God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2140: Put it to death and live

Came to this sea area, after the third month.

Yes, Lexus hadn't been able to get out of this sea area for three full months. It can be seen that the battlefield where the ancestors fought against each other had covered a huge area.

Ling Zhi's bones still looked so white, exuding a jade-like luster, the sky was gray, and Ling Zhi sat on the surface of the boundless sea.

The two leg bones are intertwined with each other, sitting on the sea, the sea water can overflow from under him, soaking his lower body in the water.

Through the crevices of the bones, countless reddish waters penetrated, scouring them over and over again.

These seawater also has a corrosive effect.

The broken body of those ancestral saints is not only caused by the passage of time, but the power of time, slowly passing by, will not be so exaggerated in the body of the ancestors.

But when combined with the boundless sea water, this kind of damage would stack up countless times. The longer you stay, the greater the damage.

It wasn't until the entire skeleton was turned into fragile bones, that the body that could have stepped on the stars was broken by the waves, and the bone fragments would slowly sink into the endless sea.

Become part of the endless sea that can't be seen in the end.

Perhaps, the bottom of the sea is boundless, and these ashes will continue to fall forever.

Perhaps in addition to Wuyaguo, this kind of endless death is the reason that these ancestors, even if they live like wild beasts, have to survive in a humble manner.

Ling Zhi's body, after all, was not the body of the ancestor. After three months of frontal contact, plus twenty-five years of slow destruction and damage, there was some dim luster on his body.

These glosses are not so obvious from the outside world, and at first glance, they are almost invisible.

But Lexus felt very clearly.

To be precise, he knew, but he was unable to change anything.

The current Lexus is completely relying on the state of being enchanted and holding on.

He didn't intend to use such a posture, but he tempered the strength of his body. What he wanted from the beginning was to die and live.

What he wants is to temper his soul in life and death.

What he wants is to explore and create his reincarnation cultivation method in the midst of difficulties and dangers.

Putting aside all physical defenses and all object concealment, actively expose the soul to the endless sea, fully contact the endless sea with the soul, and fight the endless sea with the soul alone. This is in the entire endless sea. It never happened.

Only when forced to take the initiative!

Ling Zhi's enchanted eyes were still pure red, still clear and sober, but his spirit was almost completely plunged into chaos.

He could hardly be clear anymore, thinking about problems independently, and even a lot of memory became blurred.

In his soul, the only thought that exists, instead, there is only this sentence left.

Let it die and live.

But now, he is still struggling to support it, because he only feels death, and he has come to the place of death alone, but he sees the slightest hope of survival. Why is this "postborn" born?

Unpredictable at this point, his fate was that Divine Soul completely lost all of his mind and became a muddlehead. Since then, he has become like everyone in this endless sea, completely becoming a lost member of the endless sea.

This is the best end.

The power of the endless sea eroded, for Lexus, who was in a bad state every moment, became more and more powerful.

At every moment, Lexus could feel that the harm he was receiving was increasing.

Out of instinct, out of the deepest instinct, he shrinks his soul tightly inward.

It's like holding a group to keep warm, just like when humans encounter danger, they will instinctively curl up, and when fierce beasts encounter danger, they will make various defensive postures.

These are all instincts, instincts deeply engraved in the human body.

Even babies know that when they are in pain, they have to cry and shout. In this way, they can release their emotions and ease their pain.

This is a kind of instinct.

For example, the ancestor of Scorpion, the ancestor of octopus, etc., especially the ancestor of scorpion, its spirit has almost lost all the intellect, but he still knows that he needs to rely on that barb to protect himself and stay low-key in this sea.的外游游。

After seeing Lexus and feeling that Lexus is not so strong, he also knew that he had to step forward to kill Lexus and seize the power of Lexus.

Isn't this just the weak and the strong?

This is also an instinct, a subconscious instinct.

Feeling the devastation of his soul and feeling the blurring of his own mind, Ling Zhi condensed his soul and became even tighter.

He can't wait to hug the entire soul into the most humble existence, so that he can contact these forces in the boundless sea to the minimum and reduce the damage to a minimum.

Ling Zhi did what he did, just like a helpless orphan. He was doing this, and he felt a little bit relaxed and a little bit comfortable in a short time.

An inexplicable sense of security.

It wasn't until this sense of security filled his heart that the deepest part of Ling Zhi's heart, the only remaining sage, suddenly he woke up and trembled.

This trembling, even with the **** light in his eyes, was trembling.

This kind of tremor, even with his body, was shaking, violently shaking, shaking uncontrollably.

He finally understands, finally knows, what is his difference.

He believes that what gives him a sense of security is a strong body and a strong body.

He believes that it is a state of ease that influences and prevents his spirits from becoming stronger, causing him to be unable to comprehend the complete reincarnation cultivation method.

Actually, it's not.

Those are just superficial.

At the beginning, the Demon Sage used the spirit of the ancestor's holy realm to severely wound him desperately. If it hadn't been for the existence of Nine Serenities and Eighteen Prisons, and the Chaos Qinglian guarded him, he would have died.

Afterwards, he lay in the boundless sea for seven years, and it took seven years for the spirit to heal together and he woke up.

But Divine Soul got a flying promotion.

Doesn't it also have physical occlusion, and the existence of Jiuyou Eighteen Prisons, Chaos Qinglian, etc.?

It has never been a foreign object that obstructed him, but his heart.

For example, now, what he wants is to put it to death and be born later. For this reason, he even makes his body look like this.

But when he was in danger, he was instinctively hugging and avoiding, instead of choosing to accept, to face it, to confront, and to fight.

This is what kind of a place to die and live, this is clearly looking for death!

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