God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2081: Ancient First Furnace

I can't say how it feels.

But when he saw this Fang Pill furnace, this was the first thought that came to Ling Zhi's heart.

He had seen the Eight Diagrams furnace, even held it in his hand for a while, and witnessed the appearance of the Holy Grade Pills in the Eight Diagrams furnace.

Bagua furnace is the third pill furnace in ancient times.

The pill furnace in front of him, he was quite sure, detached from the Eight Diagrams furnace.

But at first glance, Ling Zhi firmly believed that this was definitely not the second pill furnace, it must be the first pill furnace.

It just floats quietly at the end of the six reincarnations, and in front of it is an endless seal, which is so powerful that even if an ancestor tries his best, it is impossible to shake a half of the seal.

It floats there, so calm and independent of the world.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many powerful and talented refiners were born.

I don't know how many pill furnaces are born or artificial.

Even if it is an ancestor-level pill furnace, it is not without it.

However, Wendao Furnace has always been so horizontally in the position of the first pill furnace. From beginning to end, no other pill furnace can shake its position.

Rather than shaking, it is better to say that no one has ever moved any other pill furnace to this first position, wanting to press down the side of the questioning furnace.

"The opportunity is right in front of you. It is a great opportunity and unimaginable to be able to approach the questioning furnace like this." The Bagua furnace is outside the six reincarnations, muttering to himself, "But can you master the questioning furnace? In the hands, it depends on you... Even the master back then can only use it reluctantly, not let him surrender willingly."

What was revealed in the words of the Eight Diagrams Furnace was that Emperor Fuxixi had also thought about Wendao Furnace back then, but he failed.

Such news must be amazing.

What kind of ability and value does the pill furnace that can reject the Emperor Xi have?

Ling Zhi was about to move forward, and when he watched Wendao Furnace up close, the Wendao Furnace suddenly flickered.

At the same time, the Heavenly Path monument in his body also flew straight out.

After flying out, he flew directly into the Inquiring Furnace with lightning speed.

It wasn't until then that Ling Zhi discovered that the lid of the Wendao furnace was not a physical entity, but a strange flame.

This flame looked from a distance, just like the air of chaos.

But now when you roll it up, you will find that this is just a flame that looks like chaos, or more accurately, a flame attached to chaos.

"Qingdao Furnace, Qi Ling?" Ling Zhi was surprised, and asked Dao Furnace floating here. Without a word, he thought that Qi Ling and Wen Dao Furnace had been separated.

Although this rarely happened, the first battle was too terrible, and the Bagua furnace was like that, and he had to think so.

"Does the Heavenly Dao Monument recognize you so?" While Ling Zhi was staring at the Wendao furnace, a slightly vicissitudes of voice came from the Wendao furnace.

In this vicissitudes of life, what was carried was fatigue and exhaustion.

To make people listen, a sense of fatigue is born out of thin air.

"Do you have the Pill Refining Technique for Hunyuan, and the Method of Collecting Pills?"

"I can go with you."

Before Ling Zhi had time to answer, he asked Daolu immediately.

This voice was transmitted to the outside world through the six reincarnations. When the Bagua furnace heard these two sentences, it was also shocked for a moment, very surprised.

"But it's not working right now, you still don't have the ability to follow me." Before Ling Zhi showed joy, he asked Dao Lu's next sentence, and immediately followed up.

"Although the six reincarnations are sealed, they need utensils to block it, otherwise the seal will continue until it fills the entire six reincarnations. At that time, the lower realm will no longer have the hope of opening the six reincarnations."

Asked the furnace ups and downs before the seal, and said frankly.

Like the humanoid monster that Ling Zhi saw, it was only because of the scene that a pool of blood showed up that the other party actually caught Ling Zhi's figure.

What Ling Zhi didn't know was that if it wasn't because he was in the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the other party could shoot him directly.

At that moment, he will be very dangerous.

For such a person, there are six reincarnations connected here, and it is possible to move the seal forward to fill the entire six reincarnations and completely seal the upper and lower boundaries.

And asking Dao Lu is here to stop the other party.

Not by strength, but by itself, is enough.

Wendao furnace is different from ordinary ancestors. It has naturally detached itself. Just like the Supreme City, it exists in the long river of time and jumps out of the long river of time. It will not be impacted by the long river of time, but will drift with the flow.

Therefore, Wendaolu sits in front of this seal, and it is difficult for the saints of the upper realm to attack it, break it up, and push the seal.

Ling Zhi frowned and asked, "I was in the True Dragon Palace, and I also saw the true dragon guarding before the seal, because of this?"

He originally thought that the failure of the six reincarnations was already the worst result. It now appears that these predecessors and artifacts have been fighting against the upper realm for countless years. This struggle has never really stopped. .

But the outside world has been slandering them and insulting them.

If these ancestors are usually narrow-minded, who is not the strength to slaughter the lower realm?

"Well, there are six reincarnations and six divisions. Everywhere, there are people." Wen Daolu responded to Ling Zhi's words, but the flame on it suddenly became fierce.

"The Heavenly Path Monument has been restored to its original condition, why has its spirit not recondensed? Although the heavenly path monument's spirit has collapsed between the world, it is absolutely impossible to disappear, and it is impossible to be destroyed. Why can't I perceive it? To its spiritual breath?"

Asking Daolu muttered to himself, looking at his posture, he didn't mean to want Lexus to answer.

This is also true, because Ling Zhi didn't even know whether the Heavenly Dao Monument had ever had an instrumental spirit.

"That's it." The flame on the furnace suddenly receded, and the Heavenly Dao Tablet flew out and went straight into Ling Zhi's body. "You must be recognized by the Heavenly Dao Tablet, and you must also have the Hunyuan Pill Refining Judgment. The martial artist's Tianxin and alchemy talents are all complete. I can recognize you. Mainly."

After finishing talking, Wendaolu actually separated a little spirit flame, and floated in front of Lexus.

"It's enough to blend with soul power."

The flame was incorporated into the dantian by Ling Zhi, and was slowly incorporated into the body by the spirit.

A ray of flame suddenly floated from his heart, but in the end it appeared again, turning into a ray of flame marks at the center of his soul.

At the same time, it was accompanied by thorough control of Wendao furnace.

At the same time, what accompanies it is the endless alchemy method, the consciousness and experience of alchemy contained in the furnace, and the countless, holy-level alchemy prescriptions.

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