God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1971: White-hot

Chu Da and Bai Qi joined forces, and they really shocked the group of people for a while. On the contrary, it was Lexus's side, which was full of danger.

Lu Jian's sapphire gourd was very strange and very special.

"Please turn around, Bao Hulu."

Following the landing pressure with a low drink, the sapphire gourd suddenly turned around and flew a six-inch knife straight out of it.

This knife had eyebrows and eyes, and it came straight to Lexus.

Ling Zhi's hairs stood upright all over his body, and he immediately understood that this small knife could not be taken by his physical body, flipped his hand to punch out the monument of Heavenly Dao, and headed towards the small knife.

"go with."

However, how could Yun easily let him succeed so easily, the bone skeleton turned into a white light, banged it, and slammed into the heavenly path monument.

Hit the Heavenly Path Monument aside.

After all, the bone skeleton is a bit worse than the Heavenly Dao Stele. Under this blow, he couldn't hold it first and flew to the horizon.

The Heavenly Path Monument rushed to one side, and under the control of Lexus, it quickly stopped.

However, it was too late to return to Lingzhi's side.

"Zhan Xian Fei Dao, grow to the extreme, even the ancestor can be killed, let alone you." Lu Ya sneered, looking at Ling Zhi's eyes, full of fiery and greed.

Among the people present, even Chu Da and Yun easily knew that the heavenly path monument in Lingzhi's hands was of extraordinary origin, but they did not know the true origin of this heavenly path monument.

It's the old woman, I don't know!

Otherwise, the old woman is already crazy.

He was the only one, and only Lu Ya, who had been in charge of the remains of the Heavenly Dao Monument for a period of time, and had a little understanding of the origin of the Heavenly Dao Monument, so from the beginning to the end, Lu Ya had only one purpose, and that was the Heavenly Dao Monument.

In his opinion, Lexus is the key to this battle and the greatest opportunity. Even the Supreme City itself cannot be compared with the Tiandao monument in Lexus's hands.

Zhan Xian Fei Dao came straight to Ling Zhi. As soon as the Weeping Blood Sword next to Ling Zhi flew, it was directly rushed by the flying knife, breaking the tip of the sword.

The zombies were damaged, and Lexus spewed out a mouthful of fresh blood pressure, dyeing his clothes red.

He quickly retreated, while quickly retracting the Weeping Blood Sword.

In desperation, he had no choice but to sacrifice the starting hairpin and greet the Zhanxian Feidao.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the treasures in his hand were really scarce, in other words, there were too few cards.

In such a short period of time, he had no time to completely inspire the hairpin. As soon as the hairpin greeted him, he was smashed aside by the Zhanxian Flying Sword. Although the Zhanxian Flying Sword slowed down a lot, it did not. Stop it completely.


Between Zhan Xian Fei Dao and Ling Zhi, there was no obstacle.

The flying knife slammed into Ling Zhi's body.

Take Lexus back hundreds of feet.

Blood spilled from his mouth and turned into a blood line in the air.



Yin Mengshu Feiyao and the others yelled in panic. They couldn't believe that Ling Zhi would lose so quickly.

In fact, this is inevitable.

Yun Yi was originally a figure of the same level as Li Bai, who made the old woman afraid of him, otherwise the old woman would not always take her with her, just afraid of her spirit power, and wanted to cultivate her three souls and six souls. Decided.

The Heavenly Dao League has always been in contact with the upper realm. Yun is easily the first person of the Heavenly Dao League. His strength and trump card cannot be ignored.

You know, she and Chu Dalu Ya and others fell into the blue spring together, she was the first to come out.

It was she who helped the old woman get out of the world.

And Lu Ya is full of mystery. No one knows his true origin.

It appeared completely suddenly.

Until now, Lu Ya's cultivation base was only a small level higher than that of Ling Zhi, in the middle of the Saint King's third-layer realm.

But Lu Ya never gave up when he faced Chu Da or Yun easily.

In short, Lu Yahe is a Lexus-like character, with the ability to fight one step further.

Especially the weird gourd in his hand is even more palpitating. It can break the heavens, set up a phantom formation, kill people and souls, and almost omnipotent.

And what really made Lexus jealous of him was in the Chinese legend, there was also a figure like Lu Ya.

A Taoist named Lu Ya, he was a generation higher than those of Daozu Laozi.

And the weapon of that man is a treasure gourd.


After taking a few hundred feet back, Ling Zhi just stood still. Just as he stood still, the blood in his body turned from movement to silence, and between back and forth, a mouthful of bright blood was sprayed in the air in front of him again.

After a few mouthfuls of blood were lost, he was also pale, and his breath was much weaker.

I am afraid that I will not be able to show 70% to 80%.

"Huh?" Lu Ya gave Ling Zhi a surprised look, and the Zhanxian Flying Sword dropped from in front of Ling Zhi, then turned into a white mist and flew back into the gourd in Lu Ya's hand.

"Unexpectedly, I was not broken?" Lu Ya looked at the position of Ling Zhi's chest, and said in surprise, "Even if it is Chu Da, it is impossible to stop me from the knife without damage, right?"

While he was talking, Ling Zhi frowned, and reached out to his arms.

A palm-sized, colorful eggshell was taken out of his arms.

As soon as he took out the eggshell, it snapped, cracking several cracks in it, and directly burst into pieces.

Thinking of the last time Suzaku broke its shell, he wanted to inquire whether this Suzaku was one of the four holy spirits or a new Suzaku, so he put away a piece of eggshell left by him, and asked about it later.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it turned out to be this unintentional act that saved his life.

That Suzaku has the cultivation base and power of the half-ancestral realm, and this eggshell can also reach the half-ancestral grade.

But unexpectedly, he could only block the blow of Zhan Xian Fei Dao.

Lu Ya said that the Zhanxian Flying Sword had grown to the extreme and could kill the ancestors. As expected, it was not just talking.


Compared with the battlefield here, the battle in the west of Taishangcheng seemed much quieter.

Li Bai and the old woman confronted each other, but none of them acted first.

"Do you want to wait until they solve their opponents, and then come to help you?" The old woman sneered, wearing the appearance of a beautiful young woman.

"Did I think so, you don't need to know, you should ask yourself, why, you still don't do it?" Li Bai had a unique temperament as he spoke, and he didn't feel any fear because the other party was a half-ancestor. tension.

The old woman's eyes flickered, "How did you use that energy of sentient beings before."

"Wait later, you'll know it naturally." Li Bai picked up the corner of his mouth, and Qingfeng's sword clanged out of its sheath, and the tip of the sword pointed at the old woman.

"Do you really think that you have only mastered a little bit of the will of sentient beings, and you have the qualifications to compete with me?"

The old woman grinned very much, and the red dress on her body condensed in front of her and turned into a fiery red sword woven from silk threads.

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