God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2054: Holy pill

Lexus put away his ID card and walked confidently on the road ahead.

Following a weird route, but the safest route, peeking forward.

Wandering left and right, it was Lexus who was even afterwards. He had some vague memories of the route he had taken, and he couldn't remember clearly.

For his current strength of spirit, this is obviously very exaggerated.

However, Lexus was not surprised. He was almost unfamiliar with the formation. The more so, the more convinced he was that he did not have much so-called talent in the formation, which dispelled his interest in exploring the formation. .

It took half a day for Ling Zhi to successfully walk out of the Suotian Formation and enter the Valley of Sleep.

Deadly silence, this was Lexus’ first impression of Sleepy Hollow.

Cold, this was Lexus’ second impression of Sleepy Hollow.

As you can see, all creatures, creatures, water currents, trees, flowers, and grasses, all that are flowing and living, are all wrapped in frost. Where they are rigid, you can't feel the slightest fluctuation of life.

"Killed?" Looking at this scene and feeling these people, the creature's face was suddenly terrified. It is not difficult to imagine that it was someone who froze the entire Sleepy Valley with a move.

"No." But after another thought, thinking about the integrity of the Suotian Formation, and the level of the ground here, Ling Zhi was keenly aware of something wrong.

The facts can't be that simple, there must be some things he doesn't know, things he hasn't noticed yet.

Lexus slowed down and probed carefully and cautiously.

Gulu ran out of the animal pet bag, and the Sky Rat was also pulled out by it.

Stealing Sky Mouse's strength has also made considerable progress, and has already reached the peak of the second-tier Saint King, and it is not much worse than the third-tier Saint King.

It's just that it's far worse than Gulu. Now in front of Gulu, he's also very well-behaved, and he's about to recognize Gulu as the boss.

As Lexus's alchemy level has completely stabilized at the spirit-level top grade, it has become much easier to get rid of the erysipelas in the body.

For so long, there is almost no erysipelas left in the stolen rat's body, so that the stolen rat has come recently and talked all day long, wanting to go out to find a female spit rat to pass on from generation to generation.

As soon as the thief rat got out of the pet bag, his little nose moved.

The sky-stealing rat's ability to explore the world's treasures is invincible. At this point, no one can surpass the sky-stealing rat.

Otherwise, this race will not blindly swallow a large number of precious treasures, causing the body to be heavy with poison, unable to give birth to offspring, and almost cut off the inheritance of its own harm.

The sky-stealing rat's sharp teeth quickly burrowed up on the ground, and its small body quickly disappeared into the ground, rolling about a few inches below the ground.

One underground corridor after another was drilled out by it, extending in all directions, but with very obvious directivity.

Ling Zhi's spirit power came out, and he fumbled along the directions dug out by the thief, and soon realized what was wrong.

These passages spread all over Sleepy Valley and lead to the back of Sleepy Valley. At first he thought these passages were patterns of a certain formation, but after a closer look, he found that these passages did not have many regulations at all. Instead, they were on every passage. All involved a disciple of Sleepy Hollow, or creatures, water, flowers, and so on.

These passages slowly, little by little, absorb the vitality of these biological plants, and then pass through the passage to the rear of Sleepy Valley.

"Freezing is just to ensure the strength of the power. After countless years, the power that moves with the channel is still pure and alive." After understanding this, a chill rose in Ling Zhi's heart.

This kind of behavior of refining living people and living things into such a posture, and extracting the power from the opponent's body day and night, makes people frightened. What kind of madness is needed to be able to do such a thing.

"It was done by the insiders of Sleepy Hollow." Stealing Sky Rat got out of the ground and gave his own judgment.

These people's postures, expressions, and ground connections require a person who they trust and who understands Sleepy Hollow to take action.

Don't let these people have the slightest awareness before, otherwise there will be a lot of uncertainty in the construction of this formation.

Now these disciples and the biological plants have reached a weird balance. Any change in either side will cause the entire formation to fail.

"It's no wonder Sleepy Valley is about to close. Under this circumstance, how to open the valley to welcome guests." Ling Zhi followed the Stealing Rat inward, looking for the ultimate direction of these forces.

"This is very similar to the burial place of the Sea God." Ling Zhi warned in his heart, "It is just that Sea God is pretending to be suspicious, using people's pursuit of the unknown and the desire for opportunity to attract people to go and fight each other. , The blood is introduced into the heart. Here, it is directly on one's own person."

"It's no wonder that even the formations are the same." Ling Zhi's heart suddenly felt, and now he is not sure what the relationship between Poseidon and Sikongxiu is.

If they were standing together, even if there was Zhuo Yi's level of relationship, Poseidon would definitely kill him, and there was no room for negotiation.

Passing by the frozen Sleepy Valley disciples, Ling Zhi finally set foot in the center of Sleepy Valley.

It is also the place where all the forces are directed.

Since entering Sleepy Hollow, Ling Zhi has deliberately used his own power to cover up the fluctuations in his spirit power and Guru, so they have not been noticed by anyone until now.

"Where is it?" Ling Zhi followed the direction of Stealing Sky Mouse and set his eyes on a stone bed in the center of Sleepy Valley.

There is also the only place here that is not frozen by ice.

There are lines of ice crystals like human veins, hooked around the stone bed from all directions, and in the stone bed.

In the center of the stone bed, there is a sunken area, which is the only strange thing about the stone bed.

Ling Zhi's spirit power cautiously probed towards the stone bed, and when he saw the objects in the depression of the stone bed, his face showed an extremely surprised look.

In Jia's house on the continent of reincarnation, he was fortunate enough to learn about the whereabouts of the Bagua furnace and spent some time at Jia's house.

He also obtained the Eight Diagrams Alchemy Method.

However, I have never been able to find the whereabouts of the Bagua Furnace. Unexpectedly, there is nowhere to look for it after breaking through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. The Bagua Furnace is on this stone bed, in this deep sleepy valley!

Far in the sky, close in front of you!

"This kind of fluctuation..." Ling Zhi groaned, feeling the strange fluctuations in the gossip furnace, and the whole person's mind was suddenly attracted in.

"This is a pill that surpasses the level of the spirit-level high-grade pill?" He couldn't help exclaiming.

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