God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1975: Nine tails charm the world

Yun easily turns his eyes into gears, and there are countless mysteries in the rotation.

This wasn't a big deal, but when Ling Zhi realized this, a deep chill hit his body.

How could he think about the mystery in Yun Yi's eyes? Want to find out the law of those gears?

What time is it now?

How can you have such a mind?

When Ling Zhi realized this in his heart, it was when Yun easily turned his hand and pressed the skeleton against him.

Ling Zhi's whole body was already half of his body, which was swallowed by the skull.

Lu Yi waved the five-bird fan, and those fire waves broke through Lexus's defenses, penetrated through the facial features of the skeleton and burned on Lexus's body.

The spiritual power in Lexus's body spurted out automatically, forming a layer of protection on the body's surface to resist the attack of these fire waves.

Ling Zhiji suddenly woke up, drop after drop of cold sweat from his forehead.

"If you give up resistance, I will send you away, which may save your life."

When he was about to furiously refute the resistance, a strange voice suddenly sounded within the bones.

It was Yun Yi's voice.

There was a faint pleading in Yun Yi's voice.

Thinking that if you can't wake up and your body surface and spiritual power collapse, wouldn't it be turned into fly ash by the fire wave?

At this moment, listening to Yun Zhi's words again, Ling Zhi sneered again in his heart.

If he can't walk out of Yun's easy eyes, will he just die? Wouldn't Yun easily speak these words?

When it is discovered that he has great value, is it too late to say this to gain his trust?

"The old woman is a strong man in the half-ancestral realm. You can't fight a frontal fight. Don't resist tenaciously. It's meaningless." Yun easily saw that Ling Zhi hadn't resisted for the first time, his eyes brightened and he hurriedly spoke again.

She injected her soul power into the bones, and her voice reverberated within the bones, even Lu Ya could not hear or know.

The sapphire gourd rolled on Lu Jian's side, and the white mist rolled inside it, and the Xianxian flying knife shuttled through it, and it might fly out at any time, taking the life of Lexus.

Lu Ya's gaze flickered, comparing the power of Yun Yi's white-bone skull, comparing whether the Xianxian Flying Sword could take Lexus's life in one fell swoop, and whether he could take the Heavenly Path Monument into his hands.

He must not allow Lexus to leave alive, and the secret of the Heavenly Path Monument must not be revealed, otherwise it will inevitably be coveted by the old women and the others.

Who could have imagined that, by mistake, Yun easily became a shield for Lexus?

Ling Zhi snorted, "Yun is easy, it's my business and our own choice."

"It's better to stand to die than to live on your knees." Ling Zhi suddenly yelled, and the soul was completely separated from Yun's easy means. Within the dantian, the spirit of devouring fire gushed out, rushing towards the fire wave on the body. .

The two kinds of flames collided together, the fire wave prevailed in the body of the divine bird feather feathers, and the spirit-devouring fire was continuously strong, spitting and devouring everything.

When Lexus made this move, a cry of exclamation suddenly came out from the west of Taishangcheng.

"Senior Li Bai!"

This is Yin Meng's exclamation.

Through the fire waves, through the bones, Ling Zhi could vaguely see that a touch of color rushed into the sky.

It is the tail of the nine-tailed clan, the ancestor of the nine-tailed group.

At this moment, the tail covered the sky, sprinkling countless charms, and these charms even spread from that direction to here.

Many people with inadequate cultivation, severe physical injuries, and ambiguity, instantly rose up on their bodies, and a nameless evil fire rushed into their minds from their lower pubic position.

What's more, when he came up, he began to grab the person next to him, yanked at the clothes on the opponent's body, and touched the important part of the opponent's body.

No one could have imagined that Yin Meng sacrificed the nine tails that had faded away, and wanted to block a blow for Li Bai, but it inspired such a battle.

The aura of this color was like the strongest in the world, instantly covering the entire area around Taishangcheng for dozens of miles.

As long as the cultivation base is not enough for the second level of the holy king, but who has been seriously injured before, especially the soul injured, they will be blinded in the first time and become confused and confused.

The most primitive in my heart was provoked and expanded infinitely.

Just like cats and dogs in estrus, they seek for the opposite **** around them.

It was in Taishang City, those beasts that were peaceful in the past, at this moment, have made many actions that people can't directly look at.

Here, suddenly there were countless unbearable calls.

These screams are mixed with those lustful breaths, wave after wave of the minds of all people who still have reason.

As time went on, the power not only did not decline, but became more ferocious.

And when the breath of color covered the sky, from the sky, nine fluffy pink tails suddenly appeared.

These tails are like a woman's palm, stroking between the sky, as if stroking the heart of every man.

And accompanied by all kinds of fantasy.

The nine-tailed clan is the most charming race in the world. For a time, fox girls are either charming, charming, innocent, mature, or harassing poses, or cute and cute, or Wandering in every way, rushing up all at once.

Rao is a saint, so I am afraid that I have to bite my tongue and be sober.

Chu Dabai started to look confused in the eyes of these three-layer Saint King people.

They were seriously injured and supported by a hard breath. At this moment, they suddenly fell into the gentle homeland, and even if their will became firm again, there was a momentary trance.

And Lexus, who was in the dual flames, was even more miserable.

I just felt that this kind of charm became more heated under the flames. Yun Yi was leaning against him again. Yun Yi was originally a very beautiful woman. Every breath that came out of her made Ling Zhi more uncomfortable. , The heart is like a scratching heart.

On the other hand, Lu Ya's eyes were even more crimson. His body was destroyed by Ling Zhi, and the soul was standing here. The soul was the most, and he felt the most profound. He, who would not have been affected by anything, was affected the most.

At this moment, he could only rely on the white mist between the sapphire gourds, barely hanging the last trace of consciousness.

These pink scents, beyond Yin Meng's expectations, instantly disrupted the entire battlefield.

It was the old woman who stopped, watching the pink breath and the nine tails guardingly.

On the contrary, Shu Feiyao, Yun Yi, and Gulu, who didn't understand anything, became the most sober people in the field.

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