God-level Punishment System

Chapter 775: Source of anxiety

The next day, outside Maple City, ten miles, Silver Needle Maple Leaf Forest.

"Junior Brother, if we wait until the Fang family hand over the Silver Needle Maple Leaf King to the group of gangsters, and then intercept directly from it, wouldn't it be easier."

Ye Qingcheng looked at the densely guarded maple leaf forest at the moment, wondering.

Ling Zhi thought for a moment.

"No, since the Fang family dared to kill my members of the Fallen Leaf Sect, they knew that they had bet on the fate of the entire family.

The Fang family was able to live firmly in Fengcheng and have been able to overpower other forces for so many years, it was by no means a fool.

It is impossible to give them such precious things rashly. "

"But the surnamed Li clearly threatened them to do this, and you also saw that Fang's steward."

Ye Qingcheng hid under the veil, frowning his beautiful brows, puzzled.

Even this frown makes people feel pity. If you see it, you will be fascinated by it and feel distressed.

I want to smooth this brow, and I am willing to go to the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire.

"It's nothing more than blindfolding. This group of gangsters are at best cannon fodder, thrown out to attract the sight of other forces in the city and obscure their true actions.

The man surnamed Li knew this very well, so he dared to bite the bullet and didn't promise to take charge on the spot. "

Ling Zhi explained carefully.

"Then let's go directly in. Isn't it easy to avoid these sights?"

Ye Qingcheng turned his face away and put aside his just white appearance, with an experienced look.


Ling Zhi yelled in a low voice, and fell silent for a moment in Ye Qingcheng's puzzled eyes.

"I always feel something is wrong. If something is wrong, please leave me alone. Get out of it first."

Ye Qingcheng stunned, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and then smiled.

"I see you, it's the first time I have done this kind of thing. I'm overwhelmed. Don't worry. Let's join hands. What's the fear?"

I hope so, Ling Zhi suppressed the anxiety in his heart and spread out with Ye Qingcheng, avoiding the sight of the guards and looking inside.

And as early as when Ling Zhi had just left the city, Fengcheng, in the courtyard of the mansion that Ling Zhi found last night, the thin man named Li stopped writing, folded the paper on the table, and got up.

"Send this letter to Fang's house."

He spoke outside the door.

It turned out to be a two-handed idea. While cooperating with Lexus and the others, he also informed the Fang family, indicating that he was on the side of the Fang family.

At that time, no matter who wins, he can deal with it, and there is a reason to keep himself safe.

Being able to fight for a force from the bottom without relying on it, how could its scheming be as unbearable as it was in the performance? If this was an old fox like Zhou Xuanqing, the man surnamed Li would never walk out of the Cuichun Tower alive last night.

Ling Zhi's benevolence of women finally pushed him into danger.

There are some truths, after all, you have to have suffered a loss, and you can really understand it by paying a **** lesson.

After half an hour, Ling Zhi and the others finally arrived at the center of this forest and saw the silver needle maple leaf king in the pass.

Along the way, in order to avoid those people and not cause alarm, the clothes on Lingzhi and Ye Qingcheng became a bit damaged, and the damage made the clothes look like beggar clothes.

The leaves of the Silver Needle Maple Leaf are extremely sharp, and clusters are everywhere. If one is careless, the clothes are scratched on it, which is just a cut.

"How does such a sharp thing temper its body?"

Ling Zhi asked an idiot question.

Ye Qingcheng raised the soft corners of her mouth Gao Xin,

"Nonsense, it's hard for you to think that taking this leaf for self-defeating, of course, is to extract the juice from it and add some auxiliary elixir to soak your body."

Ling Zhi's eyes looked at the Silver Needle Maple Leaf King, and they became hot.

The Dafa he cultivated in the Eight Desolate Six Helong Dragons was an authentic body-refining exercise. If he could obtain special body-tempering things, his effects and effects would definitely be comparable.

The Silver Needle Maple Leaf King is relatively speaking, compared to other Silver Needle Maple Leaf Trees, it is a bit more, about ten meters high and three to four meters wide.

The Silver Needle Maple Tree has very few leaves. The other maple trees only have nearly a thousand leaves, while the Silver Needle Maple King has only a hundred leaves.

So the whole plant looks a little bald.

"Junior brother, let's just take this tree king away, right?"

Ye Qingcheng's eyes lit up and his heart was hot.

"It's so big, how do you take it away? And as the saying goes, people move and trees move to death.

We just need to take away all the maple leaves. "

Ling Zhi hit her, but his appetite was not at all.

Just as the two Lexus were discussing how to act, a wave of changes suddenly came from behind them.

In a blink of an eye, a group of human figures gathered from all directions. These goals were very clear, which was to form an encirclement and then advance towards the position of the Silver Needle Maple Leaf King.

Sweeping away at a glance, no fewer than a hundred people, and in every direction, are led by a number of warriors. It is impossible to avoid silently and break through quickly.

The moment Ling Zhi saw these figures, his fists tightened fiercely, and he finally understood why he had been feeling faintly uneasy in his heart, but he still couldn't understand where this uneasy came from.

He didn't realize until he saw that the clothes these people were wearing were similar to the Fang housekeeper he saw last night.

A man surnamed Li, betrayed him! Not only did he not kill the man surnamed Li, but he did not even stop him.

Just because the other party has a good cooperative attitude and begging for mercy! His benevolence of women finally caused him irreparable consequences! Slap.

Fang Nan clapped his palms, walked out from behind these figures, sneered at the corners of his mouth.

"Why, don't you come out yet."

Ling Zhi grumbled and walked out with Ye Qingcheng.

"Senior Sister, this matter is my negligence."

Lexus's voice was a little low.

"Ah, it's okay, their group of fish and shrimps, with the strength of the two of us, what is there to be afraid of."

Ye Qingcheng chuckled lightly, her voice was pleasing to the ear, and everyone present was attracted by his laughter and cast their sights.

Yeah, what's to be afraid of.

Since it was caused by me, I will solve it.

If you fall, get up and fight again! Ling Zhi smiled, throwing it low, the ink sword drawn from the ring and dropped into his hand, the sword pointed at Fang Nan.

"Well, what is there to be afraid of? I can't ask for it to fight side by side with the senior sister!"

"This spare, I want it."

With a loud shout, Ling Zhi stepped on Yan eight steps, ignoring the crowd around him, and rushed towards Fang Nan.

A snow-white and transparent long sword like water appeared in Ye Qingcheng's hands. Unlike his slightly bold and atmospheric attire, this sword had a biting chill, and it was transparent like crystals and pure white like snow.

Ye Qingcheng snorted.

"Okay, leave it to me for those who are in the way."

Regarding the family that killed the fallen leaves disciples, the two started their hands without the slightest hesitation.

"I knew that you disciples who came out of the big sect had bad brains, but I didn't expect it to be so bad. They only drew my life in a mere five-layer form."

Fang Nan waved his hand to stop Bian Shangrao's movements, drew out a machete-like weapon, and quietly waited for Lexus to come and die.

"If you don't believe those rumors, you may live longer."

Seeing the other party's words and actions, Ling Zhi sneered.

If Fang Nan's people stopped him, it would be difficult for him to kill him in the crowd.

But now, the other party is looking for death by himself

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