God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1953: Desperate!

The audience was shocked!

All that Lexus did before, in everyone's eyes, were just amazing, surprised and surprised.

But no one ever suspected that the old woman would go backwards under the attack of Lexus.

This is no longer a difference, but a shock, even enough to call it a miracle.

The old woman flew out, although there were not many bloodstains on the corners of her mouth, but with her dry face and dry wrinkled skin without blood, it looked very heavy.

Like a person who doesn't have any blood in his body, at this moment, he suddenly vomited a small mouthful of blood, which is far more terrifying than the blood surge of ordinary people.

The whole body of the old woman flew in the air, and the power of Lexus’s punch exploded in her body. She tried hard to stabilize her body, but her old body really couldn’t give her too much physical strength. , To support.

At this moment, Gulu rushed over and shot immediately.

The little beast still raised his little paw, condensing the power of thunder and lightning, and attacked the old woman.

But the only difference is that at this moment, the little beast is holding a small tree in its claws.

The small tree is not big, not the size of Guru's arm. It is not so much a small tree as a dead wood stake.

It's just that on this stump, there are some branches with sprouts.

It was Leimu in Leicheng.

From the time when Ling Zhi fought against Thunder Bigfoot, Lei Mu came directly to Gu Lu's side. Ling Zhi often saw Gu Lu take Lei Mu out to play, but he never cared about Lei Mu's power.

However, at this moment, when Gulu really moved the truth and poured the rules of thunder and lightning into the thunderwood, everything was different.

The entire Leimu tree seemed to have awakened. From within the small tree, there was an unimaginable amount of terrible thunder and lightning.

Leimu is located in the center of Leicheng. All the power of thunder and lightning that the entire Leicheng has accumulated for thousands of years has been poured into Leimu and accumulated.

This is a length of time that is unimaginable for any warrior.

Time is the most terrifying force.

It can make any mortal thing change immeasurably under the erosion of a long time.

What's more, Leimu can immortalize under the thunder and lightning, still retain a vitality, and can accommodate the entire Thunder City's thunder power, which is extremely extraordinary in itself.

At this moment, the power of Gulu, under the blessing of Lei Mu, seemed to have expanded several times out of thin air.

Such a force has already reached the point where the old woman is palpitating.

"It's just a cub, how could it be possible to use such power!" The old woman exclaimed, really panicking. At this moment, the power of Lexus in her body has not been completely discharged, so that it is too late to mobilize the rest of the power. Go against Guru's attack.

So Gulu's attack was a real deal, and it hit her.

The old woman's body trembled again and again. Every bite of blood spilled, making her body dry very obviously.

It's just that in the face of the old woman's change, the only one in the field who didn't show joy was Shu Feiyao.

She always couldn't help but cast her gaze to the armpits of the old woman. Although they were just two white spots, they didn't know why, but these two white spots left a very deep impression on her.

The uneasy feeling in her heart has been unable to dissipate, and even as the old woman showed that she was not as strong as she imagined, this feeling became stronger.

This uneasy feeling made her pale and sweating all over, but she didn't know the reason, and she couldn't remind Lexus anything. I can only watch all this impatiently and nervously.

Under Gulu's attack, the old woman's body moved backwards again, and the red clothes on her body showed signs of collapse and became very unstable.

It's just that this is a platform the size of a thousand meters after all. From the current point of view, it is impossible for the old woman to be shot down by the platform formed by Xiatiankuoshi with these two tricks alone.

So when the thunder dissipated, the old woman was bleeding, but she laughed.

"Now? What do you do?" The old woman stood there, all the panic in her heart disappeared, and she became calm again.

She smiled, raised her arm, above her arm, in the palm of her hand, where the celestial spirit power of Pengbai was concentrated, she couldn't see what kind of move it was, but this alone surpassed several saint king three-level martial artists. The fluctuation of the total spiritual power of a body is enough for anyone to ignore it.

"You are indeed quite strong, which led me to play with you these tactics." The old woman laughed, seemingly self-deprecating, "I really thought I didn't even have the ability to fight back with this second blow? It's just a calculation, even if Directly resist, it is impossible to let me fall off the platform, so I took the opportunity to accumulate strength."

"Now I have two chances to resist, and you only have one trick left. How can you shake me off this platform?" The old woman looked at Lingzhi provocatively and said in a compassionate tone, "I admit that you are very Strong, strong beyond my expectations, especially you, after all, it has such a powerful racial talent."

"But you were born in the lower realm. Growing up in the lower realm, it really surprised me to be able to possess such abilities. No wonder the upper realm is so cautious about attacking the Supreme City. People of your race, as expected, will always be No shortage, leaders."

"If it's not my lower realm this time, then maybe they will not fail and let you hold this city." The old woman suddenly smiled proudly, "But unfortunately, I got down and went down smoothly. Up."

"Let’s do it, you have one last chance to make a move. After you make a move, this city no longer belongs to you, but to me."

"Is there a feeling of stubbornness, helplessness, unwillingness, anger?" The old woman smiled contemptuously and stood there calmly and quietly waiting for Lexus to take action.

No matter what Lexus does, it can only consume the fairy spiritual power accumulated after the old woman's hard anti-guru blow.

So now the atmosphere in the field has become very subtle.

Li Bai held their breath without saying a word. They believed in Lexus and were unwilling to interfere with Lexus.

What's more, Lexus is good enough to be where it is today. Even if it fails, no one can say anything.

Who could have imagined that a half-team character would suddenly appear?

In the final analysis, the old woman's cultivation level completely exceeded the imagination of everyone present. Even the powerful Yun Yi of the Tiandao League, he listened and respected and did not dare to refute it.

This is a real desperate situation, a real desperation that can't be done.

Give up here, or fight to the death? Too much...I'm sorry.

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