Xin Zong Tan Tai Jing, Jian Jia Jian Ao, Wang Family Wang Xuan, Tie Family Tie Fei, Qian Family Qian Guan!"

The well-informed disciples broke these identities one by one, and they are all the pinnacles of the young generation of various forces.

Four nine floors and one eight floors.

Feeling the fluctuations in the aura of these five people, Ling Zhi's pupils shrank. Now it seems that this strength is more than that of Luo Yezong.

He estimated that when Ye Qingcheng walked out of the medicinal bath, he would reach the peak of the eighth level at most, and it was almost impossible to break through to the ninth level.

As for the strength of the first and seventh floors, it is possible to break into the eighth floor at any time.

But it is still not enough.

Over the years, the Fallen Leaf Sect is indeed somewhat lost.

Ling Zhi thought of Zhou Xuanqing's sigh.

This group of Rao is not very young, like Ye Qingcheng, they are all under twenty years old. If he hadn't gotten the exercise technique because of the Dragon Character Stele, he would be difficult to deal with at this moment.

"Forgive and forgive?"

Ling Zhi suddenly laughed, laughing unscrupulously. He tilted his head, looked towards one, looked at the disciple of Luoye, and asked softly,

"Will you, swallow this breath?"

The Luo Ye disciples clenched a fist, but there was nothing. They wanted to shout and were unwilling, but they were unwilling to embarrass Lexus in front of so many talents.

Ling Zhi put away the ink sword, glanced at Lu Xin and the others, and then at Jian Ao and others.

Jian Ao smiled at the corner of her mouth, seemingly satisfied with Lexus' attitude.

Ling Zhi chuckled, his laughter was very cold. Just when everyone thought he was about to give up, he suddenly turned around, stuck one hand out, pinched Wang Yu's neck, and one bent over and pinched Jian Xingyu likewise.

With the power of his physical body, these two people who had just broken through into the seventh-level realm could not resist at all.

He just pinched one in one hand and strode towards the inner floor, towards the tower.

"No one can pay no price after insulting my Luoye disciple."

He turned his back to everyone in a cold tone.

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