God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2182: Finally see

No one can count how many amazing people have appeared in this world since history.

No one can count how many strange spiritual things there are, how many magical and powerful exercises there are, and even how many cultivation systems have appeared.

As for the star map, since ancient times, the star fields recorded on it seem to be endless, and no one has been able to truly detect all the territorial records on the star map.

Just like no one has ever truly explored all the boundaries of this universe.

And what is hidden in these unknown territories?

Will it be another world, and will there be a complete world similar to the upper and lower realms?

Will there be a lot of opportunities that make the ancestral capital jealous?

Without the star map, even the ancestor, there is no way to search for such an endless, aimless search.

With the star map, all this will be possible.

Will there be more opportunities to enter the third step in the wider, no-man's land?

Even in that area that no one knows, will there be an existence above the ancestor who has entered the third step?

The importance of star maps can be imagined.

"Since it's with him, it's mine, not so."

In the end, the beast ancestor reached a reconciliation in his heart.

Did not turn his face with Lexus on the spot.

He firmly believes that Lexus will not be his opponent, let alone escape his palm and out of his control.

So instead of taking the shot now, it is better to let Lexus play the last remaining heat before taking the star map.

Ling Zhi didn't know that the beast ancestor behind him already had so much tossing in his heart.

As the time passed, Ling Zhi's heart not only failed to restore peace, but became more impatient and anxious.

Every moment, this feeling is strengthening.

In the area that he couldn't hear and hadn't seen yet, in the Fallen Leaf Sect, Ye Qingcheng couldn't help but let out a shout.

He An Bai’s javelin is still contending with the Fallen Leaf Sect’s guardian formation. The expressions of Ouyang Haotian, Li Bai, Xia Ning’er and others are all blue and white. The strength in the body consumes a lot. The formation is about to break.

Everything seems to have reached a critical moment, a turning point.


Suddenly, the javelin thrown by He An Bai turned straight after being stuck on the formation.

Just like a drill bit, the speed of rotation almost turned the javelin into nothingness, the shape of the javelin was not visible, and the movement of the javelin could not be caught.

And this sudden, more intense attack made the already precarious formation burst into pieces and shattered.

Xu is a coincidence, and Xu Shitian is destined to be general. At this moment, Lexus finally moved the picture to the star of Reincarnation.

And his gaze was also placed on the Fallen Leaf Sect in an instant.

It was also at this moment that he saw that He An Bai broke through the guardian formation of the Fallen Leaf Sect. The eldest brother Ouyang Haotian, the younger sister Xia Ning'er, as well as Li Bai, Tantaijing, father Lingtian and others all vomit blood together. Flew out.

As Li Bai retreated, he also put his hand on Joy's body and flew back with Joy's body.

Ling Zhi's gaze narrowed uncontrollably on Juyi's body.

That look, that attitude, especially the little purple flower that appeared on Joy's body, made him understand everything instantly.

"It's you!" Ling Zhi couldn't help but let out a low growl.

He instantly understood that Joy was forced to die again, but whether he could reincarnate this time, it was unpredictable. Joy, who had awakened this time, had reached the peak of her life.

Her reincarnation experience of the world is more limited to her strength being weaker than her highest strength.

If it hadn't been mentioned by Xia Ning'er, that Joy's reincarnation is still one time short, and one is missing, Lexus would even directly believe that Joy will definitely die, and there will be no hope of survival.

And combined with his collapsed statues in the lower realm, Ling Zhi understood, this time, who is the enemy of the Fallen Leaf Sect.

In this kind of place, it seems that there are no other people besides the ancestors and An Bai to have many half ancestors.

Ling Zhi also completely understood where the anxiety in his heart came from.

From the expressions of Ouyang Haotian and the others, as an alchemist, he can clearly perceive that there are countless wounds in their bodies, old and new injuries, countless.

This chase has been going on for a long time.

The Fallen Leaf Sect is their last line of defense.

"Has the other disciples been transferred in advance?" Ling Zhi stared at the screen, trying to see more people who were worried.

The strength of Jiang Xue, Qin Binglan and others is low, not here, it's normal.

Yin Meng might have gone to Wanling Zuxing with Li Bai. If he could not step into the half ancestor, he could not follow in their footsteps and appear in the Fallen Leaf Sect, which is normal.

But what about Phoenix? Where is Shu Feiyao? Where is Ye Qingcheng?

Ling Zhi's gaze followed Luo Yezong, until the moment he saw the Sky Tower, his pupils shrank sharply.

The Sky Tower stands at the core of the Fallen Leaf Sect, and there are no cracks on it, but there are many bad premonitions in Ling Zhi's heart.

The Sky Tower is definitely a powerful enough ancestor tool. After so many years, Shu Feiyao, who has Xinghai's auxiliary cultivation, definitely has a certain ability to spur the Sky Tower.

But the Sky Tower stood there quietly, facing the people injured by He An Bai, without moving anything.

Did Shu Feiyao have something to do?

Still the sky tower is not easy to move, who is inside the sky tower?

Is it because the many disciples of the Fallen Leaf Sect, or the few people he cares about most, are seriously injured and unable to come out, unable to protect themselves, and even make the Sky Tower unable to meet the enemy? Or what?

Ling Zhi couldn't infer all the details, but these things made him tremble enough and angry enough.

"He, An, Bai!" Ling Zhi almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

He finally saw the image that made him uneasy. Ling Zhi's five fingers were deeply clenched together, and the veins on his forehead burst.

The closer he gets to the facts, the more uncomfortable he is, because he still doesn't know how to leave the boundless sea and how to help.

It's real, a sense of helplessness across the endless void.

This feeling made him almost lose his strength.

Contrary to him, after seeing the scene that Ling Zhi wanted to see, it turned out to be He An Bai's shot, but the Beast Ancestor's eyes revealed a little surprise and a trace of weirdness.

He invited Lexus over to help him deal with An Bai. He also constructed some plans in his mind to guide Lexus and An Bai to fight.

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