God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1958: Guardian of the Guru

"Try to communicate with them, avoid some important factors, and mention the importance of this city for the battle between the lower and upper bounds."

Bai Qi returned from the city.

With the guardianship of Jiuding, now it is within a thousand feet of the upper city, and no one can break in easily.

"But they firmly believe that we are trying to monopolize this opportunity." Bai Qi's eyes are still sharp and domineering. "And, even if what we say is true, they don't care. They think that the battle between the upper and lower realms is very far away. The immediate benefits are the most tangible."

"Unexpectedly, you humans are the most complicated race. Some people can be called saints and are truly selfless. Some are truly selfish, so selfish that they even ignore their biological parents and their own people."

Shui Wuxun sneered and sighed.

He is a member of the Owl-Tail clan, and indeed has nothing to do with humans.

And most of the wild animal groups have their own distinct habits, so compared with them, the human heart is indeed too complicated and difficult to understand.

"There is a small group of people who want to join Supreme City and guard the city with us." Bai Qi glanced at Shui Wuxun and did not refute it. He didn't know if it was disdain or tacit approval.

"Yeah, I see." Ling Zhi nodded, "Express some gratitude to them and let them leave here as soon as possible."

Ling Zhi spoke directly, and declined these people to go to the city too much.

If it were not for some warriors with powerful cultivation bases, letting a lot of warriors in would have no other effect except adding chaos.

As for the powerful aura and the many elixir in the Supreme City, the group of them can exclaim without greed, and it doesn't mean that others can also.

Bai Qi looked at Ling Zhi unexpectedly this time, "I thought that with your personality, you would definitely let them in directly."

In Bai Qi's eyes, many of Lexus's methods were not sharp, decisive, and cruel.

But this decision of Lexus now surprised him.

"Compared with the ancestors of the heroic souls, in order not to hurt the mood of some of them, I opened the gates to let them directly and add countless changes. I can't do such a thing." Ling Zhi smiled, but the corners of his mouth gradually 'S became cold,

"Right now, these people who are still surrounding the city have already made up their minds to attack the city and covet the city, right?"

Ling Zhi took the hairpin in Shu Feiyao's hand and began to lose the power in his body toward the hairpin.

He didn't try to refine this hairpin. If it can be saved in the end, it can be given to a few women around him.

It takes a long time to refine Dao soldiers, not to mention semi-ancestral weapons. Although not refining will reduce the power of the weapon by a few percent, it is already enough now.

Soon, all the spiritual power of Ling Zhi's body was injected into the hairpin. He even felt that his body was dizzy because of the emptiness, but the hairpin was not as bright and bright as it was in the hands of the old woman.

After hesitating for a while, Lexus flipped his hand to take out the few high-grade pill in the ring, and threw it into his mouth.

The huge spiritual power of the Lingzhi exploded in Lexus's body, mixed with the spiritual power that Lexus had absorbed so much, into the hairpin.

After dozens of breaths of effort, the hairpin was completely brightened, and it looked like it was in the hands of the old woman.

"So exaggerated?" Yin Meng and others have been watching Lexus, watching him finish the whole process, thinking that it would take Lexus so long to strike a single blow with a half-ancestral weapon. Everyone was very surprised. .

Ling Zhi didn't think too much. All this could only show the strength of the old woman and the gap between them and the old woman. He didn't want to think about it. What he had to do now was to kill the chicken and the monkey.

"go with."

Ling Zhi let out a soft slap, and flew out of the Supreme City with a brush, and under the control of Ling Zhi's spirit power, flew to the front of the gate of the Supreme City.

Jiuding felt the breath of Lexus, without the slightest change, the hairpin instantly slashed a distance of thousands of feet, and rushed towards the densest place.

The speed of hairpin was too fast, so fast that many people didn’t react to what they found. They just saw a white light flashing by in a daze, and there was no other consciousness completely. The whole body and soul were all in an instant. dissipate.

Hidden behind, it was time to see the blow.

But this still didn't have any effect. Instead, they deeply realized what despair is.

They watched the hairpin approaching, but they didn't have time to make any other reactions [Shuquge www.shuquge.co]. Even if they had time to pull their legs back, they would not be able to escape.

Their ending will not be better than those in front of them, but they will be scared and even more painful.

It was just a blow. When the hairpin wobbly consumed all its power and was recalled by Lexus, a large area was suddenly vacated in front of Taishangcheng where the dense martial arts gathered.

In the mud that came out of large swathes, there were not even a few corpses of warriors, and most of them were directly destroyed by hairpins.

Only three or two warriors who are as strong as the Saint King's third-level realm, or those who have some adventures, have been strong enough to support them, but they have reached their limit, and whether they can survive is a dilemma.

This sudden blow from Lexus scared countless people.

Let the noisy crowd outside suddenly quiet down, those who clamored for Lexus to open the city gate, or else they would rush in collectively, no one dared to shout, or even to speak.

Ling Zhi was standing on the wall of the Supreme City, taking the hairpin into his hands, looking at them coldly.

It wasn't until everyone bowed their heads in fear under his sight that he slowly fell, returned to the city, and disappeared from everyone's sight.


It wasn't until this time that he shook his feet, and sat directly on the ground, and started gulping up.

It was just the previous blow, and even before the shot, all the power in his body was consumed.

So even if he tried very hard to absorb the rich spiritual power in the city, he felt a little unsupportable.

But the effects and damage caused by this blow are equally worthwhile.

Half-ancestral weapons, terrifying.

"That old woman is not dead. You have now seen the true power of the half-ancestor, which is different from the performance in the illusion of the Supreme Being."

When everyone looked at Lexus with concern, the old voice sounded again, and it became more and more real, as if it was in everyone's ears.

When everyone turned their heads, they were surprised to find that it was the gate of Taishang City that made this sound. To be precise, it was a sculpture on the gate.

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