God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2138: Three days of rage

These blood-colored eyes looked a little abrupt between his lonely white bones.

It accommodates tens of millions.

Na Ling Ring is on his right hand.

The things in the dantian, including the chaotic green lotus, the fire of devouring spirits, etc., rushed into his eyes.

A part of the soul origin, attached to the Nine Nether Eighteen Hells, also entered these eyeballs.

Time passed by little by little, and all the flesh and blood on Lexus's body was integrated into the boundless sea.

He stood on the spot with only the white bones left. The Weeping Blood Sword fits on his back and is stuck between his spine. The blood line in the sword is a bright and obvious color between the white bones on his back. .

The Weeping Blood Sword hummed, expressing the power and vitality of Lexus, and deterred all those who had attempted Lexus.

After a moment or three, Lexus walked on this sea in the form of a white bone.


After a few steps forward, Ling Zhi suddenly reached out and grabbed it behind him, and grabbed the Weeping Blood Sword in his hand. His five white fingers slammed on the Weeping Blood Sword, and the Weeping Blood Sword was radiant. Rising, Jianmang flew thousands of feet away.

Then Ling Zhi leaped high, as if opening the sky, slashing the sword towards the left front.

Wan Qinghai rose from the level, and a forbearing roar suddenly sounded from the sea level.

A huge octopus sprang out from the bottom of the sea.

This octopus is hundreds of meters long with each tentacles alone, but it is a weird body that is only a few meters in size, causing these tentacles to surround it, indescribably strange.

Lexus's sword was slashing right above the octopus's body, and it was blocked by several of its tentacles. The Weeping Blood Sword was against these tentacles and cut in for more than half of it abruptly.

Several tentacles on the periphery fell directly and were chopped off.

The octopus angrily waved its tentacles, and the tentacles were flying around the body. Only then did Lexus see clearly that this octopus was not too small, it should have been shrinking by itself.

The flesh and blood of its body are almost transparent, so it can be clearly seen that in the octopus body, many of the bone structures and connections are somewhat cringe and somewhat incomplete.

It should be for some reason that this octopus has been actively shrinking his body to avoid some kind of damage.

At the moment above the octopus's body, the scorpion soul is here, and the other party must have been staring at Ling Zhi just now, this soul has not had time to absorb and refine.

"Return its soul to me." Facing the octopus's roar, Ling Zhi was a Weeping Blood Sword, and the sword pointed to this ancestor who resembled an octopus.

His actions are direct, and his words are more direct.

At this moment, he was like throwing himself into these fierce beasts, the same sane, and all that was left was the most basic instinct.

The octopus roared, the voice was very sharp, several tentacles swept towards Lexus frantically.

"Go away."

Facing the octopus tentacles coming from the sky, Ling Zhi did not show weakness, the blood weeping sword in his hand rose sharply, and the blood in the boundless sea complemented each other, and flew toward these tentacles fiercely.

This was a battle in his true sense. It was against this sea area, whether these original masters' declarations could survive here and can truly deter these enemies. This battle is the real key.

However, Lexus did not use any techniques, such as the rule of force, the monument of heaven and so on.

He simply grabbed his half-life ancestor weapon, like a humanoid beast, broke into the sea, and killed a deep-sea octopus together.

Whether it was dead or alive, he didn't even know the moment he rushed in.

But his conviction is extremely firm, and what he holds in his heart is invincible will.

This octopus fierce beast is only the sacred body of the ancestor sage, the realm has already fallen from the ancestral sage realm, even if some of the ancestors' trump cards are retained, what about the back hand?

The demon saint is still the real ancestor saint, he hasn't tied with him in the same way, if it is not for the master of the taboo to kill the opponent, it is not impossible.

This battle was like a battle between a fisherman and a bad shark in the sea. The entire sea area and the entire sky were filled with blood and chaos.

The sea water was slapped, rushed to the sky, rushed to the highest point, and was suppressed by the limits of the boundless sea, and smashed more fiercely on the sea, on the two in the fierce battle.

And the cause of this battle was only because of the scorpion's muddle-headed soul, and in this group of muddy souls, the remaining ancestral souls, probably less than 10%.

If enough left, with the strength and decay of this scorpion, how could it survive to the present.

If it weren't for the venomous poison on the barbs of the scorpion tail, it would have been killed by these ancestors who looked around.

Scorpion planned to attack Lexus first to reverse his weakness, but never thought that Lexus was not a soft persimmon that anyone could pinch. He carried its toxins, but killed it.

Ling Zhi is now fighting with this octopus, which is obviously in this sea area, with a good status for this group of unconscious souls. This bloody, this kind of fierceness is more than his strength, and it is more shocking and secretly aside. The enemy onlookers.

Brutality, desperate brutality, is from their instinct, they will also feel terrible.

The battle between Ling Zhi and the opponent lasted three days. During the three days, the blood weeping sword in his hand almost never stopped, and the blood shining on this sea area seemed endless.

There were a lot of breakages on the white bones on Lexus's body, which were all cracks and cracks that were forced out by the octopus's tentacles.

If it hadn't been for his body to be strong enough and full of vitality, he would have long since become a pile of waste bones that could not be supported.

In the same way, the octopus is not easy to bear. Its tentacles are very soft, and they are extremely long and extremely long. Every time Lexus slashes, it needs to break the restraints of many shots, and it needs to use its full strength to cause damage to it. .

But for three whole days, Lexus was still going well. On its body, especially on its body, there was a wound that was more than one foot long and one meter deep.

Until the dusk of the third day, the octopus was finally scared by the still crazy Lexus. It slammed the spirit behind Lingzhi, and decisively broke three tentacles, flying into the boundless sea. Fleeing quickly towards the distance.

The light of blood in Ling Zhi's eyes flickered slightly and calmed down for a while, before turning around and heading towards the thrown spirit.

He didn't walk fast, so it can be said that he left enough opportunities for others to compete.

But until he came closer, there was no movement in this sea area, like an ordinary boundless sea, a dead silence.

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