God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1943: Side by side, Guru

The old woman's cultivation base is far superior to ordinary people. She just stood in the illusion of the Supreme Realm for a moment, and realized this, and directly let Yun walk in easily.

Yun easily naturally did not dare to resist, and obediently walked to her side and stopped.

At a glance, it was like an old woman carrying her granddaughter.

Ling Zhi frowned, "This is too illusory, not a one-on-one battle?"

With that, he raised his foot and stepped inside. Don't allow other people to have any reaction, I just stood inside.

In this illusion, everything is incomparably real, and Ling Zhi even felt that the platform under his feet was made of Tiankuo Stone.

Tiankuo Stone is a top-level material for refining tools. Even without special formations, it can be refined into ordinary low-rank Dao soldiers. If there is a warrior willing to spend time and blood to cultivate, it is refined into middle-rank Dao soldiers. , Are all possible.

Tiankuoshi has a very strong ability to absorb the impact of spiritual power, and it is mostly refined into armors and shields as defensive materials.

And the platform that Ling Zhi is stepping on now, this thousand-meter-long platform, is actually made of Tiankuo stone?

This is simply appalling.

But after thinking about it, there is indeed nothing more suitable as a platform for competition than Tiankuoshi.

It is true that only this kind of material can survive a long period of time and experience countless battles without collapsing.

There are countless nicks on the platform under Lingzhi's feet, which are obviously left by previous battles, because no one will use the power of the whole body to hit the sky stone and beat the platform, so these nicks are natural It could only be caused by the aftermath of the battle.

The extra energy alone can hurt the heavenly broad stone that can be refined into Taoist soldiers. There is no doubt that none of the warriors who have fought on this platform are weak!

But in the great illusion, except for this big rock, everything else seemed to be illusory and fake.

Even the void seems to be constructed out of thin air.

Because Ling Zhi can clearly perceive that the spatial rules here are much weaker than the outside world, and they are not the same void at all.

But Ling Zhi quickly extracted different things from the void.

That's the rules, the rules of fighting in the illusion.

If there is one person on the opposite side, then one person on their side.

There is no limit.

For a moment, Lexus even suspected that the old woman would pull everyone in from behind, because obviously there were not so many people in Taishang City who could compete with them.

But then I thought about it. With the old woman's current demeanor, it was obvious that she was arrogant, and she only asked Yun to come over by herself. It was definitely impossible to call anyone else.

This also shows that the old woman easily agrees with Yun.

Yun Yi's soul power cultivation base had obviously almost entered the realm of the half ancestor, and compared with the old woman, it might be on par.

Even under the precise control of the soul power, it surpassed the old woman.


While Ling Zhi was frowning, there was a strange noise behind him, and before he could react, the exclamation of Li Bai and others came over.

And a white figure teleported directly on Lexus's shoulder.

It turned out to be a little beast grunting!

No one thought that at this time, Gulu would rush into the illusion and stand beside Lingzhi.

This means that Ling Zhi will join Gulu to fight the old woman and Yun easily!

Although Lexus didn't have much to complain about Gulu's strength, he couldn't help but wipe a sweat when he realized that this battle actually required him to join forces with Gulu.

Because no matter from which point of view, Gulu can’t be counted as a normal partner...

But now as long as there is no one on the old woman's side to climb into the illusion, then they can't be joined here, so it can be said with certainty that the two sides of this battle have been determined.

"Huh?" The old woman took a surprised look, put the expressions of Lingzhi and others under her eyes, and said with a smile, "In the end, it was a group of people like you who chose to guard the city?"

"It's really ridiculous." The old woman smiled triumphantly, "Fortunately, this too high city has enough power, so the upper realm will let me down at any cost, otherwise, if you only rely on you people, it will give you another thousand to cultivate. Years, it is impossible for me to act."

"Since there are three tricks, you should try their strength first." The old woman took a step back and signaled Yun to walk forward easily.

Yun stunned easily, and she didn't expect that she would eventually become a fight with Ling Zhi.

This is the person she least wants to meet.

She hesitated and said, "Lexus..."

"Don't, do it." Ling Zhi waved her hand and interrupted her forcibly. "I am not in the mood to listen to what you say, nor do I have any interest in listening to you. No matter what you say, the matter is over. Between us , As long as one person can survive."

Ling Zhi's expression was very cold, cold without any emotion.

But the contempt, contempt, and disdain between his words is undisguised.

When Yun was easily humiliated by someone's unbearable past experience, he at least allowed him to save a trace of his face as a woman.

Yun Yi wanted to kill him several times. He and Yun Yi were also enemies, but that was just hatred and resentment, and it was different from the front of the upper and lower realms.

When Yun stood up easily, Ling Zhi no longer had the slightest sympathy for her.

Yun Yi's eyes dimmed for a few minutes in an instant. With so many people present at the time, only Ling Zhi spoke for her, but now, the person who spoke for her finally stood in the opposite of her because of her own behavior.

"I... if possible, I won't let you die and give you a chance to escape. As the kindness before repaying." She was silent for a while, because of the existence of the old woman, she said quietly in her heart.

Ling Zhi stepped forward, his body swelled up, ready to meet Yun's easy attack.

He had to accept the three tricks of Yun Yi and the old woman before he could attack the opponent.

However, Ling Zhi was also very clear that the only chance he had to break this illusion and the old woman's plan this time was not in the current three moves, but in the three moves he and Gulu could take.

It is impossible for him to be able to safely block the attack of the half ancestor of the old woman in the face of passive resistance.

The only possibility is to make the old woman and Yun easily retreat and force them back within his three moves behind.

As long as they force the opponent back, then they will fail, the illusion of the too will collapse, the gate of the too will not open, and the too will not directly fall into the hands of the old woman.

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