God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2074: Eat a million souls, the sword spirit finally appears

Only afterwards, even Lexus was a little numb.

He was just continuing to expand his perception of soul power, but he no longer counted how many half-ancestral realm remnants, and how many holy king realm remnants.

There are too many, too many unimaginable.

Of course, Lexus will naturally not give up, nor will it sit still.

Therefore, if you are careful, you will find that there are wisps of unsearchable spirit-devouring fire, following the spirit power of Lexus, gradually spreading to the surroundings.

As the Spirit Devouring Fire stepped into the holy level and transformed into a holy, it was no longer simple, it could only devour spiritual power.

After these spirit-devouring fires continued to swallow a forbidden force last time, they transformed into the ultimate colorful colors, but they were still very incomplete.

At this moment, these spirit-devouring fires followed Lexus's soul power and blended into it little by little. No matter what Lexus wanted to attack these remnant souls, it was a layer of protection.

It wasn't until Ling Zhi's spirit power spread to more than three thousand miles that a special and familiar power finally crashed into his perception.

"It's the tower!" His eyes lit up, and in the next moment, his face was even more surprised, "There is a breath of living."

He perceives the vitality of a living person near the aura of the sky tower.

This is naturally not difficult for Lexus who has the rules of life and death.

Although I am not sure if it is the person I am looking for, it is somewhat hopeful.

Ling Zhi took a deep breath, he was stuck in a decision whether to continue to move with this kind of soul power perception or to retract his soul power to move.

Maintaining this kind of soul power perception to move is very scary for his soul power consumption.

And the place he perceives is more than 3,000 miles away from him, so after he moves there, the remnants of his soul power will be disturbed by more than 3,000 kilometers.

Adding to the current situation, the number of remnants, etc., will reach a terrifying number of ten million.

The warrior must be very clear about his own strength. Ling Zhi deeply understands that even if there are ten million levels of remnant souls, his soul will be wiped out in an instant.

When the time comes, he will lose his spirit power, and he will be unable to do anything in this taboo battlefield.

Especially, he can't guarantee that in this taboo battlefield, there must be no remnants and obsessions left by the ancestors.

If it rashly explores and spreads for three thousand miles, if it really touches the remnant soul of the ancestral sage level, it will be a disaster.

It’s just that, if you rush to take back your soul power now, then the million-level remnant soul covered by his soul power will inevitably follow where his soul power has contracted because of the disappearance of his soul power. come.

Faced with the million-level remnant soul, can he, Lexus, be able to face it safely?

"Hesitation has no meaning, and it won't have any effect. Now that you have made a decision in your heart, just do it." Ling Zhi suddenly wrinkled his brows and said firmly.

Then his soul stood up from the platform, and all the soul power that had spread out was shaken slightly, and all was returned to his control.


Ling Zhi snorted softly, and the soul power in the sky quickly retracted toward his body at an unimaginable speed.

It's just that the reaction of these remnants was not slow at all. Just after Ling Zhi's spirit power changed, a large number of remnants rushed up.



There was a crash that only soul power could hear, and instantly filled Lexus's entire mind, countless, uncountable, making his entire body tremble constantly.


A mouthful of blood spurted from Lexus's mouth, and his face became pale.

"Burn me."

At the same time, Ling Zhi wiped the corner of his mouth and wiped the blood away. At the same time, the spirit-devouring fire that had spread before was suddenly deprived of his spirit power and rushed towards the remnant souls.


Like a large number of ignited arrows drenched in oil, plunged into the sea, the screams of remnant souls, together with a large number of remnants, collapsed between the heaven and the earth.

Ling Zhi's spirit power also got a gap, and quickly returned a large distance to the body.

It's just that the good times are not long, such a small amount of Spirit Devouring Fire, facing up to millions of remnants, or even millions of remnants, is quite a drop in the bucket, and it will not be able to reverse the situation.

Just when Ling Zhi was about to fight to the death, the remnant soul beside him had already pounced on his body, trying to get into his body.

The souls in Ling Zhi's dantian are like a beacon, enough to attract all the attention of these remnants.

Only at this moment, there was a blood line in Ling Zhi's body that crossed the sky.

These remnants of souls that were rushing towards Lexus suddenly shook their bodies, revealing an expression of horror.

Then it suddenly collapsed on the spot, turned into a masterless soul power, and it was about to dissipate directly in the world, completely dissipating.

"Is it Chaos Qinglian?" Ling Zhi's first reaction was the Chaos Qinglian who had swallowed Xingtian's soul.

However, when Divine Soul looked down, he found that Chaos Qinglian seemed to be only interested in the Divine Soul of the ancestors, and these levels of spirit power were nothing to it.

Perhaps at this level, it is no longer possible to achieve a qualitative transformation through simple superposition of quantities.

Just when the spirit power spreading outside of Ling Zhi's body was about to completely dissipate between the world and the earth, the blood line in Ling Zhi's body appeared and directly rushed out of Ling Zhi's body.

"Weeping Blood Sword?" Ling Zhi looked at this blood line in astonishment, which exceeded his expectations.

The Weeping Blood Sword slashed with a single sword, and all the spirit power rolled towards the sword body and disappeared.

At the same time, on the Weeping Blood Sword, the sword glow rose sharply, and the light of blood appeared, spreading a hundred meters away in an instant.

Feeling the fluctuation of the Weeping Blood Sword, Ling Zhi pointed to the Weeping Blood Sword, and the huge immortal spirit power and soul power merged into the Weeping Blood Sword.

The Weeping Blood Sword gained this power, and the sword light instantly skyrocketed hundreds of meters again, and the blood swept across the world. It smashed its head towards the remnants of the Lexus soul power.

With just this blow, there were as many as tens of thousands of remnant souls, all of which were drawn into the sword body by the Weeping Blood Sword.

The next scene turned into the Weeping Blood Sword, a unilateral slaughter, and the millions of remnant souls that pounced on Ling Zhi, just as if they were actively sent into its sword.

It originally required one sword to kill, but now it only needs the sword body to shake, and tens of thousands of remnant souls are wiped out and are drawn into the sword body.

In this process, a wisp of Lexus has been entangled for a long time, and the long-awaited, brand-new, brand-new mentality, on the self-cry blood sword, slowly but firmly appeared.

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