God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2133: Faith in the world

When Ling Zhi had just stepped into the semi-ancestral realm, Ling Zhi had experienced many times of loss and even confusion.

It was the first time he thought he had not been able to reach the threshold of the next realm for the first time.

If he were to let other half-ancestors know about his loss, he would be more than half angry.

In order to step into the ancestral holy realm, how dangerous is the cycle of life and death for Joy?

In order to step into the ancestral sacred realm, Xia Ning'er had not stepped into it even if he was separated, and there was still a difference.

Not to mention the old woman and others.

Even the demon sage who colluded with the upper realm and had the help of the ancestor sage of the upper realm, stepping into the ancestral sage, almost consumed his life.

The ancestor, calling the ancestor the ancestor, is it so easy to step in?

Now, Ling Zhi saw this door, this door that opened to the sky.

And how to open this door, when to open it, he still has a long way to go.

It is precisely because it is difficult to break into the ancestral holy realm, and the rewards after becoming the ancestor will be greater!

Ling Zhi's penance in this boundless sea, once again, continued.

Year after year, day after day.

In the nine secluded eighteen prisons, Ling Zhi became more and more like a fish in the water, and his soul became more condensed and condensed.

With the thorough comprehension of the Three Souls and Six Souls, the creation of the Samsara Soul Cultivation Technique has gradually touched the beginning and has a thought.

Everything is growing little by little in the long, boring time.

And far away from the boundless sea, not knowing how far it is, or even outside of the world, some wonderful things are happening quietly.

These things should have been known to Lexus, who should have been aware of them, but because they were trapped in the boundless sea, they would not know.

With the Phoenix, Ouyang Haotian successfully found the body of the Starry Sky Body. Not only did he successfully obtain the heart of the Starry Sky Body, he also obtained the life experience of the Starry Sky Body for Niu Yuanhang and the inheritance of the practice.

It's just that the phoenix got the origin of the Holy Spirit, and when it merged, it attracted the attention of many caring people, and on their way back, danger was everywhere.

In order to protect the Phoenix, Ouyang Haotian was beaten and coughed up blood several times, and his body was contaminated all year round, and it was difficult to get rid of the evil spirits. After the news of the extinction of the evil family’s territory spread, he suffered a lot. The suppression of forces.

The demons were too rampant before, and these rampages will naturally bring many enemies.

Ouyang Haotian was forced to carry such a black pot on his back.

However, amidst the dangers again and again, there was an inexplicable emotion that spread between him and Phoenix.

Surprising, surprising, but implicitly reasonable, it should be so.

Escape from death again and again, nine deaths again and again, and stand up again after falling down again and again, relying on the speed of the Shenzhou, relying on the undead fire of the Phoenix, relying on the sacred pill that Lexus gave him, two people , Just persisted so tenaciously.

With the integration of the Holy Spirit's origin, the Phoenix's strength gradually recovered, and quickly became stronger, and there were fewer and fewer threats to them.

When the Phoenix completely integrates the origin of the Holy Spirit, even if it cannot achieve the position of the Holy Spirit in a short time, as long as they can exert their due half-ancestor strength, their two half-ancestors will join forces in this lower realm.

Everything seems to be destined.

Ouyang Haotian wounded the Phoenix and chased the Phoenix for several months, but in the end he took the seriously injured Phoenix, evaded the pursuit and protected the Phoenix with peace of mind, and almost lost his life several times.

Coming and going, fate and destiny.

Compared with the dangers of the two of them, the Reincarnation Star and the people in the Fallen Leaf Sect were peaceful.

It was ten years after Ling Zhi entered the boundless sea, after the Luo Ye Sect had completely established his footing, the Luo Ye Sect began to expand outward.

The reason for expansion is simple.

It is for the temples and statues of Lexus.

Ling Zhi never relied on the power of faith to step into the half ancestor, but the aspiration of sentient beings is ninety percent of the ancestors, and is a compulsory power.

Even Huangdi Xuanyuan, Fuxixi Emperor and others are also the aspirations of all beings.

Ling Zhi's failure to cultivate sentient beings' aspirations is not because sentient beings' aspirations are not strong. On the contrary, sentient beings' aspirations are terrifying and amazingly strong.

If it weren't for Lexus in the boundless sea, he could mobilize the power of belief far away in the universe, anytime, anywhere in this universe.

This alone is incomparable to other forces.

It's just that the cultivation of sentient beings' aspirations contradicts Ling Zhi's own way.

The way of Lexus is to follow his heart.

So even if it is easier to take the path of sentient beings' aspiration, it may be stronger, but he will not do it because it goes against his original intention.

However, Lexus is the current lord of the Fallen Leaf Sect, and the Fallen Leaf Sect cannot be prosperous all day long. There is no sect on Samsara.

In addition to the clan rules left by Lexus and the atmosphere of the Fallen Leaf Sect, more and more states, reincarnation continents, sects, families, and forces have received their help.

The martial artist's cultivation base and strength on the entire Reincarnation Star have been further improved.

Lexus's meaning is very clear.

After all, there is a battle between the upper and lower realms. In this battle, it is impossible to rely solely on them, relying on the ancestors, and requires the power of the lower realms to lift the realm.

The broom cherishes itself, is looking for a dead end.

Rather than that, it is better to improve the cultivation base of the entire lower realm.

This is the instruction he left in the Fallen Leaf Sect on the day he became the lord.

Such instructions would not convince everyone, but in the Fallen Leaf Sect, they can convince everyone and work hard to do it.

One is the prestige of Lexus, no one can compare, no one does not believe it.

The second is that these people have truly experienced and seen the lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the Great Supreme Wall of the pseudo-world, and hundreds of thousands of people, including Zhou Xuanqing, and the same brothers, were half Ancestral slaughter.

There are these two points. After the Fallen Leaf Sect has gained a firm foothold and started to expand, it is holding this position.

To make the Fallen Leaf Sect extremely strong, not only to be strong in one state, one star, but to make the entire lower realm, no one knows the Fallen Leaf Sect.

Let the Fallen Leaf Sect be the leader of this lower realm when the war begins.

The dragons must not be headless!

Under such expansion, the Fallen Leaf Sect gathered the power of half-ancestors such as Joy, Xia Ning'er, and Li Bai, and the power of the sky tower, leaving countless stories.

In order to make this kind of prestige more condensed, they blamed all such prestige on Ling Zhi, the Sect Master Luo Ye.

The temples and statues of Lexus were quickly established from Xuanzhou, to the planet of reincarnation, to the nearby planet, to the boundless vast universe.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

One pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a million can pass tens of millions in the blink of an eye.

The power of faith that belongs to Lexus, the aspiration power of sentient beings, is like starlight, shining on many corners of the lower realm, growing rapidly and steadily.

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