God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1936: Someone will always come forward

Lin Kuan walked towards the thin man with a contemptuous smile on his face.

He does not belong to the reincarnation star, nor does he know Yun Yi, let alone who this humble and weak man is.

But he knew very well that it was not difficult to kill the opponent with his strength.

So he is full of confidence.

The thin man watched Lin Kuan walking towards him with even more grief and anger on his face, especially when he heard Lin Kuan's sentence, if he did not kill him, the other traitors did not dare to come out.

He turned his head to look around, and finally his eyes fell on a few people in front of the crowd.

The aura of these people is deep, obviously more condensed than the thin man himself, although not all of them are in the third level of the Holy King, but the strength is three points stronger than the thin man.

If they join forces, Lin Kuan is definitely not an opponent.

But when the thin man turned his gaze to them, these people unexpectedly lowered their heads slightly, or turned their faces in other directions.

No matter what, no matter...

This is their attitude.

"Ha ha."

The thin man gave a sad laugh. He suddenly no longer felt angry, but felt a bit of misery. With so many people here, no matter how many traitors, what storm can it cause?

However, no one dared to stand up and resist, no one dared to speak while witnessing the black hole in the sky.

None of them can imagine what kind of power it is to forcibly open the barrier between the two worlds. This is a big means they cannot understand.

Because of the unknown, so afraid.

At this moment, every second, every breath, has become very long.

Everyone just watched Lin Kuan walking towards the thin man like this. Everyone knew that once Lin Kuan shot, the thin man would definitely die.

"Haha." Lin Kuan suddenly laughed, his feet stopped slightly, but he didn't rush to make a move.

He knew that as long as this continued, as long as no one took action before he killed the thin man, then they would be completely safe.

Then they will help the people from the upper realm get down, and there will be no more mistakes.

As long as the people in the upper realm are safe, how can it be of no benefit to Lin Kuan?

Lin Kuan is he afraid of these people?

In the pseudo-world at this moment, there are no fewer than tens of thousands of people who have arrived from other planets.

Among these tens of thousands, the lowest is also a warrior in the late king stage.

But now, no one dares to speak or speak.

"Coward!" Yin Meng raised her eyebrows and yelled, "My sisters from the nine-tailed monster fox clan are not so cowardly!"

"Ha ha."

Ling Zhi’s face was unspeakable. He looked at the people standing next to the thin man and the people who stood outside the stone city. The people who attacked the stone city before attacked the chic and cheerful, but now they didn’t say a word. Big disappointment.

Is such a person really worthy of their help?

Suddenly he couldn't figure this out and convince himself of it.

"Don't worry."

Just when Ling Zhi thought so, Li Bai spoke calmly and gently put a hand on his shoulder. Seeing Ling Zhi looking back at him, Li Bai gave a chuckle and shook his head.

"In this world, there are always most people who don't need you to do something for them, it's not worth what you do for them." Li Bai's reminiscence voice appeared, "but there will always be a small part of it. , Even if it’s just one or two people, it’s worth paying for them.”

There are endless memories in his eyes. Everyone can feel that this is the most true thought in his heart, and it must be what happened during the First World War that caused Li Bai's current thoughts.

The rise of mankind was originally an epic war. If the ancestors gave up in the first place, would it be humans who are now riding on them?

Xu was in response to Li Bai's words, when Lin Kuan continued to pressure everyone and walked towards the thin man, someone came from a distance.

This figure suddenly rose from a distance and rushed towards here.

Lexus’s pupils lit up first, and then shrank again.

Liang was because this figure was obviously rushing towards Lin Kuan with anger, obviously to help the thin man.

The pupils shrank, but it was because with his strength, even across a city, he could clearly perceive that the figure that rushed out was only the cultivation level of the Saint King.

Compared with Lin Kuan, such a cultivation base is really...somewhat worth mentioning.

Ling Zhi was naturally not because he disliked his low cultivation base, but was worried, but shocked.

Because he fully understood that such a warrior rushed out to deal with Lin Kuan, almost knowing that he was bound to die, but he still had to stand up, what kind of pressure he was under and what kind of guts?

This figure rushed to the thin man and stood side by side with the thin man.

The coercion on Lin Kuan's body rushed towards his face. His body first shook and bent slightly, and then he gritted his teeth again, with a trace of blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and stood up straight.

There was a glimmer of expression in the thin man's eyes. He raised his hand and pressed one hand on his body. The breath of the two instantly joined together, but under the pressure of Lin Kuan, he stood a little straighter.

Seeing this scene, Lin Kuan's expression suddenly became ugly. This was a change beyond his expectation and a change beyond his control. Even if the change was small, it made him very unhappy.

So the movements under his feet began to become faster.

He wants to erase all these uncertain factors before other changes happen.

The spiritual power in Lin Kuan's body rapidly agitated, and it seemed that in an instant, it was possible to directly kill the thin man and another person.

But when the killing intent on him became bitter, when he was ready to do it.

In all directions, there were suddenly one warrior after another, rising to the sky and looking at this place.

Most of them rushed directly.

Among them, there are as many as two martial artists of the Saint King's third-level realm. One of them directly locked his soul power on Lin Kuan's body, causing him to instantly stop his movements and protect the thin man, and the other was the first to charge. Out, coming towards Lin Kuan.

"As traitors, you still have to help the people in the upper realm. We don't have the guts to stop..." This saint king's third-level warrior was indifferent, but also unwilling and aggrieved, "but you shouldn't , We have to kill our own people in turn. We cannot bear this."

He said, carrying a powerful force, and Lin Kuan all rammed together, and the battle was about to start.

Seeing that dozens of figures suddenly rushed up, and seeing several warriors in the king's realm among them, Ling Zhi suddenly understood Li Bai's words before. In his eyes, there was a unique flash of flame, and some shaky beliefs were finally found. Reasons to re-solidify.

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