God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2195: Finally at ease

"It seems that you haven't realized your current situation."

Ling Zhi looked at He An Bai, his voice became very cold, very cold.

It's cold enough to make people shiver after hearing it.

In the face of all this, Ling Zhi knew that he was still too tight-lipped.

Because of He An Bai's blood avatar, what threatened Luo Yezong, his friends, brothers, father, and wife, although he was out of anger, he always restrained himself.

What he wanted was to wait until the group of Fallen Leaves Sect was confirmed to be safe before breaking out.

Now, he understands that his delayed outbreak is threatening his relatives.


When such a thought appeared in Ling Zhi's heart, there was a clear and crisp voice that appeared in He An Bai's ears.

A sword light directly pierced his heart from directly in front of him, piercing it out.

The blood in his heart ticked out along the blood line on the Weeping Blood Sword.

Even though the injury caused by the Weeping Blood Sword was very sharp and small, because the heartbeat was too violent, some blood was still splashed out.

"You, you..." The critical blow to the heart made the voice between An Bai's mouth become very weird. For a while, he couldn't react, nor could he send anything normal. The voice comes.

"What am I?"


Ling Zhi twitched at the corner of his mouth, revealing a cruel smile, the blue veins on his arms suddenly violently violently, the huge power was transmitted through his wrists, and he moved the Weeping Blood Sword toward the front and continued to push forward.

The blade rubbed against He An Bai's heart, causing more damage to He An Bai.

He An Bai's eyes widened, his pupils expanded sharply, his hands stretched out tightly, his five fingers twisted and deformed.

The spiritual power in his body rushed towards the position of his heart frantically, trying to prevent Lexus from hurting again, and the Weeping Blood Sword continued to deepen.

But all this will only bring him more exaggerated injuries and deeper injuries.

Before the Weeping Blood Sword had experienced many changes, when Ling Zhi had just stepped into the half ancestor, it had directly swallowed an arm of an ancestor of the upper realm.

Let alone now?

He An Bai's large, precious, heart blood was absorbed by the Weeping Blood Sword without reservation.

The harder He An Bai is, the more exaggerated his heart beat will be, and the blood weeping sword will absorb it, but the easier it will be.

Any resistance made by He An Bai now is just as futile as Ouyang Haotian in the Fallen Sect resists He An Bai's blood clone.

The only difference is that such resistance with An Bai will only cause the blood weeping sword to rub against his heart more severely, and the pain it will bring to him will increase and increase countless times.



With a dull sound, the body of the Weeping Blood Sword passed through He An Bai's heart. Under the leadership of Lexus, the hilt of the Weeping Blood Sword hit He An Bai's heart hard and straight. His heart, which was originally wounded by a transparent sword, almost couldn't beat.

He An Bai's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes from the pain, but his spirit, but there was no way to suppress Lexus at all, unable to stop Lexus.

In fact, if Ling Zhi hadn't kept He An Bai's spirit power, and recalled his blood clone, to the extent of He An Bai's spirit attack on him this time, as long as Ling Zhi slightly resisted with Jiuyou Eighteen Prison, It will make He Anbai worse than death.

This remaining 40% of the soul power in the body, I am afraid that 10% can be kept, even if He An Bai is lucky.

As the Weeping Blood Sword completely penetrated He An Bai's body, the distance between Ling Zhi and An Bai had also been compressed to the extreme.

He An Bai endured the huge pain, with extremely powerful hands in his hands, he slapped Lexus towards Lexus, as if he wanted to hold Lexus in his arms at once.

"Fuck you." However, Ling Zhi just suddenly let out a foul language about all this.

Then and An Bai saw a dark shadow hitting his face.

Then there was an unshameful sharp pain in his lower body, and a tearing sensation came from his whole person's heart. In his own eyes, there was only a retreating void.

Lexus, who stood in place, had blood on his forehead, but his feet were raised, still kicking in front of him.

He just hit He An Bai's forehead with his head, and then kicked He An Bai's lower body again, kicking him out, and drew the Weeping Blood Sword.

Ling Zhi moved his feet and looked at He An Bai with a playful look.

He was sure that if He An Bai didn't find some kind of sacred pill or something, the stuff below should not be used.

In this battle, Lexus was out of state, or even out of control.

But this kind of loss of control did not urge him towards a state of distraction, but instead made the various forces in his body mobilized to a high degree, which strengthened Lexus's strength.

The moment he cultivated to the endless sea, it didn't last thirty years, or even less than ten years, but he stayed in the endless sea for thirty years.

Compared with the ancestors who entered it and didn't know how long they had lived, Ling Zhi was too young. The young are a bit scary and a bit exaggerated.

In the boundless sea, it is extremely dead.

This kind of loneliness, Lexus relied on his persevering willpower to sustain it and became stronger.

But this kind of thing, held in the heart for a long time, will cause a person's character and so on to be affected.

Become a demon oppressed in people's hearts.

Today, Lexus took advantage of this opportunity to release himself who had been depressed for thirty years.

Through this release, his spirit and energy, as if he had been tempered once, became more pure.

He An Bai was kicked in the air by Lexus, and he was shocked for a while before he came back to his senses.

Said it was slow, in fact, Lexus drew his sword into He An Bai's heart, and then kicked him with his sword, in fact, he did not have a few breaths.

When He Anbai came back to his senses, he desperately summoned the return of his own blood clone.

This time, his thoughts conveyed a strong sense of anxiety, anxiety, fear, and panic.

Under Ling Zhi's gaze, He An Bai's avatar of essence and blood stood in front of the tower and let out an unwilling roar, finally rose to the ground and disappeared into the picture at the fastest speed.

Immediately before disappearing, Ling Zhi saw that He An Bai’s essence and blood clone had ignited the remaining two drops of essence and blood, which turned into a stimulating force, and returned quickly!

At this moment, Ling Zhi finally put down the huge stone in his heart.

Next, whether he is alive or dead, he has no regrets!

Finally feel at ease!

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