God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2142: Humiliated in danger



Shi Huang only asked.

He asked, "Earth?"

Ling Zhi returned him, and he said, "China."

This is enough.

After getting the affirmative answer, Shi Huang didn't even ask the second sentence, and took action directly. His speed was much faster than the average ruined ancestors, and even vaguely faster than Lexus.

And his realm is also the half-ancestor realm, but the realm of cultivation is extremely solid. Obviously, it has been a long time since he stepped into this realm.

When Shi Huang moved towards his body, Ling Zhi also moved his main focus towards his body.

Soon after Shi Huang acted, a figure finally walked out of the dark, cautiously, persistently, and crazy, walking towards Ling Zhi's body.

Ling Zhi saw all this in his eyes, but there was no way he could do it, and his heart was lifted instantly.

Of course he can withdraw all the power of the soul in an instant, but he is unwilling, he is unwilling to give up all his previous achievements because of such a group of silly generations.

He only needs a very small amount of time. His spirit cannot absorb spirit power forever. If it were not for the chaotic green lotus, he would not even be able to absorb this spirit power. He could only absorb the parts that were free from the world and beneficial to the spirit.

That way, the speed will be hundreds of times slower, thousands of times slower, more than tens of thousands of times slower!

His realm is half ancestor, and the spirit power level he absorbs can never exceed the most ordinary ancestor sage.

This is a limitation, not a question of whether he can break the limitation, it's like raining in the sky and a mother who wants to marry, it's logical.

Only when there are such rules can the realm have meaning, cultivation has meaning, everything will be in order, and there will be no chaos.

Ling Zhi vaguely understood that when he felt that his soul power could set foot on the ninth floor of Nine Nether Eighteen Prison, it was the moment when he succeeded.

And now, almost!

The figure near him is a human warrior.

There is not much flesh and blood left on his body. Compared with that monk, it is much more miserable. Only one leg is left, and the other leg is not known where it was torn.

On the contrary, he was wearing a torn robe. Although it was broken, it was never really destroyed. It showed some luster and looked a little extraordinary.

He has both caution and instinctive desire on his face.

In the gaze of Ling Zhi, in the gaze of the others, he approached Ling Zhi step by step until he stood in front of Ling Zhi.


He suddenly jumped up suddenly and landed on Ling Zhi.

The big bones and feet suddenly knocked on Lexus's back.

There is no trace of spirit in Lexus's body, of course, he can't move and can't make any response.

When he saw this scene, he jumped up quickly, and his heart was suddenly relieved.




Watching his boneless feet jump around on his body, several times, he almost jumped on his head. On his head, a strong killing intent appeared in Ling Zhi's heart.

How nasty and despicable the other party is, even if his mind is so vague, he still has the habit and inertia to do things like this.

Ling Zhi suddenly understood that he looked too high at these ancestors here.

In other words, they are just the losers who survived in this boundless sea in the past.

He couldn't even go out of this sea area, he still couldn't bear it for them. In the previous three months, he had almost never taken the initiative to take the initiative to these people, even if he knew that their spirits were useful to Chaos Qinglian and himself.

Now it seems that deep in his heart, his awe of the ancestor's instinct, and his instinct to look at the word ancestor as an ancestor, made him make such a stupid and wrong decision and behavior.

He realized more deeply that instinct can save people for some time, and sometimes it can harm people.

He not only has to control his body and his mind, but also his body instinct.

He wants to control everything.

The one-legged man jumped several times on Lexus before he jumped off, and looked at Lexus with joy, as if he was examining his prey.

His gaze swept across Lingzhi's body. The first time he seemed to want to attack the two eyes of Lingzhi, but he hesitated for a moment, and turned his gaze to the ring on Lingzhi's hand.

They all know that Lexus came to Wuyahai not too long ago, so how many things are hidden in the Lexus ring has attracted many people's attention.


He fiercely pulled Lexus's fingers, folded Lexus's fingers upside down, and broke them almost directly, and finally gave up because of the effort, and touched Lexus's Naling Ring in his hand.

For a while, everyone was staring at him, trying to see if he could take something out of it.

Ling Zhi didn't really die. Na Ling Ring naturally had his soul imprint, and the other party had to erase it first.

Others are also mobilizing their only remaining part of their minds madly, discerning this matter. In the past, they were reluctant to use this part of clear minds, but now, facing the huge temptation of Lexus, It's different.

They are also waiting, waiting for this person to take out the contents of Lexus' ring to determine whether Lexus is really dead.

Just when he bowed his head intently and was about to erase the imprint of Ling Zhi left on it, a golden figure finally rushed over from the sky.

At the moment when this golden figure rushed into the air, a tens of thousands-meter-long bone of a wild beast also leaped into the air from behind him, beating the waves.

It hit the water heavily, forcibly forcing everyone in this direction back.

Shi Huang accurately landed on the head of this huge wild beast, and rushed straight to the place where Ling Zhi's body was.

There was a person and a beast in his direction. This person and a beast were obviously stronger. Facing the menacing First Emperor, he just took a step back and survived. One person and one beast glared at the First Emperor. It seems to know Shi Huang.

Afterwards, this man and a beast did not attack Shi Huang, but turned his head and headed straight for Ling Zhi's body.

Not only that, but in other directions, people and beasts also stepped in and went straight to Lexus.

Obviously the sudden appearance of Shi Huang became the last straw that overwhelmed their hearts, and they were ready to desperately rob the things from Lexus.

They seemed to directly say that Shi Huang had become a competitor who wanted to compete with them for Lexus.

In this way, as many as seven enemies rushed out in an instant.

Seven enemies, seemingly not many, far exceeded the army of tens of thousands of tigers and wolves.

You know, these seven are enemies who have all reached the ancestral holy realm!

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