God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2087: Kunlun Saints

"You know there are spirit beasts among the desolate beasts. Spirit beasts are classified as upper, middle and lower, and four types of top grade." The voice asked Daolu has a long history. It seems that these memories are too long, and it has not been mentioned for too long. , Did not think of it.

As he marched forward, providing power to swallow the Weeping Blood Sword, Ling Zhi condensed his mind and quietly listened to what Dao Lu said.

He has a faint feeling that a question that has been bothering him, nowadays, finally has an answer.

Gulu's identity has always been mysterious, at least in the inheritance of the dragon soul, Ling Zhi has not found the slightest record of it.

But whether it is Gulu's life experience or its talents, it means that this clan is absolutely impossible to be unknown, it is impossible to be unknown.

Most people don't know, there is only one possibility, that is, most people can't touch the level of the Guru clan, even if they only know some fur, they are not qualified.

If there were no big snow white beasts, Ling Zhi would even think that Gulu was a mutated kind of strange beast, this one in the world.

But Guru’s father thought of that when Guru was not born, he took Guru to take the Suzaku’s nest, let the unicorn magical medicine build the foundation for Guru obediently, light up the gate statue of the upper city, and let it have Sanity, take care of Guru.

This hand is truly terrifying. It gives the dead creatures the sage, which is simply creating the strangeness of life.

However, Xia Ning'er was seriously injured at the beginning and was almost dying. It was also the Snow White Big Beast, who showed her a way of life.

When the old woman saw Gulu, she was too frightened. In his words, it was revealed that Gulu's father was in the upper realm, and his strength was extremely powerful.

The more you understand, the more you understand how terrifying this race is.

"Actually, the upper and lower realms were not so hostile before." Wendaolu sighed, "If there are martial artists in the lower realms who can cultivate to the peak of the king realm, they can go to the six reincarnations. If they succeed, they can step into the upper realms."

"With the help of the upper realm's powerful, more advanced heaven and earth spiritual power, you will step into the Holy King Realm in one fell swoop, and when you reach the upper realm, you can be regarded as a small figure with a head and face."

"And these people who have reached the upper realm through their own hard work, most of them have good talents, even if they reach the upper realm, they can often be mixed up." Wen Daolu recalled, "slowly Many sects have also been established in the upper realm, and the limelight is boundless."

"At that time, the upper realm was just a higher-level interface, but now, it is completely different. For some unknown reasons, the upper realm suddenly pursued and killed the lower realm, and spent a lot of power to block it. After six reincarnations, the passage from the lower realm to the upper realm was blocked."

This was the first time Ling Zhi knew about the relationship between the upper and lower realms before the six reincarnations were closed.

According to Wen Daolu, it is precisely because the upper and lower realms were not closed before, and the upper realm also had many warriors who passed through the lower realm, so in the previous war, there were many upper realms. The strong are on the side of the lower realm.

Although not much, it is very important.

Otherwise, how can the life of a warrior of the lower realm of 10,000 years be able to compete with those old monsters of the upper realm who have a lifespan of millions of years?

Not to mention that the quality is not at the same level, but the quantity is completely incomparable.

"But there are exceptions. The master of the Sky Tower is a strong man who grew up in the upper realm, but he chose to stand on the side of the lower realm. It is a pity that he was under siege during that battle. Many, after all, I didn’t survive, my body and soul were afraid to die."

"Actually, it's not from the lower realm." Wen Daolu said, this one, obviously referring to the side and Stealing Rat, curiously looked at the Fang Yaoxing's grunt.

"However, it is not from the upper bound either." Qiao Daolu added another sentence, making Ling Zhi puzzled.

"Besides the upper and lower bounds, are there other bounds?" Ling Zhi asked curiously. This was the first time he had heard of it.

The Wendao furnace flew out of Lexus's body, and it can be seen that the spirit is still gradually digesting the quicksand in the star area. Even the Wendao furnace can only digest and absorb one by one, and it is impossible to detonate it all at once. Forty or fifty star field quicksand.

That is the power of four or five stars, a one-time explosion, who can easily bear it?

Asking Daolu reduced his soul power to the range that only he and Ling Zhi could feel, and said, "It's still too small. I'm worried that it will say it casually and cause trouble. You can only let you know about this first."

Finally, Lexus finally reached a sufficient level, at least with the qualifications to know Gulu's identity and status.

"In addition to the upper and lower bounds, there are two places between the world and the earth. They are special and detached." Asked Daolu explained for Ling Zhi in detail, "The first place is where you are."

"Earth?" Ling Zhi was surprised.

"Yes, not right." Wen Daolu continued, "It is indeed the earth, but it is not the whole earth, but Kunlun in the ancient Chinese period. It is another ancient world that is detached, not attached to the upper and lower realms, nor It borders the upper and lower boundaries, so it is a completely independent world. It has its own, complete rules of heaven and everything.

"Kunlun..." Ling Zhi listened quietly. When he was on the earth, he helped the earth lift the seal of spiritual power. The star core of the earth had just recovered, and he hadn't even noticed these places.

Of course, with his original cultivation base, it is impossible to discover Kunlun Realm.

"Whether it is Emperor Fuxixi, the master of the Eight Diagrams Furnace, or the Taoist ancestor in your mouth, Huangdi Xuanyuan, etc., they all come from Kunlun Realm or are related to Kunlun Realm."

"Of course, Kunlun Realm has always insisted on being a Chinese clan, so you don't need to think about it. You can treat this realm as a holy land on the earth." Wendaolu laughed, worried that Lexus might be repelled.

He didn't know this.

If calculated strictly, he was called the guardian of the earth, Ling Zhi's father, Ling Tian, ​​who had held such an identity before.

But the words asked by Dao Lu awakened Lexus.

He finally understood why he felt a breath in He Qilu, similar to Huangdi Xuanyuan and Fuxixi Emperor, it turned out to be the aura in Kunlun realm.

"The Guru family belongs to Kunlun Realm?" Ling Zhi touched his nose and asked, if so, why Guru would go with him in the first place is not surprising.

"Yes," Wen Daolu gave a confirming reply, "It not only comes from Kunlun Realm, but their clan is also a native race in Kunlun Realm. It is one of the oldest existences."

"Their clan is called Kunlun Saint Clan in Kunlun Realm."

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