God-level Punishment System

Chapter 2020: Slaughter the half ancestor of the world

"Kill another one?"

Seeing that half-ancestor's body fell and hit the ground, Chu Da rubbed his eyes and stood up.

The excited body was trembling, and the voice of speaking shook, "Fuck, why is it so powerful."

At this time, not only Chu Da, but also Bai Qi had already opened his mouth, unable to speak a word for a long time.

Half ancestor, that is half ancestor, the half ancestor who stuns the world, only half a step away from the ancestral holy realm.

Although there is a huge gap between the ancestors and the ancestors, they will never be slaughtered so easily by a warrior in the Saint King realm.

However, how long has it been since Lexus has killed three people.

If it hadn't been for Lexus to stun the Dao of Heaven first, I'm afraid that the rain between the sky and the earth, and the thunder in the sky, would have accumulated in disarray!

Different from Chu Da and Bai Qi, the expressions of Li Bai and Niu Yuanhang and Joy are somewhat solemn.

"Ling Zhi is going to be in the half-ancestral realm at this time?" Ju Yi said in surprise, "Taking his cultivation base back then, counting the time, it shouldn't take long for him to enter this realm?"

"It didn't take long. He didn't even have a whole day of effort. Within a day, the Supreme City collapsed. Before the collapse, he entered the late stage of the Saint King Third Stage." Li Bai smiled bitterly and shook his head. Being irritated by Lexus, he couldn't speak, and there was a vague worry in his heart.

Lexus took this step too quickly, too quickly.

In Li Bai's view, it is inevitable that Lexus will enter the half-ancestor and even the future ancestor.

But that needs time for Lexus and time for him to grow up, instead of being so urgent as he is now.

Li Bai was worried that such an uprooting might damage the foundation of Lexus, or that today, Lexus has no way to step into the half-ancestral realm.

Niu Yuanhang, who was standing next to them, reacted the weirdest. He stared at Lexus's actions and suddenly asked, "Did Lexus introduce any power into his body before this?"

Li Bai froze. He actually didn't know much about Lexus's cultivation, so he shook his head and said, "I only know that his cultivation is progressing rapidly, but his foundation is extremely solid. In the same realm, almost no one can be with you. He fought. As for the others, he doesn't know anything."

"I am the body of the starry sky. As far as I know, people with special constitutions like ours are different from ordinary people when they break into the half-ancestral realm." Niu Yuanhang frowned and said,

"When I was in the Saint King Realm, the peculiarities of my physique just showed up. I also got the inheritance of the body of the starry sky from the starry sky at that time, which is a late exaggeration."

"It was also at that time that I learned that ordinary people who want to be in the realm of half ancestors need to manage the aspiration of sentient beings. With the aspiration of sentient beings, they can first temper their bodies and feel the power of aspiration. An ancestor."

"But we are not. We can step into the half-ancestral realm without the help of sentient beings. After all, our physique is special and more powerful. For example, the body of the fire spirit can use the holy fire in the world to temper the half-ancestor. For example, I can enter the half-ancestral realm by drawing the stars and stars into my body."

"But according to my understanding of Junior Brother Ling, his physique is a very normal physique without any special features. Even if there is any change in the future, it is acquired, not congenital, this physique, It's not in the special physique."

Niu Yuanhang frowned and twisted his eyebrows together tightly, "But now, looking at the situation of Junior Brother Ling, I feel that he just wants to rely on his own strength to be half the ancestor. In the inheritance I have, I have clearly mentioned that this path will not work. I don’t know how many former talents have tried it, but none of them have succeeded."

"People with special physiques will have much stronger combat power after the half-ancestor. In the battle between Senior Jho and the person who is full of flames, you should have some experience in this."

"I was able to support this moment because I was trying to go to the Half Ancestral Realm and draw the stars of the heavens into my heart. This greatly increased my combat effectiveness, but fighting with two Half Ancestors, I was injured. too heavy."

"If you can't successfully step into the half ancestor in the future, you will die here if you want to. It is better to follow in the footsteps of the old man of the suzerain. You can also see Tianyi and Pei Ningrui. I can protect them and take care of him. ."

Niu Yuanhang was slow, calm, peaceful, yet clearly distinguishing and narrating.

In the process of distinguishing him, Li Bai and others finally realized why they felt something was wrong before.

In the process of lifting off, Ling Zhi has been expelling the power of faith that surrounds his body.

It can be seen that at this moment, Lexus is a little weird because of the four stone steles and limbs, and his eyes are blood-red and terrible. There is no longer any extra power on the body.

This is not like gathering all the power, the movement of the half-ancestral realm, but like giving up.

But looking at Lexus's confident look now, it is obviously impossible to give up.

"Don't say it's the half-ancestral realm, it's the ancestral holy realm, what can I do? I should rely on my own power."

"I step into the semi-ancestral realm, and even the ancestral realm with the will of all beings. If one day, all living beings no longer believe in me. If one day, all living beings betray me, will my power still exist?"

"If even your own strength has such doubts, such fears, and this kind of life, is there still a need to live?"

Ling Zhi whispered in his heart, at this moment, his thinking was extremely clear.

What even Niu Yuanhang didn't know was that Lexus' Xuanhuang Indestructible Body was itself a physique that surpassed those special physiques.

In the future, even the body of the starry sky is incomparable.

The Xuanhuang Qi was born when the heavens and the earth first opened. It was the power before the chaos, and it was the power that would make the ancestors covet and move the heart.

On the other side, it was Lexus’s previous physique, which was innate strength, was real, and was tempered with innate aura, a perfect innate physique!

Therefore, in reality, Lexus has fulfilled all the conditions and detached himself from it, not being trapped by nature, or tired by the day after tomorrow.

All power is under control.

This is the real powerhouse, his own power and his own path.

"When I was part of the ancestor," Ling Zhi bowed his head, looked at the old woman and others below, but glanced over again, cast his eyes on the edge of the pseudo-world, and even farther away, and looked at the entire universe.

"That's the time when I slaughtered the world, all of whom took refuge in, and went to the upper realm half ancestor!"

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