God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2046: Time tracking

Stepping into the pseudo-six ways of reincarnation once again, feeling the power in it, Ling Zhi is no longer the weak warrior at the beginning.

These forces could not cause him harm in a short period of time.

"It's not like the power of time, but it's somewhat similar to the power of time." Standing in it, Ling Zhi silently felt this strange power.

He once obtained a small piece of time crystal, by which he realized some ways of using time.

It's just that these methods are only auxiliary methods, not methods of attacking and fighting.

The manifestation of these laws is retrospective in time.

Ling Zhi hesitated for a moment, standing here, mobilizing the power of time, he wanted to trace back to how the pseudo-six realms were established.

In other words, at least we can know who placed the pseudo-six realms here.

The power of time is very miraculous, the power of space is already sufficiently concealed and nihility compared to the wind, fire, thunder and lightning, but the power of time is more illusory than the power of space.

Even if Lexus had mobilized this power now, Ye Qingcheng, who was standing next to him, didn't feel the slightest.

With the power of time, Lexus blended with the six reincarnations, intertwined with each other, and reached a wonderful resonance with the time rules here.

When the resonance appears, he can use it to turn the power of time to reveal the time that happened here in the past.

The quiet scene floats by, under the reincarnation pool, most of the time, it is silent.

This kind of scene without human involvement, Lexus traces back, there is almost no pressure, it is very simple and easy.

Until the scene, a figure appeared.

When he saw this person's figure, before he even had time to see his appearance, Ling Zhi was suddenly startled, and the force of time turned and jumped fiercely, pushing forward directly without stopping for half a minute.


He could see clearly that the one holding the fortune-telling flagpole was the one he had encountered in Leicheng, the old fortune-telling man, Liancheng!

In the beginning, Lexus had gradually discovered the wonder of this person. Just the time he survived, it was a little unclear and unclear.

According to his own words, the Lian family was originally Xuanzhou, a large family on the planet of Reincarnation. In the end, the ancestors were beaten back by the heavens because of the fortune-telling leaked secret secrets, which implicated the entire Lian family.

However, Lexus had so many experiences in Reincarnation, but he had never heard of such a family, and had never met anyone who could speculate about the secret of heaven.

Maybe there are some people who can use clues to calculate some misfortunes, but it is definitely not like Liancheng. The guidance he gave to Lexus at the beginning can always make Lexus out of trouble.

This is not a speculation of misfortune, it is clearly a prediction, like a glimpse of the future.

But what really makes Lexus jump over this person quickly and not observe this person is another point.

It is easy to cause the failure of time traceability, and it is easy to cause Lexus to be injured. What makes a huge effort is to try to spy on the past of some top powerhouses in the time trace.

The strength of these powerful men is too terrifying, so even if they spy after such a long period of time, they will be interfered by their bodies, and may even attract the other party's attention, making the other party use this channel to directly attack Lexus.

Ling Zhi would never forget that the old man, Liancheng, was inscribed on the usual portrait on that mysterious coffin of fate.

Regardless of whether it is similar in appearance or whatever, this alone makes it clear to Lexus that if he has just studied in depth, he will inevitably fail in tracing the pseudo-six ways of reincarnation, and it is likely to cause some bad things.

The throbbing in his heart just now is real, and until now, there is still a slight cold sweat in the palm of Lexus's palm.

As Ling Zhi came here, as the scene of him fighting with the evil here emerged, Ling Zhi became more puzzled.

"In the past few years, Liancheng has been here? What did he do here, what kind of cultivation base he was, and his original physical and artistic conception can easily disappear in the hands of the demon of the king realm."

"Holy King, Half Ancestor, Ancestor?" Ling Zhi frowned, puzzled.

The scene in front of him went by quickly, and after he came down with the evil last time, the Samsara Pool fell into dead silence again.

The time traced back cannot be speculated specifically, but such a rapid time retreat makes it impossible to see half of the figure.

Knowing that a touch of blood appeared in the picture.

"The war under the reincarnation pool?" In the shadow of the sword, Ling Zhi's pupils contracted and reacted quickly.

Because under these swords, the surroundings of the reincarnation pool can be seen clearly, and there are not many corpses, which are incomparable with the current magnificent appearance.

"There is no shortage of half-ancestral warriors." Because only some scenes around the pseudo-six reincarnation can be seen, Ling Zhi can only rely on himself to find the truth of what happened here.

"No, this method..." Suddenly, Ling Zhi saw a pair of hands in a corner of the screen. This hand quickly flicked a few tricks, and then disappeared from the screen.

"This is Shi Huang's method of throwing beans into a weapon. As expected, Shi Huang has been to Reincarnation Star, and he has stayed in Xuanzhou, established Qin Capital, left Xuanyuan Sword, and fought evil demons. He even participated in it. In the next battle in this reincarnation pool!"

Ling Zhi's heart was greatly shaken. He never expected that he would be here and see such a scene and learn some news about Shi Huang.

But after that, he fell into contemplation again.

In the pseudo-world, Li Bai used the power of the Apocalypse Array and the help of King Fang Xiang to see what happened after he was unconscious.

In this matter, what really exists is that Li Bai and Shi Huang were hunted and killed by the ancestors of the upper realm, and an ancestor of the earth took action and saved them both.

Afterwards, Shi Huang turned around to confront the enemy and left in order to get Li Bai to escape.

Caused to fall and fell into the boundless sea.

And in the true Six Paths of Reincarnation, on the first island of the Nine Islands in the Boundary Sea, in the Palace of True Dragons, Ling Zhi had also entered it, and in a pool of blood, he caught some sights.

In the boundless sea, there are many strong men and corpses everywhere, and among them, there is a corpse wearing a dragon suit, floating up and down with the fluctuation of the boundless sea.

It was Shi Huang.

All this, on this line, Ling Zhi and Li Bai reached a common point, and speculated about Shi Huang's news.

But judging from the current situation, why did the first emperor who fell in the boundless sea appear here again? Participated in the battle of Reincarnation Pool, participated in the battle of Xuanzhou Demons, and even in the message left by Qin Du, told him that he had gone to the depths of the starry sky to kill the enemy.

Shi Huang is one person, so how come there are two timelines? Two different experiences?

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