God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1931: Kill God in vain

The city gate of Shicheng showed amazing resilience, but none of the people in this place slackened.

Ling Zhi and the others deeply understood that since even the thirty-three-day weapon spirit was extremely worried about the safety of Shicheng, it would be impossible for Shicheng alone to sustain everyone's offensive for a long time.

They must regain their strength before the stone city changes.

Ling Zhi suffered the most serious injury, but he was the fastest to recover and was the first to stand up.

This is the power of the Xuanhuang Immortal Body. When it was even more terrifying, as the cultivation level grew, the Xuanhuang Qi in the body never stopped, and merged into his body.

So every moment, every breath, Lexus's physical strength is growing.

These growth may not be amazing, but when the growth becomes moment by moment, then just a drop of water can accumulate into a vast ocean.

With the amazing aura in Shicheng, and the high-ranking spirit pills on Ling Zhi, everyone recovered very quickly, at least now the blood on each face has reappeared, only the last spiritual power supplement.

"My name is Ling Zhi." Ling Zhi got up and walked towards the general who was standing behind the city gate.

He was the only one who suffered some minor injuries here. When he was just healed, he noticed that this general had been observing the movement of the stone city gate, carefully not missing any tremor of the city gate, and estimated every direction. Capacity and so on.

Hearing his voice, the general turned around, his body straight, without the slightest change, "My name is white,"

He looked directly at Lexus, without the slightest fluctuation in his eyes, and his whole body was full of blood, but this blood was not a devil, but he did not know how many large numbers of battles he had experienced, and how many life after death he witnessed or even manipulated. , Naturally condensed.

Ling Zhi's pupils shrank uncontrollably, and he was no stranger to this name.

"You are not a descendant of those people back then, but you were originally from those people back then!" Ling Zhi looked at the general in front of him and said in surprise.

Huaxia has always said that it will not kill soldiers, but this person in Lexus's memory is not.

Bai Qi, during the First Battle of Changping, Zhao Guo killed more than 400,000 soldiers!

Even more than ten thousand people stood together, densely packed, spreading without end.

Besides, it is more than four hundred thousand?

Killing with an ordinary sword, an ordinary soldier is afraid that his whole body will be exhausted [Liancheng www.wsx5.cn], and he can only kill more than a dozen people, and he feels tired. Even if he stands still and does not resist, he does not know this. Four hundred thousand people, how long will it take to kill.

This is a figure called a killer.

However, the record of him in the history books of later generations is more praise than loss, which shows how extraordinary the power of Bai Qi is.

It's just that this killer god, in the history books, died of suicide. He was jealous of Xiangguo Fanju and was forced to commit suicide.

"That Bai Qi has died of suicide. I am me, Bai Qi, and it has nothing to do with him." Bai Qi was silent for a while, only to say such a sentence, and stopped mentioning it.

"Well, since it's you, then I believe you." Ling Zhi nodded and said frankly, "To be honest, I don't have a half plan in my heart for how to protect this stone city. For a city, we can only add you hundreds of people, but the enemy But there is a steady stream."

This is not because of lack of self-confidence, but Ling Zhi is very clear that unless he and Li Bai have an ancestral sacred realm, it is impossible for one person to compete against 10,000 or 100,000.

Especially the strong among them do not know where.

"Whether Shicheng can be held, the key lies in whether we can play a role in it, and more, but in fact, it can only rely on Shicheng itself." Bai Qiqitou agreed, "It can exist for so long, and it must be able to The basis of existence, since there were so many back players that year, there is no reason for the most important stone city, there is no arrangement."

"So the most important thing right now is to ensure that Shicheng itself will not have a problem." Ling Zhi frowned when Bai Qi finished speaking, and suddenly said this.

As soon as these words came out, Bai Qi stayed for so long, "This city has only this gate. If even the gate can't be opened, then the wall is beyond their reach. The stone city only exists. Can it withstand the attack and whether it can withstand our time to resolve those powerful enemies? What's the problem with it itself?"

"It's not that there can be any problem with Shicheng itself, but I am worried that the entrance of Shicheng is not this gate." Ling Zhi looked back, his eyes seemed to straddle the dense jungle and land on a mountain peak.

There, there was still hot fire, under the fire, there was a sea of ​​lakes, and the water flowing in the lake was the water of the blue yellow spring.

At the spiritual place of the thirty-three heavenly artifacts, Lu Qian broke through the void and unexpectedly led out the yellow spring water.

Chu Da, Yun Yi, Lu Ya and others jumped directly into it and disappeared.

Since it was a river, no matter how strange it was, Ling Zhi never thought that Lu Ya and others would die in the nine-day blue and yellow spring, and they would definitely have a way to survive.

As long as he survives, it is possible to enter the stone city directly through that underground lake.

They can, there are others, and they can.

Where does that lake lead to?

Where does Biluohuangquan lead?

How many places are there with tributaries of spring water that can be connected to the stone city?

When the city gate was closed and Shicheng suffered countless attacks without trembling during the healing period, Lexus clearly understood that as long as there was no problem with Shicheng itself, everything was meaningful and everything was possible.

Otherwise, regardless of Shicheng, he and Li Bai, even if these people are strong, no matter how hard they are, they will directly face enemies dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, and there is no possibility of hard resistance. It's just a matter of time.


"Just leave directly, is it really okay?"

A thousand feet away from the gate of Shicheng, Yin Meng couldn't help asking.

They are now following Ling Zhi, already in the direction of leaving the stone city gate, only Bai Qi took his men and guarded near the gate.

Although the other party saved Lexus with his life, this matter is too relevant after all, making people unable to feel at ease, and it is inevitable to think more.

Lexus didn't stop but said, "Since he said, he will definitely hold us back, so no matter what happens, he will definitely hold us back. What we have to think about now is how to do our own thing."

The scenery of Shicheng is still beautiful, but no one has the thought to watch. Under the leadership of Ling Zhi, a group of people went straight to the place where the Qilin Magic Medicine was originally located.

Before getting close to the mountain, Gulu was the first to jump out, his expression excited.

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