God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1947: despair

When Gulu's identity is confirmed, and when it comes to reacting, with the few giants behind her, they can't directly descend to the lower realm, and the panic in the old woman's heart no longer exists.

Although the Guru clan is strong, it does not mean that the Guru is also so strong, so unresistible and invincible.

On the contrary, because Gu Lu is too young, she will have a great opportunity instead.

The greater the horror, the stronger the strength, and now, she may be able to plunder all these strengths and add them to her body.

At this moment, she looked forward to this trip to the Nether Realm to the extreme, excited to the extreme, and excited to the extreme.

And her direct words also caused a great deal to everyone, including Ling Zhi, including Yun Zhi.

Earlier, the old woman showed her color when she saw that Lexus used the yin and yang rules. At that time, everyone couldn't understand where this came from.

It wasn't until she spoke directly now that everyone reacted in horror. The old woman could plunder the rule fragments directly from the martial artist, and directly integrate it into her body for her own use!

They don't know whether this is a unique method of the old woman or a common method in the upper realm.

But this is really terrifying to the extreme.

Because from this point of view, each of them, in front of the old woman, will naturally become prey.

Compared with the old woman's, Ling Zhi's mood was slightly relaxed, and even a little lucky.

Because from the panic expression of the old woman, it is not difficult to infer that Gulu's father must still be alive, not only alive, but also very strong, so strong that the old woman, a half-ancestral person, is so terrified when he mentions the other party.

At least this news is great news for Guru.

When Guru can be happy, he is naturally happy for it.

"Knowing your identity, it is meaningless to use this beast against you." The old woman stood in the creature's body, and suddenly pointed at its heart.

The creature whose eyes were about to open completely, suddenly closed tightly at this moment.

"Its most powerful power is to revive the moment when it was alive, but facing your race, if it is resurrected, its power may be much weaker." The old woman said to herself, raised her hand, and directly took this creature. Re-incorporated into the body, taking a step back.

She voluntarily gave up this second move.

As for this, Lexus knew very clearly that if it was a creature with its own soul, it would be extremely powerfully suppressed in the face of Guru, and its strength would be greatly reduced.

So when she learned of Gulu's identity, the old woman gave up this trick, which was the wisest choice.

"The third trick."

The old woman's eyes flashed with dangerous light, looked at Lingzhi and Gulu, and said.

She raised her hand and allowed her dry arm to stretch forward, but she couldn't straighten it out, because it was too old. The old woman's body was indeed extremely old, and there was almost no surplus of anger.

This time, all the sleeves on her left and right arms burst open, and countless red silk threads pulled out and rushed towards Lingzhi and Gulu.

This third trick, she used, was exactly the trick she just killed.

For the old woman, as long as she killed Lexus and Guru within three strokes, then naturally no one could attack her three more strokes.

As long as no one can hit her with three moves, then she will naturally win.

And this third move is her last chance.

With this move, she must repel Lingzhi and Gulu, because only in this way can she be qualified to seize the Supreme City.

This is the rule of Tai Shangcheng, and the old woman doesn't think she has the ability to ignore this rule.

Because Taishangcheng is something coveted by the giants of the upper realm, and it is not something her half-ancestor can hold in the palm of her hand.

She just killed someone, only using a small piece of red silk thread on the sleeve of her arm. At this moment, she shot with all her strength, but it directly exposed both of her arms to the air.

She raised her hand, and the red silk threads twisted towards Lingzhi and the others as she wished.

At this moment, outside of Tai Shang Huan, inside Tai Shang City, Shu Feiyao’s delicate eyebrows were slightly tangled up, but her star-like eyes passed through the red silk thread in the sky and fell directly. On the old woman's arm.

Landed near the old woman's armpit.

The muscles on the arms of the old woman's hands almost became fluid, and no longer existed, as if there were only a few osteotomies, and then the skin and meridians attached to them, and there was not much flesh and blood.

There are all kinds of terrifying old spots all over it, terrifying and ugly.

But Shu Feiyao Xu, with the help of Xinghai, looked at things, but it was easier to see the essence.

Under the old woman's arms, she just noticed a difference.

That was under the armpit of the old woman's right arm, there was a little, almost imperceptible, white.

There is very little white, very little, like a slightly strange spot, it is not very eye-catching.

But the old woman was probably horrified by Gulu's identity, or perhaps she thought that she could swallow the power of the rules in Gulu and Lexus, and her mood was extremely agitated, leading to ignoring this point.

So the old woman didn't even realize that she exposed the white spot under her arm to Shu Feiyao's eyes.

"This..." Shu Feiyao's eyes quickly fell to the other arm of the old woman, but the old woman seemed to be aware of it at this moment, and suddenly pressed her arm down, blocking her sight.

Shu Feiyao's heart was shaken, and for a time, many speculations flooded into her heart.


On the counter-watching stage, facing the old woman's third move, the expressions of Lingzhi and Gulu were quite serious.

"Gulu, try to protect yourself, don't think about having to take this move. In the next three moves, we must retain our strength to repel the opponent." Ling Zhi said to Gulu bluntly.

If you want to passively take the old woman's full blow, even a warrior with a strength similar to that of the old woman can't do it. Besides, he and Guru?

It is the wisest choice to save your strength and leave it to the next counterattack.


After all, Ling Zhi underestimated the terrible half-ancestral realm powerhouse.

When he condensed the withered wood spring method, intertwined with the red silk threads, when he grumbled, slashing the power of thunder on these threads without reservation.

For the first time in their lives, they understood what a terrible emotion was like.

This emotion is called despair.

Yes, completely desperate.

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