God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2168: Two different worlds

After taking out the Jiuyou Eighteenth Prison, Ling Zhi keenly noticed the abnormal movement of the yellow water column beside him, but when Ling Zhi moved the Jiuyou Eighteenth Prison closer, the abnormality was not so intense.

Standing on the spot for a little silence, Ling Zhi moved his soul power slowly and cautiously towards the yellow water column.

He knows the powerful corrosive ability of the Nine Heavens Blue Yellow Spring Water, so he needs to be more cautious if he touches with his soul.


The water column seemed to be separated, and Ling Zhi's spirit power instantly penetrated in.

On the other side, his body, also holding the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons, leaned towards the water column and directly penetrated into it.


When the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons appeared in the water column, Ling Zhi only felt that his eyes were dark, and the soul felt a violent roar.

Then the soul power that he plunged into the water column was washed away by the powerful spring water and dissipated.

All the perceived images will naturally disappear.

And Ling Zhi also clearly felt a strong suction force attached to his hand, more precisely, attached to the Jiuyou Eighteen Prison in his hand.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly. At the moment when Divine Soul encountered the impact, he retracted his hand. The Nine Serenities and Eighteen Prisons had also been refined by him, and it was more convenient to control. This disappeared.

"The suction is obviously from below." Ling Zhi made a decision in his heart instantly. While the spiritual power was injected into the ancestor-shaped armor, he followed the water column and moved forward rapidly.

Ten thousand feet, twenty thousand feet, Lexus diving speed is really amazing.

And with the resistance of the ancestor-shaped armor, he was under a lot less pressure in an instant, which gave him the possibility of diving.

At this moment, time seemed to have disappeared. In front of Ling Zhi's eyes, there was only this yellow water column and the dark, invisible seabed.

There is only one thought in his mind. Find the source of the suction, and all problems will be solved.

The source of suction is most likely the true location of the Nine Heavens Blue Yellow Spring. The current water column is just the gushing of the Blue Yellow Spring.


While Lexus dived deep into the boundless sea bottom, He An Bai stood outside the taboo battlefield.

"At the time of that battle, I hadn't stepped into the ancestral sacred realm. I didn't expect it to be so long in a flash." Standing outside the battlefield, He Anbai said to himself with emotion.

Immediately afterwards, he let out a sneer, "Among the people who participated in the war, how many of them were extremely strong, even if they are now, they are the existence that I need to look up to. The result? I am not here yet, and they cough. The blood fell on this battlefield, fell on this battle."

"What **** morality, what **** ethics, guard the lower realm, guard the people," He Anbai looked down at his hand, "only [书趣阁www.shuquge.co] has a long existence in this world, only one's own Being strong is meaningful. Everything else is fart meaningless."

"No matter what method is used, the person who can laugh last is the real winner."

There is a kind of madness, a kind of distortion, and a kind of abnormality in He An Bai's heart.

Most of the people he looked up and looked up to are now gone, and they don't know where they are.

However, he has become a powerful ancestor. The pursuit and killing of Ouyang Haotian and the others during these days, and the harvest of the power of faith in Lexus, have even contributed to his feeling.

In the past, he was very low-key, pursuing his own obscurity, accomplishing his goals and achieving his plans.

Because he knows very well that many forces and sects in the lower realm have ways to connect with the upper realm.

He didn't want the upper realm to know that there was an extra ancestor in the lower realm.

Showing off is not a good thing.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it.

But this time, because of the existence of the interstellar teleportation array, the rise of the Fallen Leaf Sect was astonishing. It was the first sect that spread throughout the entire lower realm in countless years. It gathered an unimaginable aspiration of sentient beings, the real temptation. To him.

Secondly, it was actually the most real reason why he didn't want to admit it.

With such humble strength, Ling Zhi escaped his chase and took away the time crystal from his eyes. In the subsequent chase, He Qilu beat him up and made him faceless, so Only when he realized that the aspiration of all sentient beings belonged to Lexus, he would be so decisive, so bold, and so crazy.

Because of this, he was so thorough, appeared in front of the world, and made such a big noise in the lower realm.

Thinking of the awe of him in the entire lower realm over the years, and thinking of the people whom he awed back then, all have fallen into this taboo battlefield, and An Bai's mentality has become real, twisted, and crazy.

"No matter, since I have already informed the world, it is better to do it thoroughly. Counting the time, it should not be long. As long as I get something like that, what about the upper bound and what about the lower bound? Who can get me and An Bai? ?"

He An Bai's eyes were savage, "I don't care about the upper and lower realms. As long as I am happy, as long as I live, and as long as I am strong, that is the eternal truth."

Standing outside the forbidden battlefield for a while, and An Bai played a spirit power, covering the Fallen Leaf Sect at this moment, and then raised his foot and walked into the forbidden battlefield.

On the taboo battlefield, more than one of the ancestors of the upper and lower realms had fallen, and An Bai knew this very clearly.

Now that it had been exposed, he simply stopped hiding it. In the taboo battlefield, the things left by the fall of the ancestors must be extraordinary and naturally have enough attraction for him.

As for the people of the Fallen Leaf Sect, at this moment, let alone He An Bai, it is difficult for any ancestor to see them in their eyes.

Just like a human being, how can one keep a group of ants in his heart all the time, thinking about it?

It was already quite cautious to play a spirit power as a defense.

When the matter is over, just go and harvest.

Just like human beings want to squeeze an ant to death, what plans do they have to do, what preparations do they make in advance?

When He An Bai walked into the taboo battlefield, Ling Zhi's figure gradually stopped.

Under his feet, there were traces of the water column, but here, he stopped precisely.

As he descended rapidly, the pressure surged, and the Jiuyou Eighteen Prison also experienced many abnormal changes.

And up to this place, Jiuyou Eighteen Prison was directly out of his control and plunged into the water column.

Ling Zhi and An Bai, as if they belonged to two different worlds, did not know each other and were doing each other's things.

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