God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1945: Stubborn little beast

Yun easily coughed up blood and retreated. Although she withdrew her spirit power in a timely manner, her spirit power was still severely damaged.

Fortunately, the three souls and six souls that Yun easily mastered did have its own uniqueness. In this case, Yun easily excluded Lexus’s power of death from the soul body at a not high price. In addition, he didn't let the force of death have any in his body.

Yun Yi's precise control of soul power is truly unmatched.

Three souls and six souls can make the old woman directly and Yun easily tear his face, which is enough to prove that this technique, even in the upper realm, has a reputation.

Ling Zhi felt this new fighting method carefully, but suddenly realized that since he cut off his chains in the white robe, and made him completely free, he often has such a sudden Epiphany.

Such as the previous murder with the intent to kill.

For example, the current soul power reincarnated from life and death.

These can be regarded as completely new and powerful attack methods.

But in the hands of Lexus now, they are beginning to appear in endlessly.

This is also related to the breaking of its own chains.

Feeling comfortable and free throughout the body, naturally there will be more and more flying thoughts.

"Okay, very good." The old woman clapped her hands, took a step, walked up to Yun Yi, and gave Yun Yi a cold glance. The cold sweat on Yun Yi's brows instantly dropped.

"Unexpectedly, you have mastered the power of Yin and Yang rules. If I am not mistaken, you have realized life and death from it?" The old woman looked at Lexus for the first time, with an undisguised color in her eyes. Originally, it had a lot of influence on my own cultivation plan, but now it seems that this is simply the best choice and the greatest opportunity."

"Three souls and six souls, life and death of yin and yang, complete Supreme City, if this is placed in the upper realm, where there will be anything to me, but now, it is so directly in front of me, let me pick it." Laughed wildly,

"My decaying body has long since broken through, but now, I have such a strong confidence that I can go further."

Her tongue, which looked very disgusting, filled the dead skin's lips, making people nauseous, and there was a chill in her heart.

"I'm very curious, what kind of surprises you can have." The old woman smiled, and shot directly.

"This is the second move."

She said.

A creature that Lexus had never seen before emerged from behind the old woman. The creature looked like a wolf, but its head looked like a snake, which was extremely weird.

After the old woman took the shot, the creature suddenly appeared from the old woman's body, reaching a height of several tens of meters, and then turned his head and swallowed the old woman into her belly.

Before the old woman had time to react, she was rushed towards Ling Zhi by the creature.

This strange way of fighting has become so natural.

The old woman was standing peacefully in the abdomen of the creature, and she found countless celestial powers in her body, connecting with the main blood vessels and meridians in this creature, providing all the power of this creature.

This creature wasn't condensed by any unique technique used by the old woman.

This is a real flesh and blood body, but I don't know how it was incorporated into the body by the old woman.

The power brought from this creature also has the same meaning as the old woman's body.

In other words, this creature with a snake head and wolf body, before death, was the same as the old woman, in the half-ancestral realm!

How horrible is a physical body like this?

The creature came straight to Lexus, and the sky rock made a crunching overwhelmed sound under its feet.

Ling Zhi took a deep breath, and the power in his body was brewing around his waist, and then spread to all directions, ready to take a shot and fight the opponent.

Purely physical confrontation, he still has a lot of confidence in his own black and yellow indestructible body.

It's just that if he is not the early stage of the Saint King's three-layer realm, but the late stage of the Holy King's three-layer realm, then this confidence will be countless times greater!

The realm of each other, too much difference!

However, just when Ling Zhi was about to make a move, Gulu groaned in dissatisfaction. Not only did he not retreat, but he stood firmly in front of Ling Zhi.

The small body reveals a stubbornness, it even makes Lexus back, and wants to take the trick by himself.

"Guru, don't underestimate the enemy!" Ling Zhi knew that when he was young, he had a very powerful deterrent against many desolate beasts, but now this snakehead wolf creature has a half-ancestral state before death, even if he knows Guru well It's strange, but he can't let Guru take such a risk.

But although Gulu has always listened to him, he is also very cute and cute, but once Gulu chooses what he wants to do, in fact, Lexus rarely changes the other party.

Every time Lexus encountered danger, Gulu would never listen to him and chose to dodge, but stubbornly stayed to help him.

When he was in the Palace of Three Kings that year, when Ling Zhi broke through the tenth floor of his artistic conception, he attracted a thunder foot. The power was so powerful that the strange woman Bushuang at the time was consciously unable to resist.

Lexus asked everyone to retreat, and Concession Shuang led everyone to retreat.

At the last juncture, when Bushuang rolled the little beast with the ribbon in his hand and wanted to take the little beast out of the secret realm where the Three Kings Palace was located, the little beast used the power of space to break away and appeared directly. Lexus's side.

In the end, it was the thunderwood that drew Leicheng, and finally blocked the thunderfoot and survived the catastrophe.

So at the moment Gulu is standing here, it actually means that it will not retreat.

And the speed of that creature is extremely fast, at this moment, it is almost standing in front of Gulu.

Lingzhi could only clenched his fists, ready to force Gulu away at any time.

Never let Gollum have an accident!

The body of the little beast is less than one meter long, and it looks so small in front of this creature that is several tens of meters high.

But when the creature with the tongue and wolf body rushed in front of the little beast, I don’t know why, in everyone’s eyes, the body of the little beast suddenly expanded infinitely. On the contrary, this creature seemed to stand at its feet. general.

"How can the natural king tolerate the enemy and look down on it?" Vaguely, such a sigh came from the gate of Supreme City.

This powerful creature raised its claws, wanting to directly shred Gulu to pieces. Faced with its movement, Gulu's sharp eyes suddenly increased a bit of majesty, "Eh."

It's just a babble of milk and milk, destroying its aura, and the power of endless thunder emerged from Guru's small paws, shining toward the huge creature in front of him.

The whole world has become bright as day.

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