God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2131: The Mystery of the First Emperor

If it was the Weeping Blood Sword itself, the material identity of Kunlun's holy artifacts, etc., then the ghost fire should give up when the Weeping Blood Sword was engraved for the first time.

But this ghost fire was clearly engraved on the body of the Weeping Blood Sword before giving up.

Ling Zhi stared at the body of the Weeping Blood Sword for a few moments, before retracting his gaze first.

Not long after the sword spirit of the Weeping Blood Sword appeared, during which time he fell asleep for another seven years. According to Lexus’ calculations, it may be necessary for the Weeping Blood Sword to step into the ancestor, and the sword spirit of the Weeping Blood Sword could be completely awakened. Clear mind.

However, for the past seven years, the Weeping Blood Sword has been by his side, always protecting him, never abandoning it, and never eating the Lord. This made Lexus completely trust the Weeping Blood Sword.

But before, he used the heart of a villain to save a gentleman's belly.

So he has no way to get the exact answer from the Weeping Blood Sword.

The Jiuyou Eighteenth Prison and the ghost fire were still confronting each other. Ling Zhi could feel that the Jiuyou Eighteenth Prison was very interested in the ghost fire, and there was a vague desire to swallow the ghost fire.

The ghost fire seems to know this very well, has been consciously backing away, and will flee at any time.

Ling Zhi originally thought that this kind of confrontation would last for a while, or he would need his intervention, but the facts proved that he still underestimated the Jiuyou Eighteen Prison, or, in other words, underestimated the suppression of the ghost fire by the Jiuyou Eighteen Prison.

The characteristics of the ghost fire are very powerful and terrifying, but the power of the ghost fire itself, whether it is resistance or attack, is too weak.

The Jiuyou Eighteen Hell is just a flash of light. At that moment, it seems that there are eighteen layers of **** flashing out of its spheres, and the ghost fire loses the ability to resist and is obediently suppressed into the Jiuyou Eighteen Hell. Among.

Ling Zhi set aside some soul power to keep an eye on the outside world, and the rest of the soul power immediately sank into the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison.

The record in the ghost fire is related to the key to his leaving here. If he can see it, it may be of great use to him.

His spirit power entered the Nine Nether Eighteen Hells, and he didn't feel anything until the first level of hell, because he had already left his mark on this first level of hell.

But the ghost fire that entered the Nine Serenities and Eighteen Prisons did not stay on this level and stayed more. It just circled the first level and moved towards the next level.

Ling Zhi just wanted to test the growth of his soul power in the past seven years, the increase between life and death, and he followed without hesitation.

The feeling of suffocation came quickly, but it was not particularly strong.

Ling Zhi just followed the ghost fire and rushed downwards until he reached the second hell.

Taking advantage of the work of wandering around the ghost fire, he also successfully left his own mark, and his inner perception of the Nine Serenities and Eighteen Prisons became more intense.

Vaguely, there seemed to be more things about the Nine Serenities and Eighteen Hells, which would appear in his mind.

But at the next moment he left his mark, the ghost fire flew up and flew towards the third floor.

Lexus followed closely behind.

Just like this, Ling Zhi went all the way to the sixth floor. When he set foot on the sixth floor, the ghost fire finally stopped gradually.

It didn't sink anymore.

Ling Zhi's heart was also relieved.

His forehead was already covered with beads of sweat. These beads of sweat appeared on his soul, unspeakably weird, and unspeakable.

When he got here, he had already felt the suffocation and oppression like the first time, and further down, he could clearly perceive that now he could not have the ability to set foot on the seventh hell.

Compared with the 40% spirit of the Demon Sage, they are still so much worse. The gap between the Half Ancestor and the Ancestor Sage still exists, which is indelible and indelible.

The ghost fire stayed on this sixth floor, and with the help of the surrounding nine nether eighteen prisons, a new picture finally appeared on the ghost fire.

It's just that the picture this time is more orderly than chaotic.

It's not so much that the ghost fire is involuntary, it is better to say that it is deliberate.

This is Lexus' first instinct.

Because this time the picture is not the kind of flashing picture, but the focused, continuous picture about one person.

This man, Ling Zhi had not had time to ask the monk, and it was another matter he was concerned about in the boundless sea.

That is the whereabouts of the emperor, Shi Huang!

The ghost fire fell on the monk when the first emperor landed on the boundless sea, but the monk obviously did not stay with the emperor at all times, so the picture was a bit intermittent and incomplete. However, some of Shi Huang's secrets were revealed somewhat.

In order to save Li Bai, the first emperor was hit by the ancestor, and fell directly into the boundless sea.

His situation is similar to that of Lexus. He was hit by the ancestor, and his injuries were extremely serious. In this boundless sea, he got a lot of opportunities, but he also encountered many, many dangers. It took decades to gradually. After breathing, his strength gradually stabilized, he also smoothly entered the half-ancestral realm, and his strength soared all the way.

In the end, he directly attacked the ten thousand-foot-long barren beast bones. If he wanted to take it, he was already able to fight with the remains of these ancestors, who could only exert part of the ancestors' power.

In the picture, Ling Zhi finally saw the real Shi Huang, using the power of throwing beans into a soldier.

Even in this boundless sea, a lot of storms have also been set off.

Shi Huang is worthy of being an emperor through the ages, even in this boundless sea, he is also extremely domineering and has never fallen under anyone.

The picture is at the end, and the specific time cannot be verified. The First Emperor has successfully conquered the ten thousand-foot bones, and disappeared after stepping on the bones of the ancestors.

The ghost fire only engraved this scene from a distance, because out of instinct jealous of the first emperor, the monk never followed to engrave new things.

But at least it can be said that Shi Huang was here, and until that moment, he was not in danger of life, on the contrary, he was pretty good.

The ghost fire seemed to intentionally appear in this scene. After this scene disappeared, the scene in it disappeared, and then without looking back, it went to the next level of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison.

Vaguely, Ling Zhi seemed to see the ghost fire staying on the ninth floor of the Nine Nether Eighteen Prison. The fire light flickered from time to time, and there was no movement.

With a dizziness, Ling Zhi did not dare to stay in the nine [51 fiction www.51ksbook.com] secluded eighteenth prison anymore, so he had to leave.

After going out of it, they told the monks about Shi Huang's description, and got the location and direction of the last meeting, and the two said goodbye.

Following the previous route, the monk disappeared straight to the horizon, while Lexus adjusted his direction slightly and walked away.

Before the news of Wuyaguo, it would be the best result to see Shi Huang.

Maybe, Shi Huang knows something.

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