God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2056: Repay with blood

Facing such blunt questioning from Lexus, Sikongxiu's face changed slightly for the first time.

"He knows what I did back then?" Sikongxiu couldn't help but have such a question in his mind, but soon, he suppressed the question again.

He knows very clearly that those heroes in the lower realm have so much power and willpower that they can give everything in order to win.

But he knew even more clearly that the power comparison between the upper and lower realms was like a chasm. The giants in the upper realm, under almost eternal life, didn't know how many backhands and powers they had accumulated.

The strength of the two sides is extremely disparity.

So Sikongxiu chose to betray the lower realm and stand on the upper realm side.

But he also understood that if this matter was exposed, he would definitely die in the lower realm, so he had always been extremely careful and extremely cautious.

It's just a slight delay in every news, except for himself, almost no one can detect anything.

Most of those who had the slightest doubt about this matter were dispatched to some battlefields by him, and were killed.

In that year, his identity was not revealed. After the war, it took a whole hundred years to clean the battlefield, clear historical records, and kill insiders.

Now that it has been so long, Sikongxiu doesn't believe that Lexus will know what he did back then.

"Do you know who are you talking to?" After thinking about this, Sikongxiu's eyes changed suddenly, and he asked Lingzhi.

The corner of Ling Zhi's mouth raised, "Of course I know who I am talking to, and I know who you are more clearly."

With that said, Ling Zhi took a step forward. Invisibly, he had already used Nilong's 12-step footwork, which gave Sikongxiu a sense of oppression.

"And, I know very clearly what you have done, that's why I talk to you like this."


Ling Zhi picked up Ming, Sikongxiu was shocked.

He has black hair and no wind, "Do you know what you are talking about? That's your attitude toward the predecessors who participated in the war?"

"For the predecessors who participated in the war, I regarded them as heroes, and naturally they were respected and awed in every possible way, but you, in my eyes, do you want to be a hero? Is the word bear in your body a bit too humble?" Ling Zhi Sneered.

"Looking for death!" At this moment, Sikongxiu was still indifferent, wouldn't it be an expression of guilty conscience.

His smooth arm lifted, and a powerful force burst out along with the long-repressed aura.

What was Si Kongxiu's status back then?

After the war, he was the part of the people who collected the results.

He was the ancestor back then, and he didn't know how many died. How could he not get the great benefits in the lower realm.

The gossip furnace that Ling Zhi saw on the stone bed was what he got from the ruins of the battlefield.

And the medicine in it, I don't know how much power it has absorbed, and it has been conceived for thousands of years in the valley of sleep.

For Sikongxiu, this holy grade pill meant the strength needed to sprint into the ancestral holy realm.

And so many years of silence, the digestion of the results of the First World War, made his cultivation level more precipitated and got many improvements.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the person closest to the ancestral holy realm in the lower realm.

Perhaps if Xia Ning'er can recover, he can compete with one another.

Sikongxiu shot extremely fast, almost before the power in Lexus could be fully mobilized.

In a hurry, Lexus's chest was tight, and a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Sikongxiu sneered, "How much do you know about the things in the past, and where you heard the rumors, came here to slander me. Back then, I was loyal to the lower realm. How can I allow you to slander here..."

"Loyal? Haha!" Ling Zhi suddenly laughed, "I'm curious, you are sleeping here, do you know nothing about the outside world?"

"Do you know that the pseudo-world has been opened? Do you know that the Apocalypse Array has been activated? Do you know that the upper realm will attack the Supreme City, but it has failed?"

"Do you know Yingjie is about to return? Do you know Huangdi Xuanyuan has already appeared?"

"Do you know the abilities of King Fang Xiang? The Apocalypse Array was almost destroyed, but you don't know it because of your contribution? You know the entire clan of the Shen family was destroyed, right?"

"Who owns the gossip stove and where should it be sent? You should know it too? It shouldn't be the last thing to appear, should it be you?"

Lexus continuously threw out a bunch of questions, one of which was more direct, one more harsh than one, and one more than one, leaving Sikongxiu speechless.

The evil smile appeared from the corner of Si Kongxiu's mouth, still with that face, but his temperament was completely different and changed drastically.

"So you know everything." Sikongxiu looked at Ling Zhi with murderous intent on his face.

"Paper packs can't keep the fire. If you don't know, you can't do it yourself." Ling Zhi sneered, not afraid, and stared at Sikongxiu.

"Hehe," Sikongxiu laughed, "what do you know? You are angry because you know these things, and then you find me directly and want to kill me?"

"It's stupid." Sikongxiu sneered, his figure flashed, and he went straight to Lexus.

On his hands and wrists, a layer of ice crystals appeared, very thin, almost negligible.

But this thin layer of ice crystals carried an extremely deep cold, intersecting with the void, and the void was easily cut like tofu.

Ling Zhi shot, the fairy power in his body wrapped his hands, and the Weeping Blood Sword appeared in his right hand, and quickly confronted Si Kongxiu.

"Fast speed." Rao Ling Zhi couldn't help but sighed, his spirit power and movements were a bit unable to keep up with the opponent.

Just like when he encountered the man who manipulated the puppet, Sikongxiu's speed was several times faster than that of the man.

It's the speed that is almost at the limit.

In the semi-ancestral realm, Ling Zhi even felt that no one could have the speed of Si Kongxiu.

But he did not realize that the reason why Sikongxiu was assigned to be responsible for the rear deployment was not only because of his own strong strength and the trust that Sikong's family has built up all the time, but also because of Sikongxiu's speed, reaching the half-ancestral realm. limit.

The ancestor sage couldn't spare his hands to do these trivial tasks. Sikongxiu was naturally the most suitable candidate.

This extreme speed naturally allows him to do many things conveniently.

And Sikongxiu's fierce and fast attack is even more outstanding.

The killing intent in Ling Zhi’s eyes slowly turned into a fighting intent.

"No matter how strong you are, the heroes who died in vain because of you back then need your blood to repay it."

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