God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2129: The only way to leave

"Because in the endless sea, there is an opportunity to step into the third step."

The sum of these words was only a few dozen words, but when this sentence came out of the monk population, the endless sea around him and Ling Zhi, the endless waves, stopped.

Around them, there was a radius of tens of thousands of meters, and all the seawater as far as the eyes could be turned into the Dead Sea, without the slightest movement.

The rules for cultivating the body in the physical state, the soul in the artistic state, and the cultivating in the king state are all different. These three states are the first step for martial artists. It is the first step from ordinary people to change their lives against the sky, and to transform upward, and more, it is the foundation and the cornerstone of future progress.

Therefore, unlike other realms, each of these three realms has nine levels, and the limit of nine is also the meaning of basic importance in it.

In this first step, each step of Ling Zhi not only cultivated to the ninth level, but also cultivated to the tenth level for the first time, reaching the perfect state.

So his first step is extremely solid, and his walk is extremely stable.

When the six reincarnations are not sealed, the warriors of the lower realm can try to break through the six reincarnations when they reach the ninth level of the king realm and the peak of the king realm. As long as the foundation is firm enough and solid enough to withstand the test of the six reincarnations, You can go through seven or six reincarnations in one fell swoop and enter the upper realm.

The life span has been completely changed from ten thousand years, and it has been multiplied by several times or even dozens of hundreds of times.

This is the limit.

The second step is the Holy King Realm, which is divided into three levels: the front, middle and back, and the ancestral holy realm. As for the semi-ancestral realm, it is only a transitional realm between the holy king realm and the ancestral holy realm.

At this point, the saint king travels in the star field, the ancestor saint travels in the void, and is called the ancestor, even if it is completely separated from the mortal world, the level of life has been greatly improved, and the quality of it has been improved.

And now what is known, whether it is the Lord of Taboo, Huangdi Xuanyuan, Fuxixi Emperor, Gulu father, etc., these powerful men who are far stronger than ordinary ancestors are still at this second step, the level of the ancestral holy realm. .

Some of these people don't think there is a higher level, a higher state, because there has never been a historical record, and no one has ever stepped into it.

Some people, like Guru's father, always believe that there must be a way ahead.

And Lexus belongs to the latter. He always firmly believes that there must be a limit state in martial arts, and this state surpasses the realm of the ancestors and the realm of all people.

Only one person can set foot in this state.

But even the Snow White Big Beast mentioned that this third step is very illusory.

Unexpectedly, the monk said that in the boundless sea, there is an opportunity to step into the third step.

But then I thought about it, besides this kind of opportunity and such a possibility, what else can make one after another ancestor saints throw themselves here and enter the boundless sea?

In the boundless sea, how could there be so many ancestral bones?

Even the ancestors may be lost in the endless sea, there must be power beyond the ancestors in the endless sea!

After the monk simply said this sentence, he didn't go into it any more, I don't know if I didn't want to say it, or didn't know more details.

When the other party kept silent, Lexus naturally wouldn't want to ask questions, forcing them to come up with an untrue answer was meaningless.

"Then, if I want to leave here, what should I do?" Ling Zhi groaned and asked.

"What you are thinking about now, but you are leaving here?" The monk gave him a surprised look, and the golden light flickered slightly in his single eye.

For any warrior, the opportunity for the third step may be in sight, I am afraid that no one will want to leave, right?

Wouldn't it be better to hit the chance in this boundless sea?

If you can really bump into the opportunity, see the opportunity, and step into the third step, are you afraid that you will not be able to leave a small area without boundaries?

At least from the monk's point of view, he couldn't understand why Lexus would immediately ask such a question.

But he ignored it. Ling Zhi hadn't stepped into the ancestral sacred realm, and the feeling of aggrieved, boring, hopeless, and desperate that had no way ahead was far less than they had experienced.

Ling Zhixin has aspirations to climb the sky, but he has been down-to-earth. He has not yet entered the ancestral sage, so naturally he will not be so high.

"Exactly." Ling Zhi nodded and frankly told his thoughts.

The look in the monk's eyes became even more weird, and finally turned into a light sigh, "In fact, the answer to this question is almost the same as the answer to the previous question."

"What do you mean? Is it true that you have to wait for the third step before you can leave?" Ling Zhi frowned, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

He absolutely cannot stay in the endless sea forever.

He doesn't have so many, leisurely things.

Unlike the monks, and those ancestors, the most important thing in Ling Zhi's heart is always his family, which is a word of love, not absolute power.

The monk shook his head, "It's not that you have to step into the third step, but it is rumored that the opportunity of the third step is the only way to get out of the endless sea after getting lost in the endless sea."

"If you are not lost here, the ancestors who are strong enough will naturally have a way to leave in time, because at that time, Wuyahai was in their eyes, not endless, but even if they were to stay here a little longer, It's impossible to leave on your own."

"Like you and me, it's even more impossible to leave. I see the aura on your body, although the outside aura still exists, but here, I am afraid it has been several years, and with your cultivation base, even if it is the first time you set foot, it is It's impossible to go out."

This time, the monk rarely spoke a lot to help Ling Zhi.

"You all need to find the opportunity of the third step." Ling Zhi was helpless. Now, no matter whether he wants to or not, yearning or not, he has to search aimlessly like the monk here.

"Is there no clue for this third step?" Ling Zhi asked, he was unwilling to spend unlimited time here.

The monk shook his head, "No, there are clues, and there are enough clues, but Wuyahai is really far too far."

"Unbounded, even if you tell you what this thing is, you can't find such a thing in thousands of years, purely, by chance. If the chance is there, you can find it even with a breath. If the chance is not there, Qian Ten thousand years will not be available."

According to the monks, those ancestors who invested in this place in those days, later died of countless lives, it was because of the so-called opportunity that started a scramble, which left countless bones, and all the ancestors of the boundless sea. near.

The better thing is that it is like the monks and others, staying with the remnants, relying on the remnants, to maintain and hang their lives.

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