God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2058: Conspiring to seize the body

Sikongxiu was known as the ancestor saint back then, and his speed was invincible.

After gaining countless results, and the strength of his body has been tempered thousands of times, it is not an exaggeration to be the first person under the ancestors.

The battle between Lexus and him seems simple, you come and go, there is not too much falseness and reality, but in reality it is extremely dangerous.

The use of ice crystals in his hand and the sharpness of the weapons, except for the Lexus Xuanhuang Indestructible Body, which can resist one or two, the ordinary half ancestors will be maimed, and there is no room for negotiation.

Ling Zhi was now covered in blood, but there were only minor injuries, but no serious injuries.

From this moment on, Lexus is real, under the ancestor saint, fighting alone and invincible.

"I thought it would take me so long, wouldn't it be too small to look down on me?" The Weeping Blood Sword penetrated into Sikongxiu's throat, but Sikongxiu was still talking.

Between the openings, his throat and trachea rubbed against the Weeping Blood Sword. During the friction, the wound was torn apart little by little. Every sentence and every word represented huge pain.

But Sikongxiu didn't seem to notice it, the resentment and twisted eyes in his eyes made people feel chilling.

"Our Sikongxiu has never been so embarrassed in the battle that year." Sikongxiu stood there, "If you were taken down by your junior, then I would have died long ago."

As he said, Sikongxiu's hand half hidden in his sleeve suddenly rubbed slightly.

A dark yellow talisman paper was gently thrown out by him.


The talisman oscillated, and a powerful force immediately rushed towards Lexus.

"Ancestral sage?" At that moment, Ling Zhi almost thought that an ancestral sage shot.

He hurriedly raised his left arm and blasted out with a fist, wanting to hit the talisman paper back.

But when his power was released, the talisman only waved a little, and instead came close to his palm.

"Jie Jie." Sikongxiu's throat was damaged too badly, but he could only make this strange cry when he opened his mouth.

"Thank you, telling me that Xing Tian was still shaken in the Jiuding, and to obtain his body, the way of my ancestor's sage can be accomplished." Sikongxiu said through the voice of soul power, and the body slowly receded back.

The Weeping Blood Sword was between his throat, slowly revealing the sword body.

However, at this moment, Ling Zhi gritted his teeth and rushed forward without retreating.

In the horrified eyes of Sikongxiu, Ling Zhi fingered the Weeping Blood Sword and rushed to him quickly. The Weeping Blood Sword had just withdrawn from Sikongxiu's throat, and now it was all sent in by Ling Zhi. The back of the neck came out.

That's not even counted. After Lexus took the shot, the Weeping Blood Sword flipped quickly, and a 180-degree rotation came to Sikongxiu's neck, blasting several sword lights, and smashing Sikongxiu's neck. , All ruined.

Without the support of his neck, Sikongxiu's head thumped, and he was smashed by the force and flew back. The remaining body was burst into pieces under the impact of the talisman.

That perfect body, under the power of the talisman, looked a little unbearable, like being cut by lasing, turning into pieces of flesh and blood, falling down, very disgusting.

"Just to destroy my body and commit suicide?" Sikongxiu's head flew in the air, and for a while, some did not understand the significance of Lexus's doing this.

Even if let him escape, what can Lexus do? As for cutting off his head and taking his own life.

The talisman was obtained from the hands of a dead ancestor. It was among the weapons of the ancestor. Although it was not an ancestor weapon, it almost reached the level of an ancestor weapon, and it could also be used by a half ancestor.

It can only be used once, most of which was reserved by the ancestors for his most beloved disciples and used by their relatives to save their lives.

Is it commonplace for the ancestors to make refining hands?

Sikongxiu didn't think that Lexus could survive such an attack.

"Damn, I should be more careful, this group of people are simply crazy." Thinking of the things the ancestors of the earth did during that battle, Sikongxiu suddenly felt a little clear.

In order to kill the enemy, to give one's life, to revenge, for the solar terms in the bones, the ancestors of the earth, did such a thing is not small.

"My body has been tempered in vain for so many years and has been resting for so many years. The Apocalypse Array has opened, and the breath of the Supreme City has spread throughout the universe through the Apocalypse Array. Huang Di Xuanyuan has already appeared, and the battle between the upper and lower realms is imminent." There was no movement in front of him for a long time, in Sikongxiu's eyes, Ling Zhi had already turned into pieces of corpses along with the talisman.

Finally, when he was free, he was able to recall what Ling Zhi had said, and rationalize the current situation.

"We must find a way to regain a body in the shortest time. I have a head left. Xing Tian is the best choice. But the eyes of the source of all evil, even I, may not be able to suppress it. My bloodline and identity confuse Jiuding, let Jiuding help me?" Sikongxiu struggled, very annoyed.

Lexus ruined his body at this time, which was extremely troublesome for him.

"Right," Sikongxiu's eyes suddenly lit up, "how can I forget it."

His gaze fell on the stone bed below, as if he had seen directly through the stone bed and saw the Bagua furnace in the potholes under the stone bed.

"Won the approval of Jiuding, help with the power of Jiuding, take the body of Xingtian, swallow this holy pill, can perfectly combine my head and Xingtian's body, and then this power and Xingtian's ancestor The body of the holy, and the countless results of my own battle after the battle, cooperate with each other, and it is sure to be able to break into the realm of the ancestors in one fell swoop."

"As long as you can quickly break into the ancestral sacred realm, you can refine that eye in one fell swoop. With that eye in existence, the Yellow Emperor will be afraid of me."

The emperor Xingtian fought at the time was the legendary Xuanyuan family, the Yellow Emperor.

Xing Tian was defeated by the Yellow Emperor, refining the source of all evils, fighting tactics day and night. Although he had no head, his strength would not retreat but advance instead. Otherwise, how could Dao Ancestor suppress it with the power of Jiuzhou Jiuding instead of suppressing it. Kill.

When Ling Zhi mentioned the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor would surely know that Sikongxiu had betrayed him. Only with the power of Xing Tian was the best way for him to protect himself.

All the plans quickly took shape in Sikongxiu's mind, and a hideous light appeared in his eyes.

Flew towards the stone bed.

This gossip stove he had spent a lot of energy in his hands at the beginning, absorbing a large number of rare elixir, martial arts blood, and the holy rank nurtured by the luck of sleepy valley for thousands of years under the chaos of the year. The spirit pill finally has its place.

The stone bed rolls, and the gossip furnace appears.

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