God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1925: Finally see the stone city

He Qilu made several shots, all of which were amazing, and some of the power she left behind was to spend more time with Ling Zhi.

As soon as the unique gray fish belly white appeared on the horizon of the pseudo-world, she disappeared from Lexus' perception.

Ling Zhi's spirit only appeared in a trance for a moment, and he adjusted quickly.


"On a boundary wall, my father misses you so much, I will definitely pick you up." Ling Zhi quietly clenched his fists and decided in his heart without changing his face.

"I will start the Apocalypse Array. The things here have nothing to do with you." After he got up, Shen Yinghan walked towards the Apocalypse Array and said.

"After opening the formation, leave with us?" Ling Zhi frowned and asked.

Shen Yinghan's approach cannot be said to be right or wrong, but he was blinded by many people and many things. He asked himself, if this incident fell on his head, he might be even more angry and crazy than Shen Yinghan.

Shen Yinghan stiffened, "Are you still willing to let me go with you?"

"I betrayed you." Shen Yinghan turned to look at Ling Zhi, her eyelashes trembling slightly, and some red bloodshot eyes were all over her eyeballs.

"At least..." Ling Zhi hesitated a little. He didn't want to mention what happened to the Shen family that year. It was too cruel for Shen Yinghan.

So he hesitated for a while, and suddenly smiled, "At least when you came out of the shower, that long hair is very comfortable."

Shen Yinghan never thought that Ling Zhi would say such things at this time and this place.

She was controlled by Yun Yi, and she had always been a secretly killer, an existence that was easily hidden by Yun.

If it were not for the news of Zhuang Yi and the others, Ling Zhi's identity aroused Yun Yi's suspicion, and she would definitely not be ordered to Yaowangfeng easily by Yun.

Therefore, the so-called love between men and women, the communication between men and women, Shen Yinghan has almost never contacted.

I just don't know why, looking at Lexus's smiling face like a big boy, there is a faint sunlight on his body, under the light, there are white teeth and a candid smile.

However, Shen Yinghan's heart was completely settled down, and the thought of hesitation became extremely firm.

"No, I want to accompany them here. This is the first time I have come back here." Shen Yinghan smiled and rejected Lexus again, went to the center of the Apocalypse Array, and sat cross-legged.

"I want to adjust my breath, and when I get better, I will go to you." Shen Yinghan's voice became softer, but her eyes kept on Ling Zhi, and she did not look at anyone else.

"That's good." Ling Zhi nodded, thinking that the city itself has a lot of defensive capabilities. There have been no problems for so many years, and he felt relieved. He chose some elixir in the ring and gently threw it into the apocalypse formation. , "These elixir is left to you, I personally refine them."

After speaking, he no longer hesitated, and Shui Wuxun's and others strode towards the outside of this city.

Relying on the direction of Fang Xiang's tomb, he knew very well that Shicheng was near, and at the speed of these people, he should be able to arrive within an hour.

Shen Yinghan looked at Ling Zhi’s disappearing back, with a strange smile on her mouth. As soon as this smile appeared, she looked around with some worry. When she saw the surrounding scenes, she laughed at herself, “This is not a heaven. League, I laugh as I want, cry as I want, do whatever I want."

She yelled, and the screams rang around, echoing and spreading back again, endlessly.


After a stick of incense, Lexus and the others hurriedly stopped. In front of them, there was a courtyard surrounded by simple fences and some bluestone blocks inside.

It was the "Stone City" he had mistaken for when he came here for the first time.

The only difference from the last time is that the last time he came here, he was cautious and extremely confused.

Now, it is angry.

Yes, anger, and endless killing intent.

He directly slapped a pile of broken stones, rushed into the courtyard of the strongest party, and finally saw the old man who looked like a ghost.

It's just that the old man now has really become a "ghost", with no breath in his body.

"The bloodstain hasn't been completely dried yet, it should only be in the past three days." Li Bai didn't know what Ling Zhi had to do with this old man, so he walked aside and looked at it rationally, and said.

"Three days," Ling Zhi clenched a fist. "There are still violent spiritual power fluctuations left here. The people in their home city have no spiritual power at all, so someone must have passed by here and killed them all."

Ling Zhi still remembered that this place was where he learned the rules of Dao Power.

It was also in this place. He knew that there were many ethnic groups and cities in the pseudo-world, who were carefully prepared and migrated from the earth.

It is precisely because of the same roots, that the more angry they are when they see the other side being killed.

"This place is very close to Stone City. We must rush over." His eyes suddenly lit up and his body shook. He didn't dare to hesitate anymore. He waved his hand to put the old man's body away and save it for proper burial in the future. His figure had disappeared in the city.


"What kind of ghost town is this?"

"After playing for so long, even a city gate can't be opened?"

"There is a forbidden air circle in the sky above, and there is a magic circle on the ground below, which can't be drilled down. The city gate has been attacked late and invalid. This city is too strange."

The noise soon rushed into Lexus and their ears.

All kinds of buzzing sounds passed through, and the arrival of Lexus and others did not attract anyone's attention. It was just that the people who were closer looked back at them, and their eyes couldn't help but stay on Yin Meng and Shu Feiyao. Eyes, there is no movement.

At this moment, outside of the stone city, there are as many as thousands of people densely surrounded.

More than half of them are martial artists of the Saint King Realm.

With such a terrifying number, just by looking at the endless figures from a distance, you know that it is far from reaching the limit.

"They are all here to covet this city." Shui Wuxun slapped his tongue, looked at this terrifying number of enemies, and suddenly laughed strangely, "Think about the many people standing here now, only we are together, so If we really fight in the next meeting, then our enemy is all of them. Why would I be a little excited when I think about it this way."

"Then you'll take the lead later." Li Bai silently dropped a word, and walked forward with Ling Zhi.

No matter what, I definitely can't stand here.

Seeing them marching into the depths as soon as they arrived, a group of people suddenly looked over with anger.

It's just that Li Bai just gently dropped his hand on the hilt, revealing a trace of coercion, and the surrounding restlessness was reduced by more than half in an instant. They did not look at these people at all, and walked straight to the front.

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