God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1986: One Soul and Three Body

Yun Yi was the only person in the Heavenly Dao League who could communicate with Yun Qingyang except for those old monsters who had lived for a long time.

In the past, Yun Qingyang's self-confidence and strength can attract her.

She even vaguely guessed from the mouths of those old monsters that the Heavenly Dao League would train her, but it was actually preparing for Yun Qingyang.

It's just that she was able to get to the point where she was today, and she is already content, so in these years, she has never expressed dissatisfaction with this matter, and even vaguely accepted it in her heart.

But for some reason, when Riyun Qingyang really put this matter on the table today, there was some rejection in her heart.

Ling Zhi's figure, for some reason, appeared in her heart at this time.

"What's the matter?" Yun Qingyang really cared about her. Seeing her not speaking, he stopped and looked at her caringly.

Yun easily felt a shock and hurriedly waved his hand, "No, it's just that when I was threatened by the old woman before, I was forced to write the Three Souls and Six Souls to her, and also recorded my own feelings."

"Although her soul power control is not as good as mine, her cultivation base is higher than mine after all. I can hardly lie in front of her, let alone fake the three souls and six souls for her, so..." Yun easily naturally did not dare to say He had no choice but to think about him when he came out of his mind.

"Since she has this ability, after seeing you, she will inevitably force you to surrender the Three Souls and Six Souls. In front of her, you can't resist, it's not to blame you." Yun Qingyang smiled indifferently, "Said Now, even if you give it to her, will she definitely be able to cultivate it?"

"What's more," Yun Qingyang's face showed a faint murderous intent, "Even if she can cultivate, does she have that time and opportunity?"


The old woman and Li Bai fought together. Li Bai relied on the willingness of the sentient beings gathered around him when he broke through, and the old woman relied on the ribs of the ancestor.

It's just that Lexus has been standing by the side, and the breath of the Heavenly Path Monument is revealed from time to time, suppressing the breath of the Ancestor Saint's ribs. Therefore, the old woman quickly fell into a disadvantage in the fight with Li Bai.

Keep coughing up blood.

It's just that there is no trace of spiritual power left in Li Bai's body, and the willingness of sentient beings who are not very good at using it can never really hurt the old woman.

However, the old woman gradually calmed down while adapting, causing more injuries to Li Bai.

Her long tongue has never been far away from Li Bai's side, and it has always caused a great threat to Li Bai's soul power and the power of rules in his body.

In this stalemate, a figure stepped into this battlefield.

"Yun easily?"

Ling Zhi was standing here now, naturally also meant to shelter Li Bai, paying great attention to everyone around him, although Yun Qingyang and Yun Yi both had stronger spirit powers than him, but he couldn't find it at such a close distance.

When Ling Zhi's eyes collided with Yun Qingyang's eyes, Ling Zhi suddenly reacted like falling into an ice cellar.

The Heavenly Path Monument flipped over in his hand, and the divine light burst out again.

"Your spiritual sense is amazing." Yun Qingyang chuckled, "Unfortunately, I didn't come here to fight with you."

After saying this, Yun Qingyang's figure suddenly became erratic.

Yun hesitated easily, his spirit power still shot out, and went towards Lexus Cover.

Yun Qingyang deliberately bypassed Lexus. Yun easily blocked him. How could Ling Zhi stop Yun Qingyang by himself.

When he broke through Yun Yi's spirit power, Yun Qingyang had already appeared on the battlefield.

A seven-hole flute appeared in Yun Qingyang's hands.

"Since it's already so painful, why not return the dust to the dust, and the dirt to the earth." He glanced at the old woman and Li Bai, and poured all his energy into the flute.

The seven holes sounded, and the power in the seven round holes turned into sound effects and flowed out.


The old woman yelled in horror, and suddenly her expression suffocated. The seven holes bleed, and the blood was flowing from her eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.

Her already badly damaged body burst to pieces with a bang.

Li Bai was also uncomfortable. The sound of the flute was very strange. When it rushed into his body, each flute sound would vibrate in his body seven times continuously.

It was like Yun Qingyang shot his body seven times in a row.

Li Bai's body is not as good as the old woman, how can he stop it?

But this time, Li Bai didn't explode and died.

Just because the moment the flute sounded, when the flute sound oscillated, Li Bai's body, which had been shattered and glued together by the desire of all living beings, separated directly.

His body separated, and these flute sounds that rushed into his body instantly rushed out of his body like a deflated balloon, and shot into the surrounding void, knocking the void out of several black holes.

But Li Bai escaped because of this.

"You want to reshape your body?" Yun Qingyang frowned. This time he made a full shot, but he failed to kill the two in one fell swoop, which was beyond his expectation.

Don't even think that he was just making a move, but this move filled all his energy, it was a strong blow based on his strength.

He just wants to choose such an opportunity to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, how could the old woman be so easily defeated in his hands, if Li Bai hadn't died because of his previous encounters.

Although he looked calm now, in fact, there was not much left in his body.

"In my body, I don't know how many things I don't know. If that's the case, what I don't want to give up, just give up." Li Bai smiled contemptuously, having his own boldness and freedom.

From Ling Zhi's dedication to the physical body, we know that although this initial physical body is only a mortal body, it is most compatible with the martial artist's soul power, and it contains countless human treasures.

No matter when, the warrior will not easily abandon his original body.

You know, even if the old woman was so old in the beginning, she has never directly abandoned it.

Yun easily intends to reshape her physical body because of her experience back then, she wants a chaste body. It is also a place that Yun Qingyang values, only virginity, the first double cultivation, will have the best benefits.

What about Li Bai? The experience of his body is magical and rare. Yun Qingyang never expected that after he became a half-ancestor and fought with the old woman like this, he did not heal his body, but had a plan to reshape his heart.

It was his unexpectedness that caused him to take this shot and failed to achieve full success.

And what happened next made Yun Qingyang's face less indifferent for the first time.

At the place where the old woman's body collapsed, with the separation of flesh and blood, a new figure appeared in front of him.

It was the old woman's breath flowing all over her body.

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