God-level Punishment System

Chapter 400: Blood Shock

After feeding Xiao Yan and taking the pill, Wang Haochen sneaked into the Huayu Pool and checked Shen Fan's condition. Then he sat down and thought quietly.

Xiao Yan’s situation has basically stabilized, and there will be no danger of life or death. Shen Fan’s body is slowly absorbing the energy of the cultivating pool, and it seems that it is also developing in a good direction, but it takes a long time for them to recover. time.

After Wang Haochen sat quietly for a while, he moved directly into Zheng of the punishment system.

Shen Fan and Xiao Yan can only rely on themselves to recover. Wang Haochen can't help anymore, and he didn't plan to wait here.

"Why am I not able to fly yet?" Wang Haochen asked the penalty system directly.

During this period of time, he asked the penalty system several times, and the penalty system gave him the answer. He found that he seemed to have overlooked an extremely important function of the penalty system, that is, the almost omniscient ability of the penalty system, and the penalty system for many things. Can answer, he wants to try to use the penalty system to improve himself.

"Flying ability means that after the elemental force is raised to a certain level, the elemental force fluctuations resonate with the energy in the air, just like the human body can float on the water using the buoyancy of water. You only need to feel the surging of earth energy carefully. Naturally, you can gain the ability to fly." The indifferent voice of the penalty system sounded.

The answer given by the penalty system is extremely detailed, and it is straight to the essence. It is very easy to understand, and Wang Haochen can understand it immediately.

Wang Haochen wanted to try it immediately, but he still suppressed the excitement in his heart, and he still had a question in his heart.

"What is the function of the special space? There is a huge mysterious aura in it, what is it?" Wang Haochen asked again.

"Special space, you can simulate and restore the original law of every world. Once the original law merges with you, you can break the world's restraint on you and go beyond." The penalty system agreed.

But this time the answer was a bit vague. It was not so direct, and Wang Haochen still didn't quite understand, he decided to change to a more direct question.

"If I integrate that breath in the special space, what benefits will I get?" Wang Haochen asked.

"Thirty-six million yuan strength is already the limit of the Xuanyuan Continent. The blood world is attached to the Xuanyuan Continent, and you can't break through this limit. But if you integrate that breath, you can break the **** of the Xuanyuan Continent. , Continue to improve yourself.” The penalty system explained.

"Thirty-six million yuan is the limit?" Wang Haochen couldn't help but hesitated, and then said: "If I continue to improve, can I break through to the realm of Martial Saint?"

"Yes, as long as you integrate that original aura, you can immediately break into the realm of Martial Saint!" The punishment system affirmed.

"Is it possible to break through to the Martial Saint Realm immediately?" Wang Haochen couldn't help but stayed for a while, and then said: "But I am only the Seventh Stage of the First Realm?"

"The realm of cultivation is just a criterion for judging strength and weakness, not absolute. Your current vitality has reached the limit of this world. Once you break through, you will naturally enter a different realm."

The sound of the punishment system was flat, but Wang Haochen was slightly shocked when he heard its method, and immediately became ecstatic.

"I can break through to the realm of Martial Saint now?" Wang Haochen was a little lost.

The martial sage realm is the goal that the overlords of the Xuanyuan Continent are struggling for. Can he reach it so easily?

Although he had guessed early on that he had a penalty system, which was easier than ordinary people breaking through to the martial sage realm, but he didn't expect it to be that simple.

It was so simple that he couldn't believe it, Huangru was in a dream

"What am I going to do?" Wang Haochen asked with a trembling voice, suppressing the excitement in his heart.

If he can break through to the realm of Martial Saint, what hesitation does he have? Now that there are countless aliens outside, the stronger the better.

"Through the soul consciousness, that breath will naturally blend into your soul consciousness, and your soul will be transformed, and you will naturally be able to surpass it." The punishment system replied.

Wang Haochen nodded, with a movement of consciousness, aroused soul consciousness and poured it into the punishment system.

It was the first time that he introduced soul consciousness into the punishment system, which was somewhat unfamiliar. But he was already very familiar with this penalty system, and he quickly introduced soul consciousness to Zheng in the special space.

The soul consciousness protruded, approaching the breath in the space...


When the soul consciousness touched, the breath instantly followed his soul consciousness, as if attached to a stream of water on the soul consciousness, rushing into his soul. In an instant, the soul roared, and the consciousness plunged into chaos, like splitting the ground. In general, the chaotic breath erupts.

His consciousness was short-lived, and his consciousness slowly recovered after dozens of breaths.

His soul began to be rebuilt in a very mysterious way, and gradually began to fit with the breath in Yong Soul.

However, that speed is rather slow.

In the Huayu Pool, Shen Fan and Xiao Yan are slowly recovering, and Wang Haochen is also in a quiet breakthrough, quite quiet, but in the blood world, the alien race is agitated.

The destruction of a cultivating pool made the blood world strengthen the protection of the cultivating pool, but he didn’t want to. Under such strict guardianship, Wang Haochen still entered the cultivating pool, and the three blood kingdoms were uneasy. Up.

If you destroy another incubation pool, not only will the blood of the blood world become thinner, but also the number of newly-born babies in the blood world will be much less. The increase in the population of the blood world will probably not keep up with the loss. Will face a crisis of the noble family.

When the three kings learned that the person who entered the second Huayu pool was the one who destroyed the first Huayu, they could no longer sit still and gave orders to kill Wang Haochen at all costs.

Countless alien races rushed to the outside of the Hua Yu Pond, densely surrounded by Mahjong Hua Yu Pond, the silver wing alien race reached more than a hundred, and that was all the silver wing alien race in the blood world.

After counting, five blood shadow behemoths rushed to them, and they blocked all of them within a hundred miles of the pool.


The five blood shadow behemoths began to attack, and several palms that covered the sun fell and bombarded the mountain peak outside the Huayu pond.

The Blood Realm is really ready to abandon this transformation pool at all costs, blast it, and force Wang Haochen to show up.

But when the terrifying giant palms fell on the peaks of Huayuwai, the foreign race discovered that there was a mysterious power permeating the Huayu Pool, protecting it, making it almost impossible to destroy it.

It’s impossible to destroy the Huayu Pond. The foreign race doesn’t know what benefits Wang Haochen can get in the Huayu Pond. He is not reconciled, but there is no other way. It can only close the Huayu Pond tightly, only to kill Wang Haochen after he takes the initiative to show up. Up him.

Deep in the blood world.


A beam of thunder light measuring several meters thick thus fell, smashed into a blood shadow behemoth several hundred meters high, and shattered its huge head.


A scarlet fireball, like a big sun falling, hit the blood shadow giant's chest fiercely.


The void trembled, sharp ripples cut through the void, and cut wounds several feet deep on the blood shadow behemoth.

After just over ten breaths, the towering, huge blood-shadow behemoth fell down, and the crimson flame burned out instantly.

The three figures flew down from the sky and gradually became clear.

The first middle-aged man in purple robe, with a pair of eyebrows, is not angry and prestigious, it is Wu Wang, and the two people beside him are naturally Huanshan and Qukong.

"There were originally three blood shadow behemoths, why suddenly there is only one left?" Huanshan frowned.

They entered the depths of the blood world, and after placing the Bai Yuxian and Shang Qingyan in place, they began to look for the lonely blood shadow behemoths and behead them one by one.

In the beginning, they did let them kill several golem behemoths, but the blood world alien races quickly became vigilant, and the golem behemoths began to gather together, usually at least three or more.

Even if the three of them were facing three blood shadow behemoths at the same time, although life-saving was not a problem, it would be too difficult to kill them.

When they got to the back, they couldn't find a chance again. They hadn't encountered a single blood shadow behemoth for half a month.

They originally thought that they had never had a chance and were worrying, but they didn't expect that they would find a single blood shadow behemoth.

But this also made them feel abnormal. Since the alien race of the blood world had already sensed their intentions, why did they leave the Blood Shadow Behemoth alone?

"At this moment, the alien race mobilizes the blood shadow behemoth, it must be something major happening in the blood world!" King Wu moved his eyes and said slowly.

"This may be our opportunity, maybe we should go and see, otherwise we will be unable to hold it up if this continues," Qu Kong said.

Huanshan nodded and said, "Then go and see, if the three of us are walking together, no matter whether there are any traps in the alien race, it shouldn't threaten us."

"Go!" The three of them moved, tracing the traces left by the blood shadow behemoth, and followed them all the way.

When they tracked down to the source and discovered that the alien race had used five blood shadow giants to surround a secret place, they couldn't help but wonder, not knowing what was hidden in the secret place, and they needed to use five blood shadow giants. beast?

This surprised them a bit.

Apart from surrounding the three of them, the alien race had never dispatched more than five blood shadow behemoths.

Is there any terrifying creature born in the blood world that makes them so solemn?

Although in addition to the three of them, in the blood world, there are also the ancestors of the Seventeenth Family who are threatening them, but the ancestors of the Seventeenth Family do not seem to have the strength to make the foreign race pay so much attention.

"Let's take a look first!" King Wu thought.

He wanted to see what would happen in that secret place, which made the alien race so nervous and waited.

(End of this chapter)

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