God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2162: Only in this sea

At this moment, there is no bounds.

In this pale red sea, Ling Zhi and Shi Huang had each reached the end of the sea.

If they break through forcefully and pay some price, they will leave this special sea area and return to the endless grey and boundless sea.

Standing on the edge of this sea area, in Ling Zhi's eyes, magic patterns appeared.

In this search, he hit three ancestors one after another, all of whom had coveted his body when his soul was scattered into the boundless sea.

Now that they met, Lexus would naturally not let him go, anyway, he had to withdraw the interest.

After spending some hands and feet, not surprisingly, Ling Zhi beheaded the three of them and obtained their souls, but this time the souls were not directly absorbed into his body, but Ling Zhi relied on the powerful erasing effect of magic lines on the mind. Actually searching for the soul of these ancestors.

Even if the cultivation base of these ancestor sages declines badly, and their spirits are eroded no matter how badly they are, that is the spirit power of the ancestral holy realm.

He even ventured to try to search for the souls of these people. Everything seemed calm, but the danger was that only Ling Zhi could understand.

The power of the divine soul of the ancestors is so vast, and what is contained in the divine souls of these ancestors is even more unknown.

He did it too risky.

However, there is always a voice in his heart, supporting and urging, Lexus makes this choice.

This is the spiritual sense of the warrior.

When the Fallen Leaf Sect was in real danger, when the disciples of Fallen Leaf Sect couldn't help calling his name in his heart, expecting his appearance.

Until Ye Qingcheng had such thoughts, and until the Luo Yezong was in the final juncture, the inexplicable sense of anxiety in Ling Zhi's heart became extremely strong.

He couldn't feel, and couldn't know, what happened.

He wasn't even sure whether there was a problem with the Fallen Leaf Sect.

But he clearly felt that he could not stay in this endless sea forever, and could not continue to stay in the endless sea for another thirty years or even longer.

He doesn't have so much time, he spends it here.

At this stage, Wuyahai had no effect on him. Except for the illusory Wuya Fruit, it would be difficult for him to get any improvement in strength here.

Even with the Nine Nether Eighteen Prisons and Tianji Jade, sooner or later his soul will be irreversibly eroded in a hundred years, and gradually become unconscious after thousands of years, and then after a long time, it will become boundless. On the sea, one of these bone ancestors.

This strong sense of anxiety even caused sweat in his hands.

In terms of his physical fitness, sweating is extremely exaggerated.

That's why Lexus chose to shoot like this.

These few white bone ancestors wandered in this sea area for a long time, and the other and Shi Huang searched blindly, he might as well search directly.

The other party may have been floating for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years!

If there is no memory of any unique spring water in the souls of these people, then Ling Zhi and Shi Huang's search in this sea area will somewhat lose its meaning and waste time.

The first soul was first spread out in front of Lexus, and Lexus's soul power turned into a big net, and the fine meshes were all soul power like needles.

Then he wrapped the other party's soul into it.

The big net envelops the opponent's soul, and the needles formed by the soul power are brushed directly into the opponent's soul.

Each acupuncture is a thought that Lexus divides. These countless acupuncture will divide the memory of the other's soul into countless pieces, and then each flip through the part of the soul memory that is responsible for each.

This sounds simple, but when it was really done, a terrifying vein suddenly appeared on Ling Zhi's forehead.

I just thought that at this moment, there were thousands of memories of the soul, and at the same time, his mind broke into his soul.

These memories are so small that they may just be the hippie play of the ancestor sage when he was a child, and it has become the softness of the ancestral sage's heart, and it is treasured in the pure soul part, and has not been corroded.

The ancestor that Ling Zhi chose first, the soul was eroded, leaving only less than 20% pure soul.

In other words, Ling Zhi wanted to search for a fifth of the soul memory of an ancestor.

How much does an ancestor go through from a mortal to a warrior, and ultimately to be called an ancestor?

Even one-fifth of his life is enough to tell for too long.

There is no real powerhouse who can do it overnight.

The blue veins on Lingzhi's forehead were beating, and his fists were clenched tightly together. He knew what he was doing now, yes.

Therefore, he never closed his eyes and allowed himself to face all this more attentively. Instead, he always maintained a state of enchantment, with magic patterns appearing, always ready to cut off his soul-searching state.

If he can't complete the soul search, and can't retreat, he will easily sink into it. All the memories he finds in the soul search will remain in his own memory and become his memory.

His soul will become extremely mottled in an instant, and his memory will become chaotic.

In such a move, Ling Zhi thoroughly searched for the two percent of his soul power.

The magic pattern fell on the soul, erased the opponent's mind, and threw it into the dantian.

After Chaos Qinglian had absorbed these two soul powers, his own purer soul power was released, floating beside the Lingzhi Divine Soul, becoming his best "sacred pill for healing" at this moment.

With two percent of the soul power present, the soreness of his soul and the massive consumption of soul power were instantly replenished to its peak state.

After all, it was the ancestor's soul, who could no longer help him improve, but it was not difficult to help him recover.

This is also because there are magic lines and Chaos Qinglian, so he can do this.

As for anyone else, it is impossible to directly absorb any ancestor's soul power, without any consequences, without any legal side effects.

Without magic lines, no chaotic green lotus, rash absorption, you must receive all the mottled things in the opponent's spirit, hurt the enemy a thousand, and hurt yourself 800.

Under such circumstances, Ling Zhi began to search for the soul of the second and third ancestors.

The spirit power of the third ancestor still retained more than 30%, which was only slightly worse than the total spirit power of Lexus.

There is no need to say more about the difficulties, but what always supports Lexus is the throbbing in his heart, the waves of anxiety in his heart.

Finally, Ling Zhi raised his head and suddenly said, "Onlookers are clear, those who enter the game are lost."

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