God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2098: Mozu Mageweave

These traces appeared in his eyes after Ling Zhi refined the eyes of Ancestor Shengxingtian, known as the source of all evil.

Only since that day, these traces never appeared again.

In fact, as early as after Lexus successfully entered the demon, when he was in the capital of Qin in Xuanzhou, the reincarnation star, when he faced evil for the first time, the evil that chased him and eventually died at the bottom of the reincarnation pool was because it originated from The pursuit of his eyes.

Ling Zhi's eyes were different from these demons. His eyes were pure red, like rubies.

And this is the change formed after being enchanted.

And he can easily control this kind of change, completely at will.

The mind will only become more sober, and will never be affected by the red eyes, and eventually become muddled.

This is the same as his demons and the biggest difference.

When the evil spirit saw Ling Zhi's eyes, he once said that the demon ancestor of the evil spirit family had visited the Reincarnation Star, and then disappeared completely and never appeared again.

If you compare it with the Source of All Evil, you will find that between the Demon Ancestor in their mouth and Xingtian,

There are many things in common.

It's just that Xing Tian has killed their Demon Ancestor and refined it into the source of all evil, or that Xing Tian is the Demon Ancestor of the demons!

But whether it is the source of all evil, the name of the exercise method of Lexus's enchantment, or his state after enchantment, among the demons, they absolutely represent many completely different meanings.

When this kind of magic pattern appeared in Lexus's eyes, Lexus no longer suppressed the itchiness, and simply let his eyes become the state after being enchanted.

And the evil spirits that came after hearing the news, the evil spirits who had thought it was people from other planets who had set foot, stayed there instantly.

It took a long time to say a word.

"Devil of Apocalypse?"

In the end, the entire tribe awoke to the exclamation of an old demon.

The ones that followed were boiling.

They don't know why, they suddenly boiled, and they couldn't help themselves with excitement.

This old evil demon is extremely old. It can be seen that its strength has also reached the height of evil, and even worse, but because of the extreme oldness, there is not much strength left.

But his reputation in this tribe is extremely high.

His words fell into the ears of these demons, almost like the truth.

And these evil spirits now truly have the strength of the king's realm, and are no longer the previous nine-layer mood, the peak of the mood.

Obviously, with the help of Ouyang Haotian's inheritance, Noah stepped into the king realm, and even stepped into the holy king realm smoothly. It has changed many things in the demons clan. At least, the devil no longer restricts the following techniques. spread.

These evils finally had the opportunity and method to step into the king's realm.

In this way, Ling Zhi was led into the core of the tribe by this old evil demon and the leader of this tribe.

Entered the place where they lived.

The bodies of these demons are extremely tall. Although they are not as exaggerated as the ancient giants, they are also several meters in height, and their height is twice that of Lexus.

But now, the attitude of these two demons towards Lexus is extremely respectful.

The doubts that Lexus did not hide, fell into their eyes, and it was even more natural.

"You feel confused, weird, and normal." The old demon said, "I also know that you are a human being. If you can come here, your strength has at least reached the king state, even if you have this pair Eyes, you also have the strength of the king realm to cross this star field and come here."

"You don't need to be so restrained, don't worry, your cultivation power must have been greatly suppressed here, but we will not deal with you. You can relax."

In the narration of this old demon, Ling Zhi gradually understood why the other party had such a change in attitude.

And this feeling made him extremely weird. The evil demons were cruel and bloodthirsty in nature, and didn't know how many planets they had slaughtered, which caused indelible pain and suffering to the people of Xuanzhou.

Just for the slaughter of the disciples of the Fallen Sect against the demons, Lexus and the demons must be enemies.

But Ouyang Haotian was here, and Lexus came to save Ouyang Haotian, and he stood on the opposite side.

But now, he didn't expect that the information he needed to know was actually in such a tribe, listening to the existence of a wise man similar to the demonic tribe, slowly whispering.

Nothing to hide.

According to the other party, what has always been circulated among the demons is that although the demon ancestor has left and never returned, the people who inherit the power of the demon ancestor will inevitably appear and return someday.

And this pair of eyes of Ling Zhi is also the representative of Mozu, the symbol of Mozu.

People like Lexus are called by demons, people of the apocalypse.

The arrival of Lexus represents the imminent return of the Demon Ancestor.

Their fear of Lexus is not because of Lexus himself, but because of these eyes, because of the demon ancestor who may exist behind Lexus.

The evil spirit, after Xuanzhou suddenly discovered that Ling Zhi had these eyes, escaped from the army of evil spirits and pursued and killed Ling Zhi, in order to secretly kill Ling Zhi, seek the eyes of Ling Zhi, return to the demons and become the man of the apocalypse. It is valued and reused by the Devil Emperor.

Even get a leaps and bounds in strength.

But now, in the territory of the evil demon clan, if you give the evil spirits in front of Lexus a few more courage, they dare not think so.

The appearance of these eyes will inevitably have a earth-shattering impact. When the Devil Emperor comes down, tribes like them can't bear it, it will be a disaster.

The demons have fought for years, but there are so many members, precisely because demons can be spawned by devouring flesh and blood.

Destroying their tribe of hundreds of thousands of demons, the Devil Emperor would never blink his eyes.

In fact, what they didn't explain, but what Ling Zhi discovered by himself, was about the magic pattern in his eyes.

Ling Zhi could clearly perceive that the Demon Ancestor Demon Marks that appeared in his eyes were the place where the two demons in front of him were truly afraid and jealous.

The eyes of these two demons flickered, and they kept avoiding this magic pattern. It must be something in their hearts.

All this is only because the evil spirit at the beginning pursued him endlessly, and he did not hesitate to jump into the pool of reincarnation, making Ling Zhi very aware of how strong these eyes were to the evil spirits.

And the two demons in front of him were too calm!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

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