God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1994: Arrived in Wanjun

This is an amazing exercise.

According to Xia Ning'er, it was Xuebai Big Beast, the father of Little Beast Gulu, and he couldn't guarantee whether he could succeed or not.

Just listening to Xia Ning'er's description, Lexus felt shocked.

Not to mention that Xia Ning'er had been seriously injured to the point of dying, even in the heyday, trying to completely separate the spirit and soul is a risky behavior, and it is easy to fly away and annihilate directly.

Yin Qingyuan lacks the method, such a technique, I am afraid that only the snow white beast can come out.

"That's why you and her will fall asleep because they haven't gotten into each other, haven't healed their injuries, and their souls are incomplete, so that's why?" Ling Zhi pointed to the body where Xia Ning'er is now, and asked.

Xia Ning'er lowered her head in deep thought for a few moments before nodding.

"But..." After hearing all this, Ling Zhi's brows wrinkled tighter, and there was a struggling expression in his eyes.

With this expression, Xia Ning'er in front of him also looked very clearly and understood very well.

Although they were separated by a divine soul, in these years of experience, each other is more like two complete people.

Both Xia Ning'er held an extremely important position in Lexus's heart.

Now if they swallowed and merged with each other, would the complete Xia Ning'er who was born still be the one that Lexus knew?

Will it be the simple and lovely Xia Ning'er called his brother?

What will it become?

Now this innocent Xia Ning'er, that cute little Ning'er, hasn't he disappeared between this world forever?

This was Ling Zhi's doubts, and it was also the place where Xia Ning'er couldn't solve his doubts.

Because she didn't know.

"At the beginning I was hurt too badly. I had to do this to survive. There is no other choice. If it weren't for this exercise, I would definitely choose to die in the city of Supreme and protect this with my remains. The power of the city."

Xia Ning'er looked at Lexus, a little distressed and self-blaming.

"No, you don't have to blame yourself." Ling Zhi reached out and wiped the tears from the corners of Xia Ning'er's eyes, "This is the most correct choice. I'm just afraid of losing. I'm afraid of losing you two at the same time."

Ling Zhi said, and laughed at himself again, "I am also selfish. Since you are cultivating this kind of exercises, if you don't merge with each other, there are so many conditions in your body, it is absolutely impossible."

"Well, Ning'er knows." Xia Ning'er hugged Lingzhi's arm and was reluctant to let go.

Perhaps, only she herself knew that after she saw the Sky Tower and knew all this, she should have directly merged with Lexus.

But she didn't.

She was just waiting, waiting for the last meeting with Ling Zhi and saying a word.

"Brother, since I have seen you, then I can't delay anymore." Xia Ning'er forced a smile and said.

The clothes on her body slowly fell off.

The smooth skin is suffocatingly beautiful against the ice bed.

But Lexus didn't have half-hearted obscene thoughts, but his heart seemed to be pinched, with a sense of suffocation.

Xia Ning'er was lying on the ice bed, inseparable from the ice bed.

Vaguely, there are two moons, mingling towards each other.

Ling Zhi's eyes went dark, and his soul power had been gently pushed out.

In front of him, Xia Ning'er's body was wrapped in two different crescent moons, and as the two crescent moons merged, a completely different breath was born.

"Let's go out." After feeling the speed of the fusion, Ling Zhi said in a deep mood, and took Ye Qingcheng down the Sky Tower and out of the Sky Tower.

After leaving the Sky Tower, he still couldn't help but glanced back. There, there was an aura that he felt strangely appearing.

And under this unfamiliar breath, what was hidden and disappearing were two breaths that he knew to his bones.

This feeling of just watching is maddening.

But even Ling Zhi didn't realize that in this madness, his cultivation base began to grow.

To be precise, after his soul returned to the body, his cultivation base began to grow.

After removing the injuries in the Divine Soul through the power of ice cold, his Divine Soul cultivation base broke through two realms in one fell swoop, and climbed to the late stage of the Saint King's third stage realm.

However, his cultivation base and Ye Qingcheng beside him formed a kind of cycle. The dragon and phoenix dual cultivation technique does not necessarily have to be dual cultivation.

With the dual promotion of spiritual power cultivation and spirit cultivation, Lexus's strength instantly more than doubled.

Now he is finally standing on the peak of the Saint King Realm.

Next, what he had to face was Yun Yi and Chu Da and the others.

How to break into the semi-ancestral realm, and even how to break into the ancestral holy realm.

"Hehe." Chu Da raised his head, glanced at Ling Zhi, and said with a weird smile, "Your cultivation is progressing very quickly, but now it is good, you have to join us, trapped in this realm, slowly Tormented."

The breakthrough of Ling Zhi's cultivation level affected the spiritual power of heaven and earth in Taishang City, and all spiritual power poured into his body to supplement his expanded meridians.

Chu Da and others will naturally notice it soon.

Ling Zhi touched his nose and smiled at Chu Da. He knew that Chu Da took the initiative to make fun of him, but he was actually just venting the depression in his heart. This was a sign of the relaxation of their relationship.

But unlike Chu Da, Lexus understood very well.

The thing that he was trapped in the Saint King Realm probably would not happen.

With Li Bai breaking through first, Ling Zhi had some insights into the half ancestor and even the ancestral holy realm.

Although it was only theoretical, at least let him know how to move forward.

Especially... Chu Da and the others hadn't touched the aspirations of sentient beings, but Ling Zhi had already been in contact with them when they were practicing the first mood.

His aspiration power for all beings is the power of faith.

When Bai Qi chose to believe in him, he mentioned that Lexus comes with a belief and convincing leadership temperament, which may coincide with each other.

As long as he can understand how to blend the power of faith with his body, when he stepped into the half-ancestral realm, Ling Zhi was very clear and understood this.

When Lexus broke through, and everyone in the upper city was preparing for the next war, the enemy finally couldn't bear it.

Every time delay, for Lexus and others, it means more enemies arrive.

For Yun Qingyang and others, it also means that more people are coming to get a share.

So when Yun Qingyang and the old woman reached a consensus, it was when they attacked Tai Shangcheng.

There are fewer enemies, but the current enemy, one can defeat the power of all enemies.

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