God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1955: Nether Ning Jiuding

This is a sudden change.

With such a sharp cry of the old woman, all the red clothes all over exploded.

He couldn't even cause the slightest trouble to Lexus.

This not only exceeded the expectations of everyone off the court, but also exceeded the expectations of the old woman.

In her plan, no matter what changes occur in the end, even if Lexus is a powerhouse in the half-ancestral realm, under her red dress of life and life, she will have to be entangled for a while by those wronged souls and screamed. The sound and blood bewitched the mind.

As long as there is such a short stupefaction, then she will naturally have countless time to adjust her breath and countless new tricks.

In any case, it is impossible for her to be shot down by Lexus on the platform of Xiatian Kuoshi.

But now, the old woman is standing outside the platform, with her feet on the ground and blood on her mouth.

The red clothes reunited and draped over her.

Even if it is a strong semi-ancestral realm, it is not an ancestral sacred realm after all. It is hard to withstand the blow of Lexus with the black and yellow immortal body, and the physical condition of the old woman can't bear it at all.

From time to time, a part of the red dress on her body trembles, cracking and disappearing.

This shows that her physical condition is extremely bad, and she has been seriously injured!

This oolong is so big that many people forget how to breathe and can't react.

"Your eyes!"

However, in the field, only the old woman, the client, understood what had just happened.

When she turned into a sea of ​​blood in her red dress, Ling Zhi's eyes reddened for an instant, so red, and Ling Zhi broke away from the sea of ​​blood.

All the power was shot on her without the red defense.

After shouting this sentence, the old woman's body was shocked, she coughed violently, and finally coughed out a mouthful of black blood.

With a scornful smile on the corner of Ling Zhi's mouth, he had already expected the old woman's move.

Before, the old woman was arrogant and directly used the red clothing to kill hundreds of warriors, and then absorbed the blood of those warriors with the red clothing, and then condensed in the red clothing.

At that time, Ling Zhi could see clearly that when the old woman started her hands, she also inhaled some of the grievances in those warriors into the red clothes.

Recalling that the old woman clearly has the ability to absorb the blood of a martial artist, but his physical state is so empty, Ling Zhi knows that the blood absorbed by the old woman will itself contain the grievances generated when the martial artist died.

These qi and blood cannot be directly incorporated into the body as a supplement, so this red dress of the old woman is something similar to a Taoist soldier, a half-ancestral Taoist soldier.

Therefore, Ling Zhi has always understood that apart from the treasures left to her by the giants of the upper realm, her biggest trump card has always been this red dress.

But left and right are just this sea of ​​blood.

When Ling Zhi was on the Jiuding Peak, even the bewitching of the big demon's eyeballs and the eyeballs known as the source of all evil persisted.

Is it possible that you will be bewitched by this sea of ​​blood?

So he turned on the enchantment almost ahead of time, his eyes were blood red, brighter than the sea of ​​blood.

This looks like an oolong situation, but I don't know how much Lexus is implied.

This is also his first time, in a battle, so exhausted, to calculate everything a little bit.

He is naturally not an opponent of the old woman, but the current situation has become a reality.

Man will conquer the sky.

The old woman was still coughing up blood, and her heart was full of unwillingness.

Yun Yi had already reached the edge of the platform when Gulu made his move before, and Ling Zhi would naturally not forget her.

At the last juncture, Ling Zhi directly used the one-qi transforming three-cleansing technique to expand her soul power to three, and she was extremely strong and shook her down.

This old woman's inevitable victory ended with such an Oolong situation.

Lexus wins, the old woman loses.

Ling Zhi stood on the sky wide stone platform, looking at the old woman condescendingly, but there was a feeling of heat in his heart.

He was hesitating and entangled whether he should take the advantage of the moment and try to kill the old woman.

As long as the opponent can be killed, many things will become extremely simple.

While Lexus was struggling, when he once again used the enchantment to fight the old woman's blood sea again, on the continent of Samsara, among the nine peaks, there were strange changes.

Previously, Ling Zhi assisted Jiuding to suppress the great demon, and completely stabilized the seal that he had sent over the years.

Now Xu is because of Lexus, the breath of the pseudo-world Taishangcheng has been conveyed to Jiuding Peak through his eyes, and is felt by that eyeball.

The eyeballs became restless in an instant, but they were suddenly illuminated by Jiuding and suppressed.

Now that Jiuding is complete, and the power of the seal is extremely strong, as long as there is no major change in the outside world, it is almost impossible for the Great Demon to break free of Jiuding.

Only this time, when the breath of Supreme City came through, Jiuding also felt the same.

When Jiuding also felt it, the vibration of Jiuding was more intense than the response of the Great Demon.

Above the Jiuding, some strange powers suddenly floated out, gathered together, and conveyed to the unknown place in the void.

While Ling Zhi hesitated to attack the old woman, the old woman didn't want to kill Ling Zhi directly.

Lexus gave him too many accidents, and these accidents made her lose a lot of confidence in her victory over the city this time.

After understanding this, the old woman not only did not hesitate, but more directly, shot.

Now she has lost, so there are no more rules to restrain her.

The old woman hooked, and the hairpin at the gate of the Supreme City suddenly flew back, stabbing towards the illusion of Supreme, and rushing towards Lingzhi.

As early as the moment the old woman failed, Lexus had actually received some information.

These messages informed him of his victory, and even contained some information about Tai Shangcheng.

This was originally a battle for the lord of the city. Since Lexus had won, he would naturally be the lord of the city in name.

In fact, he can directly disperse to the Supreme Illusion Realm and return to the Supreme City anytime, anywhere.

But in the face of this attack from the old woman, there was also a lot of madness in Ling Zhi's eyes.

The old woman wanted to kill him, so why didn't he want to kill the old woman?

Not only did he not disperse from the illusion, he stood firmer, and between waving his hands, the Heavenly Path Monument directly rose into the sky. He had to use the Heavenly Path Monument to resist the hairpin of the old woman, and then looked for opportunities to directly attack the old woman himself.

It's just that the Heavenly Path Monument was occupied, and his soul power to suppress the old woman was even less likely to win.

Just as he frowned, above the sky, the phantom of Jiuding suddenly appeared and crashed down.

The hairpin trembled suddenly, and was directly under the Jiuding, unable to move.

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